2008-04-03-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I know how busy your lives are and I am grateful you take time and offer labor toward our Mission. You cannot see it, but your efforts go far.
It is somewhat fascinating to watch the struggle among mortals to go between simplifying their lives and materialism. It is well known by now that the more material you have, the more energy you are required to pour into it. You can find the balance by measuring joy against stress. If I have a new car, how much energy must I put into protecting it? I worry about damage to parts of it and forget how much I enjoy driving it. The more stress that takes space in our minds, the more energy it draws from us and decreases our capacity to receive spirit direction.
I am happy to see you put into practice your beliefs by living as close as you can to the fruits of the spirit. It is so cliché to say, but love is a balanced barometer of what direction your life is going. Many individuals do mix fear and love and say that they are indeed protective of their loved ones and fear is their main motivator. There is not peace in this. There are so many phony definitions of love and it is easy to forget the true meaning.
I am MARY, once again so happy to be among you. You may learn while I am speaking, but also remember that I learn while you are speaking. I thank you. It is an additional joy to serve with my brother and friend, Abraham. As we have spent great amounts of time together, we have come to know one another and have found a mutual love and friendship for each other.
When I had first begun training with Abraham I knew of his history and status as a mentor and manager of the Teaching Mission. I was somewhat nervous to begin my duty, but as time passed and stress subsided, I found a wonderful equality between us. He is a real brother and friend. I see you also as friends first, then co-workers. That is truly beautiful. You know well that it did not start out that way. A great deal of experience between you each helped to knock down barriers of fear and stress and mutual love and friendship resulted.
As you look back over your experience in the Teaching Mission, what has been most valued? You each have had some regrettable experiences and yet, you pressed on with faith. Your friendship has been an anchor in the stormy seas of mortal living. I am happy to be part of that. What a blessing it is in this mortal life to attain experience and understand the meanings there from. Over your years in the Mission can you not feel some strength in faith? There is always the glimpse of the animal from time to time and that is to be expected, but over your years what has outlasted all experience? What has been the most important? What is your greatest treasure?
I am talking about love and how we learn of the idea that it can go far beyond material items or damaged relationships, past regrettable experiences perhaps. If we view love as our most valued possession, then we are more likely to put our energy into that. It then becomes no problem to simplify the material life. I mean not to live as a beggar on the street, but to pay attention to where your focus is. Where is that going? How much of your attention is it taking? Many mortals put their value in those experiences that add to their identity and all in all, that is understandably selfish.
Those that don’t truly believe they are a child of God will search their whole lives for identity and that is where their energy will go and they will perhaps miss out on the experience of spiritual fruits, such as love, faith, kindness, hope, truth and brotherhood. Not to worry, spiritual education may be delayed, but Father wants for you to have abundance in this life and now that the world is purging the old and looking toward the new, He would hope that you got the most out of your efforts.
This week let us be watchful of where our energy is drawn. What is the measure of stress versus peace? Is your definition of love padded with other meanings, like fear and self-absorption? That is all for this evening. Like Abraham said, we are with gratitude to you for efforts made to this break in your busy lives. I am with growing love for you each, as is your brother and friend, Abraham. Know that we are always on call. Until next week, shalom.