2008-04-06-On Experience & Mercy

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Topic: On Experience & Mercy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Greetings, my sisters! This is Aurora. Welcome, K, it is very good of you to join us in this rather unusual fashion. I am glad you can attend this way. As you know, it is the same as being present here in terms of the energy you will receive as this energy is able to transcend time and space.

Last week and in the previous week, we had been moving in you to build you in a deeper impression of compassion to sit upon your energy system to help you harmonize with your brothers and sisters more cooperatively and in a greater spirit of collaboration and creativity. Today, I would like to introduce a new tone or note…a vibration of another color, you might say, of this spectrum of love that emanates from the Divine Source. Today the tone that we will be ringing within you is that of mercy.


Mercy is an endowment that comprises many qualities that you have come to value in human experience. Mercy imbues within a person a sense of being understood, of being valued. It restores those friendly relations between divine child and Creator-Parent that is part of your birthright. It is something that you need to develop into a strong and noble universe citizen.

You have all been affected in various ways; you have not been understood or valued for who you are. Mercy confers within your being this deeper impression of your place in the universe home of your Parents who love you and your brothers and sisters who are here to serve you. Mercy also contains the flavor of forgiveness that is so instrumental to help release you from guilt, shame, anger, and resentment. This is something you will need in the coming days as you perceive more of the shadows begin to recede from the planet. Allow this mercy and forgiveness to fill your heart so you do not gravitate towards any of the anger that you see in those individuals around you. Are you ready to receive this now, my sisters? (Yes) Thank you.

Relax, sit back and allow us now to build you in this beautiful tone that is so refreshing and renewing in your energetic system. (Pause)

Mercy expands your capacity to harmonize with your brothers and sisters. You are given a wider cushion around you of love to act as a buffer between you and your brothers and sisters who still harbor feelings of fear, unworthiness, frustration, and who sometimes because of their own feelings of lack, expend theses energies upon you. As you build mercy around you, as you receive this, this acts as a cushion to soften the energies you perceive in your body that may have hurt you in the past. It will be very helpful for you in the coming days to allow us into your being, to call us in at any time when you feel that you are losing that cushion—it’s becoming thin or weak. Allow yourself to expand into this and allow it to filter into those places in your own body where you may not received the mercy that you need for your own benefit and upliftment. (Pause)

The tender affection your Parents have for you is contained in mercy. Their love is such they understand everything that has happened to you that has hurt you and caused you distress. Allow their mercy to gently embrace all of the pain you have suffered at the hands of those fellow brothers and sisters who’ve treated you ill in the past. Allow mercy to gently rest upon those places where you have hurt yourself through your own unwise decisions and actions. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your Parents understand everything, so you have every right to draw upon their mercy and to receive the healing you need. Know this deeply in your hearts, my sisters, let it go deeper into your energetic being in places where you have not yet had them touch you with their compassion, love and mercy. (Pause)

Invite the molecules of your body to gravitate towards this energy of mercy. Use the power of your mind to instruct your body that this is your will, and you want your cells to resonate in this most healing and soothing of divine energies. (Pause)

Soon it will be time for these seeds of mercy to blossom within you and to be shared with others. For tonight, allow this to grow in you as you slumber. Know that we will continue to help you integrate this. Remember to call on us during your day to increasingly attune your vibrational signals to receive more of this mercy now streaming from the heavens to move you into a new planetary culture, and to build the ways of peace upon your world.


My sisters and I are closing the circuit now. This is an experience to absorb, to let it soak in...like a dry sponge now being filled, filled to capacity, as much as you can receive. (Pause) I leave you in the peace of Michael. I leave you in the love of Nebadonia. I leave you in the mercy of Monjoronson. May your hearts be light with the promise of a new earth soon to be birthed on Urantia. Good evening.