2008-04-09-What Is Important To Do Right Now
Topic: What Is Important To Do Right Now
Group: At Large
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Henry Z.
Question: What Is The Most Important Thing We Should Be Doing Right Now?
S: Monjoronson, can you tell us what is the urgent request which spirit is trying to demonstrate to us on Urantia, us in the Magisterial Mission and Teaching Mission?
Monjoronson: Thank you for your interest in considering our requests. The most urgent request which we have for the planet as a whole, and especially for those who live in countries which have more than others, is that you begin to recognize what is going on around you. It would help if you begin to acknowledge other persons around you, even if you don't know them. Find a way to know them. Mankind cannot sustain itself on fear as the adrenalin factor for living. Look around you, is all well, is everything satisfactory? Is there something you could do to make it a little better?. There is need to show forth a much greater sense of what is good about being human. Just those few hints are enough of a jump start that you may actually begin to pay more attention.
To those in the Teaching Mission and those in the Magisterial Mission, a greater sense of awareness is anticipated. Your sprouting of fruit should be yielding a sustainable harvest... You should be a more cohesive voice, a more collective will, a more energetic and sustaining brotherhood, a model of leadership. When you are criticized, it should be obvious who you are. Others should want to model you! Time is upon you to make your faith living. It is time to prepare your minds for what it will really be like to have everyone agree, everyone live in peace, everyone on an equal and honest footing. It begins with your intention, followed by your example, strengthened by your resistance to fear, then made fragrant by your courage, your faith, your trust, your ability to hold a space of love indefinitely. At some point you will have to begin to actually envision or see the overall ability everyone will have to possess to completely work this out in your human society. Change requires that you modify or let go of something in order to have the ability to adapt to, and accommodate a greater awareness; such as a peaceful, loving and sustainable society. It will always come to a choice. This is what activates your will. You are within this society to enact this will, to learn to use the knowledge you have gained to apply it to the task at hand, this is wisdom. Collective wisdom is the most fragrant spiritual flower.
S: How can we achieve a state so ideal when we dwell within so much dysfunction and have no model for this.
Monjoronson: The statement in my mission preface gives consideration that humans work along side spirit. Co-create as some see this, partnership as we see this. There is no time to work out all of the dysfunction and low-frequency human attributes in your society before planetary changes occur. This is why it is hoped by spirit and myself that working together, you can be guided. You are all connected through the thought adjuster circuit. This needs a stronger activation. The Father will help each and everyone of you. You have to obey Father not your ego. It is Father who will create the collective will, just allow him to. Your Ego will work to protect itself, thus keeping you separate and working against each other. In your movies of gigantic rowing ships, notice the dozens and dozens of men who have to breath, push, pull together to move the ship, they are working together as a team. So will you have to breath together, work for the same spirit, and put the ego on the shelf and work as a team. Trust that all of you can make this work, search your soul and Father will be there to guide and sustain. There is already much evidence on your world to show forth correctness. It is not unnoticed. Many are concerned, everyone will be concerned enough to have to do something about the quality of human life and adventure when these become threatened and challenged.
There is a need to begin to understand the sensitivity which the building blocks of your life, your DNA have been affected by the rebellion and the ensuing bondage to which your peoples have been held throughout its history. You do not understand the sensitivity to thought which the DNA possess. The DNA can be modified while you are living. Much discovery is recent which is beginning to profile DNA patterning. DNA patterning can be altered. There is actually a default patterning which is accumulated and saved during a lifetime, It is not something which exists only to be passed on genetically. DNA is also dynamic in the quality of living your life.
Become aware how something is interpreted by yourself and by others. Make sure that interpreting as well as communicating be defined. If you don't see eye to eye, it is still OK to be on the same page. Begin to make the pathways which help each of you to keep your hearts open and your wills collective. So much depends on you and your people. All of it depends upon yourself. We can only provide the opportunities which assist you to achieve greatness. You must actually become great. There is not as much difference between most of you so you think. There should be uniqueness and individuality coupled with a loving nature. Even the most deadly pathology in a human body, cannot stop the person from experiencing Health and equilibrium until the very end of its life. You too can live with your differences and still work towards One.
Thank you, I am Monjoronson.