2008-04-13-On Experience & Mercy

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Topic: On Experience & Mercy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Greetings, my sisters, this is Aurora. Today, I wish to impart to your minds and bodies a higher degree of the frequency or tone of mercy that we began last week. This is expansive bandwidth of energy you might say. It is expansive inasmuch as it is able to infiltrate those places within your energy system where you have locked forms of energy in terms of memories within your body. The energies of mercy conform around these locked memories. They soften the rigid, almost calcified, (I will call them) junctures that retain these areas that you are not yet able to penetrate through your own conscious efforts.


Relax, take a deep breath. Know that this is providing the necessary space within your body for many of these locked areas to soften and to yield. We will begin. (Pause)

Invite the light of mercy to bathe your cells, creating greater space and light and resiliency. This is an energy your body needs. It softens behaviors of conflict, misunderstanding, anger, judgment. It provides for a more equal playing field between humans in relationship. Mercy can cast aside differences to unite people in oneness. As this quality of Spirit streams from your heavenly Source, envision that it is encasing your body in a golden light of brilliance and warmth and comfort. Let it wrap you in a blanket of energy, like a cocoon. (Pause)

As your body opens to this energy, invite the places where you store energy in your body to grow and swell with this mercy. It is not as important to know where these places in your body are as it is to simply direct your thoughts to tell the energy to go to those places where your body naturally stores energy. Let the energy with this spiritual quality become infused as it translates into those sparks that catalyze cellular action. (Pause)

Let us go deeper now into your being. We are working at a cellular level, bathing the tiny cells of your body and all of their microscopic exchanges—cellular respiration—taking in and giving out of energy. Invite mercy to commingle in your cells and bring your cells to a more soothing, comforting, peace restoring stream of light and power. (Pause)

Direct this energy to any place in your body that you know has been an area where you feel your health has been compromised. Lovingly feel this area in your body. Tell this part of your body that you love it, you honor and respect it for the integrity of its position in your entire physical system. Relax, and ask for mercy to engulf this part of your being. Let your Mother and Father continue to stream this endowment into your frame and structure, form and substance. (Pause)

There is nothing to ask for in mercy in allowing it to flow. It is given as a gift because you are loved. In asking for it, you step in your own thinking. You are taking charge of your being and saying, “I deserve this; I need this.” You are providing an opportunity for your Parents, who love you, to give you what you need. It is your choice, and you are receiving now because you made that decision to recognize you needed this, and then you asked for it. (Pause)

Always will you need to remember to ask, my sisters. Ask and you will receive. When you ask for what your Father wishes to give you, you will always receive. His love for you is such that the mercy flowing from his being is something you can have access to at all times. It is a matter of aligning your desires and thoughts in his mind that you may partake of this glorious energy that is abundantly shared with you. (Pause)

We are preparing to close the circuit now. Please take a moment in your mind to thank your Creator Parents for what you have received from them. Know that returning to this place within your mind to receive more that the circuit of mercy within you will indeed open and pour forth into your being. (Pause)

As the circuits are closed, you may if you wish either stay in the energetic flow continuing in your body or bring your attention forward into the presence of the room. I will address any questions or comments you may have regarding this. I will await your response.


Student participated via phone, but the comments were too faint to hear through the recorder.

Aurora: Yes, my sister. This is precisely what we are facilitating for you: that you would become so full and radiate this in your being that others will feel this energy. Even though they may not be able to identify it as mercy, or even that is comes their Spirit Source, they will sense something and it will be highly attractive to them. Your world has so much contention and striving among individuals and racial groups. How is it that we would be able to harmonize all of you together when the words you speak to one another create such barriers and defenses? We must do it through these energetic endowments to soften you, to make you more malleable so your Creator Parents can build you more in their qualities to take back into the world to treat others with kindness and compassion, understanding and forgiveness. So, yes, my sister, you have ascertained that this is a very large component of what is occurring. You have stepped up to receive this so you may carry this energy with you and be an agent of change, a vessel of transformation on the earth. Thank you for participating with me today and allowing us to grow this within you. Let it bear the good fruits when the time is right.

Student: So what’s going on energetically with this transmission that’s occurring—is that making up for what we would have had in our physical system, in our genetics, had Adam and Eve not failed in their mission?

Aurora: Only up unto a point. The energies we are weaving within you still must function within your existing structure of both physical building blocks and the thought substances of your mind. When you open yourself up in this way, you are allowing the higher frequencies of spiritual energies to commingle within your system. It will have a very healing effect. But for you to receive what was not actually given the full opportunity to blossom on your world was what you might call the divine DNA. This is a separate endowment distinct from what we are doing today. You may have both, and of course, both would work quite synergistically together very beautifully and gracefully. We are here to make the energetic adjustments within the existing structure. If you were to receive more of the divine DNA, then our energies and the effects that we have made in you would amplify that. Does this help?

Student on phone; comments too faint to hear.

Aurora: As you continue to respond in your life from this place, you will indeed attract more mercy to share with others and give people an energy that they are hungry for. Everything needs mercy right now. Send it wherever you wish. Let your heart become full with this desire for mercy to engulf this planet in waves of compassion and understanding, forgiveness and love. Let it encompass all of the toxic effects that were rooted here so long ago. Let your hearts open to pour forth from your desires, let this be seeded into the hearts and minds of every individual. Let the waves of mercy wash over the planet and bring it back into the universal fold.

Student on phone; comments too faint to hear.

Aurora: You can use this in any way you wish. This can be most effective when you use it in the application of healing, whether it is for yourself or for others.


My sisters, you are given many tones and notes to use. We will continue to foster these frequencies in your being that you may attune yourself to the song of life that comes from your Divine Source. I will leave you now with these thoughts to consider. Allow your body and mind to be harmonized in these frequencies we build in you. Allow your heartstrings to be plucked, as it were, by the hands of the angels who love you. Let your bodies become the instruments of love on the planet to attract those who are ready to weave these lovely melodies into the song of life, that draws the human heart close to be in relationship. Let these words settle in. Allow your bodies to resonate with them and know that you are growing in grace and beauty, in music and harmony; preparing your instruments to spread the song of love and life wherever you take it as you walk upon your beloved earth. Good evening, my sisters.