2008-04-20-On Experience & Mercy

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Topic: On Experience & Mercy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Greetings to all of you this evening! This is Aurora, and I’m happy to be back with you again for another round of discussion and experience. Tonight, let us incorporate another tone or note into that which you have already been receiving. It is our delight to weave into you this tone of JOY. Joy is quality of light-heartedness and anticipation, yet there is a security and steadiness as its foundation as you increasingly become aware of your relationship with the Father and all of the gifts you have available to you. They are shared with you so abundantly and freely. There is joy in this relationship; there is a sense of celebration that parent and child are united in a loving embrace.


You are familiar with feelings of being happy and content, and yet with joy there are all of these qualities, but there is an effervescence as well as a deep security. Your Mother and Father wish for you to experience this joy—to let it bubble forth from you like a spring of renewal and rebirth.

There are places in your body that yearn for this quality to release your body from any sense of heaviness, obligation, shame, guilt, drudgery, monotony. These are the chains that have held you in captivity; they have denied you your rightful inheritance of being children of light and joy. Let us in now and let us move within your being—your energetic structure to help you encompass more of this delightful attribute that is yours to share and enjoy in being a child of wonderful loving Creator Parents. Let their joy begin to fill you and move you into a new way of living. (Pause)

There are many places in your being where you have been separated from the relationship that you share with your Creator Parents. You have not been able to avail yourself of this effervescence life-affirming and renewing energy. Let us in and continue to build a new foundation around you. (Pause)

There is joy in the river of life that flows from your Father through your Mother into your being. Let this river swell with this word, with this language, with this energy—in sharing in the relationship between Parent and child. Let this create a new foundation and structure within your being. (Pause)

Being in this state of awareness brings you together as brothers and sisters. It moves you out of the mind of disagreement, disharmony with one another and into a place where you can share your basic love of life, your mutual bond of being creations of the same Parent Source. Joy is not self-contained; it must be shared. When you feel joyful, lift up your hearts…lift up your voices and share it with the world. Give it expression; send it out into the world! Joy has the capacity to heal. It is carried on the sparkling threads of life that come from your Mother and carries with it the promise of rebirth and renewal.

Within your body in any place where you feel pain or resistance, constriction or stiffness, feel your desire for Father’s joy to engulf that area to build its presence in that place. Fill yourselves up, my brother and sisters, fill yourselves with joy. (Pause)

Re-toning your energy body in joy will afford you more impetus to love your brothers and sisters. It will seem easier and more natural to engage with them. Invite your Mother and Father into your body. Let us create more resonance for you to pick up their signal of joy. Let it go deep into your body, into your cells, let us sew you into their joy, weaving the patterns of perfect joy into your evolving structure so you are able to absorb more of what they wish to share with you. (Pause)

There is a song of life that your Mother has seeded within your being. It is a love song that she sings to you, and in this song her voice is joyful. It is uplifting. It is filled with glory and hope, beauty and splendor. Ask for joy to engulf this river of life and let her song fill you to help you increase your capacity—to open and merge into the river of joy in the celebration of life and in the glory of love. (Pause)

Your Parents have expressed to you the intention that you are to embody them in your everyday lives, to imprint upon them, to feed upon them, to be nourished by them. Now it is time for you to step into the fullness of your inheritance and to feed upon their joy and what they wish to share with you. In the coming weeks we will be focusing on this quality of Spirit and to bring you into a fuller comprehension, fuller appreciation and inspiration that you will feel and know, and become a living part of your being.


Tonight, this transmitter has asked to be released due to her energy system having undergone so many changes this weekend. We will close the circuit now and begin next week with a deeper impartation of this quality to help you embody it more fully throughout your day-to-day activities. I will leave you now in this fashion, and ask you to call upon me and my sisters that we may continue to make those energetic adjustments to help you embody this quality more fully. We love you. We are here to share in the joy of life together. Good evening.