2008-04-28-Abraham & Mary
Topic: The Master's Nature
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am enthralled by your topics of discussion this evening. I enjoy the higher-mindedness in this group. What a beautiful freedom to be able to speak your mind with your own personal spiritual twist. It is unfortunate that sometimes in regular life we wear a mask and only allow people to see what we want them to. It is understandable that using higher-mindedness where it is not common or welcome. I find that you each have a wonderful common sense about you.
I am MARY, greetings to you, my friends. In observing you I have learned so much. I am made to go back into my mortal life and remember some of the struggles and triumphs.
I do remember my first meeting with the Master. I had my ideas of Him and His character, His notoriety and I was going to see for myself who He was. I indeed had my doubts and upon meeting the Master I thought He was a bit cold. He made like He was interested in sharing conversation and yet, not pushing it on you or begging you to believe. I felt peace. I felt freedom to question and research.
I asked Him,” Who are you, really?” He said, “Child, allow time to go by and you will understand me by feeling the growth of your spirit.” He was happy and smiling. His eyes sparkled with relaxation and assurance that Father is moving, living among us. I was made to smile too and I left Him, taking with me a new joy and peace that I desired to share with others.
As I did daily chores, I was feeling joyful to talk with my sisters. We mostly laughed, but sometimes we would dip into that higher-mindedness and go above the surface levels of materialism and what the eyes can see. It was a joyful and exciting feeling, not a pressure to conform or to recruit. It was a simple happiness in just living, just trusting, just allowing.
There were difficult times no doubt, but the Spirit of the Master was always there to see us through, always there to give us that confidence we needed to move about in a world that has limited belief systems. We had not need for piety or association with strange, unknown things. You know what I am talking about.
This week I recommend we renew our relationship with Christ. His Spirit of Truth is creating a spiritual cleansing, so to speak. We get busy with the inter-workings with the spirit and forget the simple joy of the business of living. You know every person you speak with is somebody who is attracted to that light within you. You need not push light upon them. You simply need to live by example.
Renewing your relationship with Christ will remind you of your reason for being. Let Him teach you, let Him show you that life is not a battlefield, but a beautiful landscape with mountains and valleys, adventures to be had. Go forth into the week with the strength of the Spirit of Truth.
That is all for this evening. I am feeling so blessed each time I can meet with you. You have indeed made my world more beautiful. Abraham and I send our love with you. Until next time, shalom.