2008-05-03-Personal Truth and Universe Reality
Topic: Personal Truth & Universe Reality
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Frank and Alice
TR: George Barnard
Cherubim Frank: “We are Frank and Alice, both of us psychologists extraordinaire ‘come visit you,’ our human brother and sister, and after a few false starts, we are ready to converse about truth and truthfulness, reality and realization. In this worldly sandbox we call Urantia, there are countless misunderstandings dealing with truth, which is always personal, and universe reality, which at best approximates the undeniable fact that a certain thing is so.
“What personal truth and universe reality have in common is that they remain unfathomably inaccurate for anyone residing in time-space – and that includes yours truly and his charming bride – reportedly until you make your way to Paradise, and wish your polite “G’day” to the eternal Creator of all that exists. At that moment of embrace your Personal Truth and Universe Reality may well be one and the same, unlikely so before such time.
“Let us now return to the generous sandbox and witness three three-year olds discussing their origins, where one grew in a cabbage patch, another was delivered by the stork, and a third had miraculously been found along highway 31. Each of these cute mortal treasures is proclaiming their personal truth, although obviously their stories are a far cry from reality. Give them time, beyond Mr. Sandman on his nightly stroll, Peter Cottontail doling out Easter eggs, and Kris Kringle’s presents being their personal truth.
“How is it that a large group of witnesses to a major crime, or serious accident, can relate what they perceived in vastly different ways? Is the majority here telling lies, or are they recounting what they believe are the accurate details of what occurred? The latter, of course! We must presume they are all honest citizens, relating to the best of their ability what they believe to have occurred, but it is only their personal truthfulness we will hear.
“At the time-space sandbox levels – yours and ours – we can only touch on universe reality, sometimes, as a precious gift. We know and comprehend and can internalize but a tiny fraction of universe reality. However, we can be assured of one thing that always was, is now, and ever will be, and that includes the Creator’s Patience, Compassion, and so very much more. Yes! In short it is the Unconditional Love the Creator has for all His creation, irrespective of our myriad shortcomings.
“And so, for all of us in His time-space sandboxes, it behooves us to accept and respect the personal truths of all individuals – races, creeds, colors, and nationalities – for now and until an ultimate universal realization confronts us in His Embrace.
“This is Frank, always frank.”
George: “Thank you both.”