2008-05-04-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My heart holds the secrets to your lives, my children. This is Michael and I invite you to envision yourself sitting in my heart in whatever image evokes the picture in your mind’s eye. Sit here and wait for me. I will respond.

This visualization can be your power weapon to use as the winds of change storm surround you. Yet the light shines upon you while the darkness is all around you. As you sit in my heart ask for the light upon you to grow. This is your Mother at play—you do nothing more than hold the focus in your mind’s eye.

Train yourselves, my children, to magnetize your thoughts in Me. Train yourselves to focus on being in my heart. Train yourselves to be expanded by your Mother’s love. Yes, children, train yourselves and hold steady in us.