2008-05-17-Love, Compassion, Mercy, & Joy
Topic: Love, Compassion, Mercy, & Joy
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Aurora
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Good evening, my sisters, this is Aurora. I am so very pleased to rejoin you again this evening as it has been several weeks since our last attempts at conversing with you. During that time there have been, what you might consider to be, many energetic changes in your energy fields and on the planet as a whole. Your energy bodies are being upgraded to enable you to feel that higher presence of your Father Michael and in the greater universe realm, of which you are an integral part.
Establishing these circuits within your being to help you incorporate these higher energy strands is something that everyone needs during this time of change. Our efforts are considerable in what we can do in your beings to help you in this manner; it is not a small undertaking to heal minds that have been clouded in error, shielded from the light of truth. It takes time, it takes dedication, it takes an awareness awakening within that human mind. The lights are on, as you might imagine, over the planet. Now it is safe to wake up. The dawn is upon you and the sun is preparing to shine more brightly.
The notes and tones of our services in your being is all a part of this upstepping. As the Son shines, as the Father’s love penetrates into your hearts, these strings, notes, and tones of energy vibrations connect you together, building that bridge between the heavenly realms and the physical ones. The tones of love, compassion, mercy, and joy are all part of the package, you might call it, of energies being endowed within you. They each have a particular resonance to strike within your being. It imparts a quality of your Father that is so desirable and attractive in human life.
Tonight, I wish to build you in a more unified blending of these harmonic resonances. It is important and timely for your bodies to rest and re-pattern in these lovely qualities of Michael. Sit back and relax, and enjoy as we move in you and integrate these vibrations to a more melodious and harmonious song. (Pause)
Michael’s love for you is boundless. His compassion is limitless. His mercy is infinite. His joy is ever-present. Soak in these words, my sisters. Saturate yourselves within them. (Pause)
Each day build yourself in His peace. Remember to ask us to come and re-tune you in these energies. It is our delight and joy to serve in this manner. I will always be available to you upon your request. (Pause)
Now, in your mind’s eye, open your hearts and envision the world in the center of the room you are sitting in. Send this energy out, give it a little push with your intention to share this with the world suspended in front of your heart. Feel the energetic bond grow between you and the planet. Allow the planet to speak back and communicate to you. As you feel the planet’s vibrations speaking to you, simply invite more of Michael to pour through your being and flow from His being into yours, and from your being out into the world. Allow yourself to feel Michael’s joy as He builds you in those vibrations you can take back out into the world where the needs of others are so plentiful. How does your Father wish to convey Himself to His children of the world? Open your heart and let His song of joy ring through you. (Pause)
This world is here for you to enjoy and partake, and if I may employ the word “use,” to your heart’s delight. I do not employ this term in the sense of greediness or self-centeredness, what you might consider to be of an ego-nature, but only that of what Michael wishes to express and seed upon His planet that comes from your God-given personality and the gifts within you to manifest through love, through the creative powers your Father builds in you. How do you wish to use the world and the resources therein? It is time to employ the laws and means of the universe to craft the world and to use them as part of your skills and toolbox to create your mark upon the world. This information is being shared with you because of your desires to be of service. Your motivations are pure and true. Even though your attempts may falter and you stumble at times, you all have the capacity to make indelible marks upon this world. As you feel and perceive this connection between yourself and the planet, we will harmonize these four tones within you and the planet as a unit. (Pause)
Each day I encourage you to recall these visualization in your mind’s eye, and to invite us to weave this energetic form into your being. It is a seed that we plant within you to harmonize with the numerous new patterns that are building upon the earth now. The time of connection is here; the time when all of you who are of like-mindedness are being woven together. I am sure you have all seen evidence of this when you meet people who are interested in matters of spiritual import. The time is here, the weaving has begun. Remember that this weaving grows and integrates over time. Your exercises in these meditations are fundamental to this process. Think of yourselves in this, my sisters. This is the foundation of your Father, and His tones and notes, His being of love. (Pause)
We will close the circuit now. I will give you a few moments of repose. I will be happy to entertain any ideas or sharing that you wish to convey. I also respect your desires to soak in this energy and be still. Whenever you are ready, please feel free to speak.
Student: Why did you have to wait so long to do what is happening now? I know it doesn’t seem like a long time for all of you, but for all of the people on this plane, it is; especially for those who don’t even know that God exists. They don’t know of the circuits being severed. It seems like an awful long time. If you could help to expand my understanding about that it would be helpful.
Aurora: Much of the consternation this has caused is due to your time perception. You are in the midst of a linear sequence of events that has been tracked over the course of this planet’s evolutionary history. This tracking, if you might call it that, conveys a certain value. It appears long because it is seen as series of events that are built upon one another. In one dimension they are, but in another sense of perspective they are all somewhat configured differently. Were you to elevate your perspective to seeing the situation now in terms of how your Parents perceive it, it would look completely different and be judged or evaluated in a completely different emotional environment. If you can, in your mind’s eye, see yourself looking at the world right in front of you…all the misery and suffering, and then ask your Mother and Father to lift you out of the fray and to take you to where they sit and see. Notice if the perception shifts in a few moments. Could you do this now, my sister? (Yes) Please convey to me when you see a change in how you view the situation.
Student: OK.
Aurora: Can you share what you discern from that vantage point?
Student: I see it from a more peaceful and loving place that is hard to understand. But that is OK.
Aurora: Which feels better in your body: to see if from the more peaceful and loving place or would you rather try to understand it?
Student: To see it from a more peaceful and loving place.
Aurora: Is it easier to “see” it now if you let go of the need to understand?
Student: I need to let go of my need to be angry.
Aurora: But the anger is part of the frustration because you do not understand. If you can, in your own thinking processes, give yourself permission to let go of the need to understand, something more helpful can enter and not only fill you with that feeling of love and peace, but then provide you with a bigger context in which you will see it in a different light. You must let go of what you think you understand about this and the feelings that this has created.
Student: Yes, that helps.
Aurora: This is not an easy task that we ask you to undertake. We share these ideas with you so you are more inspired to try them: to try to let go, to trust that there is something to gain in letting go, and to be able to step from the conditioned timeframe of reference into a different expression of time. These are not adjustments you can make all at once, but you are well on your way by these attempts you make in the questions you ask, and then allowing us to make those energetic adjustments that will allow you to expand and understand in the manner that you find very satisfying and fulfilling. Your mind is being expanded to contain more truthful information, but it must be received in this environment of peace and love. The more you let go of what you have thought about and felt, the easier it will become to relax into peace and love and receive the insights that foster understanding. Does this help, my sister?
Student: Yes. Thank you. .
Student: My thoughts were that on the higher level, I can see the overall picture, and I can choose on the human level to allow myself to be the human channel through which the energies of compassion, wisdom, mercy, and forgiveness to flow through me to heal the planet. I already know I am a planetary healer. When you talked about radiating out the energies being flowed to and through us to the world, I picked up the little globe of the world and held it in my hands and let those energies flow through to it as a symbol of the planet.
Aurora: Thank you, my sister. Your intention is so endearing to all of us. We treasure you and those of your brothers and sisters who have made these decisions and have understood more of the ways of Spirit. We celebrate your victories. We see the small steps and the small progresses you make every day. We cheer you on for we are more immune to your plight, but we are compassionate about what you must undertake here. The suffering on Urantia is quite a spectacle to behold in the universe. From a teacher and student’s perspective alike, we learn so much from you, and how you deal with these everyday difficulties in the midst of such a chaotic and error-prone environment. Yet we see the progress you have made. We are so overjoyed to share in your successes and triumphs. We encourage you to celebrate and enjoy yourselves more over these small victories each day. You sometimes judge yourselves on what you did not do instead of celebrating what you did do during the day that was productive and added to building more love and peace on the planet. Ensure that you continue in your intentions and motivations, but remember to celebrate what you do each day in gratefulness for the love you have received and the environment that you are able to create in.
I was hoping there would be some comments on the idea of celebrating your victories each day. Are there any ideas to share on this?
Student: The other experience I expressed was having to make the transition from the sleep state to the awake state, and making the commitment to tune in to the inner energy state of joy and letting it expand within and fill me to set the tone for the day, rather than focusing on what I need to do today, such as making phone calls and running errands.
Aurora: What a better way to begin your day with this. This is a beautiful motivating wake-up call each day. It sets the tone throughout the day, does it not? It helps you to stay more in the flow. It will become easier as these energies integrate within you. You will perceive those tones and notes of joy more consistently as you invite them in to deep and make those very deep profound impressions upon your psyche. Joy is all around you. It is the environment of your universe. We will continue to help you integrate these to the extent you will feel this around you more palpably during the day. Know, my dear sister, that more joy is coming your way!
Are there any more comments on the experience this evening or on the idea of celebrating yourself throughout the day in your victories?
Student: I would like to say thank you for this. I felt a lot of energetic activity. Thank you for that. As to the idea of celebrating victories throughout the day, that’s a foreign concept to me. I understand it, but that would be a good exercise for me to do that but also a difficult one for me.
Aurora: Well you certainly might feel silly at first if you were celebrate with the glee and joy of a 2 or 3 year old who got a favorite toy, candy or treat. If you can remember how it felt to get something you loved so much when you were a child and what it felt like, do you think you would find more encouragement to experience this exercise more throughout the day on a consistent basis?
Student: I have an image coming to me that gets me into myself more than I usually am. It’s like it’s getting my beyond my personal (unintelligible) for a large portion of the time. I do a lot of things but not in terms of me celebrating my victories so this might pull me into where I probably need to be.
Aurora: Consider this as a homework exercise for you to try this week on a more consistent basis, and may I ask for your comments when you next meet with me?
Student: I’ll give it a try and see if it works.
Aurora: You can always call on me to assist you into that energy or experience to help you remember that it is OK to celebrate and be gleeful and joyful.
Student: That part I know and think that life is like that basically, but it’s easier for me to feel that when I’m beyond the values of life.
Aurora: We certainly understand the constraints that you feel both I mind and body. We will help you with this week if you remember to call on us and practice this idea through your day. Would that be acceptable to you? (Yes) Thank you. Even though this comment was addressed to T, this applies to you both of you, my sisters K and R.
I will leave you in this harmonic energetic field of love, compassion, mercy and joy. We will be with you through the week. We will be visiting you and harmonizing you. As you call upon us we will be able to magnify those energies within you. We leave you in our Father’s love, in the peace of our Mother, whose arms cradle you in Her universe. Good evening. [[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness