2008-07-23-Of Cosmic Consciousness
Topic: Of Cosmic Consciousness
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Andrea, Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Andrea: “This is Andrea George. It was I who spoke to you a few days ago in a fleeting visit. I’m here this evening to fulfill a task of communication on behalf of your Teacher Samuel. He will come through to you shortly.”
Samuel: “This is Samuel of Panoptia my dear students. In part, my talk with you this evening is a personal matter, and in part it deals with the general audience of subscribers to the 11:11 Progress lists. You yourself may determine if you will leave our private conversation in the transcript. Knowing you well, it will likely be included.
“Few people on this earth could have done you a greater favor, George, than did the priest whom you once saw as a man of God, but who cared for little but the money that came into his church, and who cared not at all for the young ones of his congregation. Together with your youthful black-or-white view of the world, and the verbal abuse meted out to you by the man, it caused you to, yes stubbornly, reject all religion. And I warn you that those thoughts you once held are in effect still a part of you. As fortune has it, they generally serve you well.
“Along the road much anguish, deep troubles, and a situation to which no answers could be found, landed you in a dim dark forest where no light was observable. That period of time you may now look back upon as one of the most important phases of your life, bringing you a rescue package that allowed you to be who you chose to be. I speak of cosmic consciousness. For some it happens suddenly. For some it happens slowly, as they regularly open their minds to the Spiritual Powers that Be, and earn the deep insights that allow them to function so much better on their chosen paths in life.
“It is for me to use the example of my planet -- a regular, well-ordered environment -- in which there was but one religion, and which primarily dealt with spirituality. Predominantly our inhabitants would spend time in meditation in whatever way they saw fit, in whichever place appealed to them, whereas, on your world, only few become the messengers of the Creator. On my world the majority of individuals would slowly work themselves into a situation where they would begin to hear from our ever-ready Midwayers, from their Teachers, and eventually from their Thought Adjusters. That was my environment. Those were our better-than-average chances and priorities on a world where there was more time for reversion and for meditation.
“However, I say to you, indeed, as for the message Andrea brought you earlier in the week; there are few exceptions on your planet of those who want to, but will not be able to, make contact with their Higher Self at some time in their lives, and attain Cosmic Consciousness. It takes patience. It takes steadfastness, self-control, and perhaps it even takes a stubborn mind. This is your Teacher Samuel. I love you both. Until we speak again.”
George: “Thank you Samuel. Thank you Andrea.”