2008-08-17-Discussions About a Psychic Fair
Topic: Discussions about a 'Psychic Fair'
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu, Machiventa
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: “It is with great care that we noted every single visitor to the venue. It is a certainty that their Guardian Angels, or Destiny Guardians, will now wish for us to include them all in the prompting. You would be surprised about the effects of your visit to this psychic fair, and the long-term results, which will come from it. Many more in this area, and many more of the outlying areas, will be discussing the matter and will be time-prompted. It is in your realm that much success can be achieved through the 11:11 prompts, although we will certainly be up to our part of the task. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I now hand you over to another.”
(A short break.)
Machiventa: “This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I greet you all; you who are here, and those who will take in my words when they have been transcribed.
“It is most unlikely that in the foreseeable future there will be different kinds of timepieces used on this world. Therefore, be assured the (digital) 11:11 prompt is here to stay. In time it will be, and this is what we project, one of the major causes, if not the major cause that will allow people to steer themselves towards a more spiritual life with the assistance of, and contact with, my valiant workers.
“Of course, we were present with you during today as well as during yesterday. We have witnessed your efforts, and we know that far from the few who managed to stop and talk with you, there arrived a great number of others, whose interest will be with 11:11 in the short term. As I said, we envisage that it -- the prompt in time, and the process of (Midwayer) contact -- will become one of the major factors in this world turning around, and inching its way closer towards the Light and Life conditions we both envisage, and know, will be achieved.
“I thank all of you present (Midwayers and Angels included) for having been a part of this small experimental journey. The results, you will find, will be greater than what you expect. This is Machiventa. I say goodbye for now.”
George: “Thank you Machiventa. Thank you Bzutu.”