2008-08-31-Message for a Subscriber
Topic: Message for a Subscriber
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu, Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Chief Bzutu: “The entire universe is holding its breath, and is asking, ‘will he or won’t he?’ Will he recognize Bzutu’s voice? Will he feel Bzutu’s touch on his shoulder? Here is a receiver who can drift into Alpha in a few seconds, and he sits around, uncomfortably, trying to figure if anyone is near. I jest! Of course! We are ready here. Let’s go. This is ABC-22, performing his duties, as usual.”
Teacher Samuel: “This is your group’s teacher, Samuel. My thoughts for you for today are about the vast differences that exist between Humans and Morontia Beings in their feelings about the progression of time. It is not unusual for someone in the Morontia Worlds to take on a project that will last a thousand years or more to complete, sometimes working in near isolation. Our thoughts about starting a certain task, working on it for a time, and ending it, has nothing more to do with the likely impatience human beings experience when something simply ‘takes too long.’ That very-much-human feeling of, ‘will I ever get to the end of this?’ rarely exists anymore in the Morontia Worlds.
“One could say that during a human life a project that takes as much as a year to complete is a near endless task, whilst we see many Celestial Artisans, many specific experts at solving particular problems, as do the Life Carriers and Melchizedeks in their Morontia existence, work on certain matters for periods that may extend into thousands of years, even a million years, or more.
“And so, we must come to understand the human feelings about someone who has early in life departed from a family group -- the grieving that takes place, the concern for the wellbeing of the departed individual, and yes, even the initial concern of the departed individual for the family group, which he or she has left behind.
“For those who suffer in this way, consider that a human life is but of very short duration compared to the eternal life that one will experience after. Grieving for a departed one is a human sensation, is a human emotion, entirely, based on the primitive, unconscious fear, that life can actually end, totally. Nothing of these feelings will be recalled when you all meet up again, as you will.
“And in many ways, the departed one, even a youngster so unexpectedly translated, may very well become the first teacher to those family members who follow later. Already now, and more so than now, but in times to come, will you be able to communicate with those that have departed. Slowly on the Correcting Time is ‘edging its way toward’ Light and Life status on the planet, when communication with the departed will become ‘an exercise of regular routine.’
“Look towards your future with great expectations when your evermore abundant precocious ones will take on the tasks of intermediaries, as does your Midwayer Friend at this time.
“This is your Teacher, Samuel. I hope that herewith I have somewhat quieted some greatly troubled minds. Until we meet up again, I say Adieu.”
George: “Thank you Samuel.”