2008-09-08-As A Gift To The Father Of Us All
Topic: As a Gift to the Father of Us All
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: George Barnard
Christ Michael: “Take your mind back to the very first puzzle you put together when just a three-year-old. Remember the large brightly colored pieces, chewed up at the corners by your siblings, and how you battled to put together the ten pieces to make a picture. Think of the one-hundred-piece puzzle you put together in later years, and finally the enormous one-thousand-piece puzzle, of which you did not even have a sample picture to go by.
“It is in this universe of My responsibility; this local universe of Nebadon, where you and your actions on behalf of the Father Almighty -- your Father and also Mine -- are a piece in an enormous puzzle. Whereas ‘eternity’ already knows how it will all fit together, it is you, among the many Hands and Feet of the Father, who is still working on your personal puzzle piece. How large will it be, how colorful, and how far will it extend and interconnect with other segments of the whole?
“I ask you to have confidence; confidence in that no matter what happens to your world, through tough times and good, the puzzle will be assembled. See it in your mind’s eye that, irrespective of the amount of time it will take for this local universe to entirely exist in Light and Life, it will achieve that aim. See it now! All local universes adjoining us, and all those in deep space, will also achieve that status. See it in your minds eye that it will take an eternity of time, but you, as an individual piece of the puzzle, My personal puzzle, have the opportunity to be as colorful as you can be, to extend as far and wide as you please, and to adjoin and interact with as many other pieces as you prefer.
“To you these still remain potentials, whilst to the Father they are reality, indeed, already now, and in all time. For the many who decide to live a non-productive life, other pieces of the puzzle will take up their spaces and provide their colors to His glory. However, you all in this earthly life, have your prime concern in being as effective as you can be, and with that you will insure your eternal life.
“Have confidence, have patience in that no matter which way your world will turn from moment to moment, from peace, to war to peace again, the puzzle will be completed in all its glory, with all its brilliant colors, and as a gift to the Father of us all. This is Michael. Trust Me that in this late hour you have not been a nuisance, or woken Me from My rest, or upset Me with your slowness, for I am here to speak with you, whenever that opportunity is given Me. I love you My children. Shine My Light and My Love to all who will receive this message.”
George: “Thank you Michael.”