2008-09-12-The Father is All Loving
Topic: The Father is All Loving
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Teacher Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. My path, beyond leaving my mortal body behind, did eventually lead me to the planet of the Father. It is there where many of us have long been employed in embellishing the works in His honor. It is from there that I made a u-turn, and basically, for a time, put my further ascension on hold, to begin to study your world and your unusual ways.
“The first, and probably most important comment I will make about your world is that in virtually all religions, of which there are so very many, the Paradise Father seems to be productive of much of the wrong that has been done on, and to, your world. For those of us, who have originated on a somewhat more regular world, it is quite an amazing thing to hear about your beliefs of old, and how you see the Father of All punishing certain races, certain people, with supposedly wrong belief systems. As surprising are the beliefs that the Father would have favorites!
“How the Father is described of wiping some communities off this world! This has its genesis in your long ago history. It is incorrect, indeed. The Father is all loving. It is man who ascribes to Him these mortal feelings of anger, hatred, and jealousy, and more emotions of this kind.
“It is when each of you, at some time in the future, find your mortal path at an end, and you arrive on the (mansion) world of correction, that it is absolutely essential, and before you learn much in the way of new things, your erroneous belief patterns be corrected. For some, who arrive with an open mind, this can happen in a very short time. For those who jealously stick to their beliefs, this can take many, many years.
“Once you have arrived at this point you can move to further worlds and find that ‘all that is now good within you’ will receive a new body of a lighter morontia material and you will continue to learn, and turn your way towards perfection.
“In the past I did make such moves, and as I said, I have put my further learning and further evolvement on hold, although only in a sense, by turning back towards a world that needs so much help, so much love, so much learning, and so much correction.
“In doing this, I know, I shall at some future time be rewarded. However, understand that to many, many celestials like me, and to those of other types, the appointment of Teacher is hardly granted as a matter of cause, almost to the envy by those who fail for those who succeed.
“This is your Teacher Samuel. I have a receiver of messages here who is rather fatigued. We will return at an earlier, more opportune time. My love goes out to all.”
George: “Thank you Samuel.”