2008-09-18-Religion and Spirituality, Progress and Churches
Topic: Religion & Spirituality, Progress & Churches
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Mathew, The Scribe
TR: Unknown
Midwayer Mathew: “I thank you for acknowledging my (:33) prompts during the day, my dear mortal family. This is Midwayer Mathew. It is good to be with you. We, the Urantia Midwayers, and the ‘imported Midway Helpers’ such as I, are about our tasks almost 24/7, as you call it. We have our fingers on the pulse of life. We understand the status quo, and it is our suggestion that, sometime soon, you will acknowledge to all lists that with some degree of ease a Portuguese language list can be commenced with.
“We who are progress oriented see, and have seen for some time in many places, the ever-so-slow demise of man-made religions. The recent decision by the Catholic churches to announce yet another ten mortal sins that one can be convicted of in this mortal life ‘has indeed made ready’ for spirituality to blossom, as men and women search for greater truth, rather than dogma. As the temples of man-made religion will be visited less and less often, one could suggest that the religion of so many Portuguese-speaking people has done itself somewhat of a disservice, and this is the appropriate time for 11:11 Progress to awaken folks to the presence of the Midway Helpers and Celestial Teachers.
“You will find the volunteers to translate into Portuguese the messages that at this point go out on our English, French and Spanish lists, and these volunteers will contact you to make their selves available in sublime service to the Father of All, have no doubt. I now hand you over to another.”
The Scribe: “My beloveds, this is the Damascus Scribe. It is for Me a pleasure to commune with you, not just in these peaceful stillness sessions, but also from time to time during your working days. Much as your brother, Mathew, has pointed out that the man-made religions will constitute an ever-lessening part of the spiritual teachings, they are our Angels of the Churches that will become more active as time goes on, and so will the Midwayers associated with these Angels.
“See the Angels of the Churches as Conservators of truth and tradition, always accepting of new revelation, however. They are not about perpetuating religious dogma, or even in the construction of new church buildings. They are an incredibly important, yes, vital part of the total. Whereas, the large Progress Angels contingent branches out, and interacts fully, with Science, Medicine (Health), and even in Teaching, the Angels of the Churches play a very important role in the total progress, as in time you will see this in the bountiful records they promote on your planet.
“I thank you for your readiness to convey My messages, and I appreciate your giving these your time and dedication. It is I, Sananda, who loves you all. Till we meet up again.”
George: “Thank you both.”