2008-09-21-Demonstration of Love
Topic: Demonstration of Love
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. What the world needs most is a demonstration of love. People need to see love in action, and I call you into active service to love one another, and to give that compassionate understanding and tender mercy to each other during this time of planetary change.
You want the new ways of life to unfold on your planet. You are the ones who bring this into being by your actions. It is time to act upon your better inclinations and to keep the higher ideal in view as you go about your day. You have been trained. You have received the new teachings. You have been shown the way. Now it is time for you to demonstrate to others what you have learned.
Your brethren need you now, my beloveds. They need you to show them the ways of love: the heart of forgiveness, the verbal balm of compassion, the freedom of understanding truth. What you brothers and sisters need is to see you responding to them with these attitudes and approaches. Stay close to me in your heart and I will help you respond to them in the way they need.
Godliness spreads throughout the world not by mere ideas and intellectual deciphering of ancient traditions and beliefs, but in the offering, sharing and receiving of love. Live in this love; live in me, my children. Prepare your heart to expand into me, and I will demonstrate my love to others through you.