Topic: Flexibility in Mind
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. There is a comfort in meeting here each week; anything that may happen in the world is going to be made sense of. Spending time together helps us to not have worry. We are part of Father’s family and we do our best to fulfill our roles. I feel especially honored when you include me in on your personal lessons. I learn from them also.
There are many issues that mortals struggle with that I have simply forgotten about. To be a competent teacher I must have understanding of the mortal life and knowing you helps me to be a better teacher. This time in the planet’s history is historical, in the fact that people are feeling pressure from all areas of life and having to go within and see for themselves. ‘What is the right thing to do?’
I am understanding we may have to forgo questions this evening. Not to worry, we will make up that time. We always want our message to be as accurate as possible. Instead I will leave you with a few instructions for the week ahead.
What I am finding to be a valuable asset for mortals today is to have flexibility in mind. There are many issues over the course of our lives that we become cemented in and those issues that escape us tend to give us some deflation and disappointment. You are committed caring individuals who really want for God’s will to be first. On the other hand, there is still that tendency to hold on a bit too tight to expectations. Of course, when expectations are not met, that seems to disrupt the balance of our lives.
If we are to maintain a ministry, then we have to trust in the Father’s methods. We have to trust how He would make the way clear. We can perhaps feel driven to assist in some task and know that our willingness is there, but things are not unfolding as we would have them to unfold and then begin to question Father’s assistance in our lives. When we begin to doubt Father’s hand, then that starts to become a reality in our own minds. That is real misery, real painful delay.
This is why we teach to have regular spiritual practice to stay close to the spirit. We need to keep our bond with Father strong so that we can maintain our trust in Him and what He sets before us. Father does not push us or force us into anything. He shows us the possibilities and it is our choice to make if we should want to follow through.
This week I am suggesting to research your own willingness to be flexible. How would that apply to integrating the material and spiritual lives? My apologies for the short lesson this evening, we do however appreciate all of your efforts to carry our Mission into the future. Next available time we will take questions. Mary sends her regards. Our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.