2008-10-22-A Need to Know
Topic: A Need to Know
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: “This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu, waiting for this receiver to get with it, so I can facilitate this contact to a higher realm. I pass you on to a long time Friend.”
Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. I have a question before me regarding the authenticity of ‘certain writing,’ and of course in my position I am not allowed to give a yes or no answer to this question. It is however possible for me, and it is allowable for me, to speak in general about the lessons that come to you from a higher realm.
“Firstly, the proposed Teacher for any student is selected with a great deal of care, going out from the past learning of this student, his specialties, his arena of interest, her talents, her shall we call them traits and interest. First of all the student is considered, and only thereafter is the appropriate Teacher prepared, and appointed. He or she must be eloquent in speech. He or she must be capable of putting a lesson together in a common sense way from the minimum of given points to design the lesson around.
“As it always was during and since my terrestrial days on Panoptia, I was indeed eloquent in my speech. I admired very much commonsense thinking, and I tended to be able to keep my mind on my task, even if the specific effort was to take me into years of studies. It is with such factors in mind that the Powers on High line up the student with the Teacher or, indeed, the Teacher with the student.
“In every lesson we bring to you, we must first ask ourselves what opportune level our students have risen to. We must consider if actually there is a need to know, as the flow of information that could potentially come from us would surely be enough to drive any student over the edge. We need to take it easy. You are fragile, and easily confused, potentially brought into disbelief if we take you too far. We need to take it calmly, and one small step at a time. We are dealing with you in this human lifetime, and we are dealing through you with many, many others that are in their human lifetimes, so it is important for us to remember that the information we provide you with, as well as the occasional snippet of revelation, deal with that need to know, and at this appropriate time.
“By one moving from this human life into the mansion worlds there can be the occasional period of great confusion. There can quickly be a cosmic conscious awareness and awakening if this has not happened in your time on earth. There is always a forward movement however, except for the very few who illogically wish not to advance. Always when judging a lesson from our realm, bear in mind that it must have its fluency, yes, that it is well prepared. Bear in mind that your Teacher has spent time in putting the lesson together, that it flows, that it is clear, that it makes sense, that it is positive, and that it projects the love of the Father, which is felt strongly by all His celestial creatures, and lovingly transferred by His Teachers to His students.
“This is Samuel of Panoptia. I thank you for your attentiveness in this effort of bringing this lesson to you. Until we meet up again, I say Adieu.”
George: “Thank you both.”