2008-10-28-My Voice in Your Heart
Topic: My Voice in Your Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Many hearts are opening to me and this is the time when more people will awaken with a new interest to learn the ways of Spirit. You, as ones who have heard the sound of my voice within your heart, are now ready to demonstrate my love and compassion for them. Guide them into joy, center them in peace, encourage them with hope as they wipe their eyes of the haze that had prevented them from truly seeing. It is time to be the ministers of my presence to your brothers and sisters who come to you with many questions about what is occurring on the planet at this time.
New tools are being forged within you throughout your day and night. You are being given far more support than you have used. Yet, I encourage you to continue to learn my ways and to continue to seek the inner strength and resources you have access to. Train your minds to be more heart-centered and focused. Shift your awareness from the intellect and the mind that seeks to KNOW to the heart that dares to TRUST. You have it within you now, my beloved ones, all you need to do is to make this shift of awareness and the way will show itself.
Your brethren are hungry for direction and guidance. You are the way-showers by your actions in the way you live and the way you perceive reality. Share this with those who are curious and ready to learn. Teach what you have learned. Share what you have been given. Help others make the shift to their hearts, and demonstrate to them that is where their true treasures lie.
As my presence continues to shine upon the earth, know that more will come to you as you grow and desire to serve. I support you and uphold you during this time of transformation. Laugh as the chaos spins around you knowing full well that I have this planet firmly in the palm of my hand. All is well. Be in my peace.