2008-11-10-Change Takes Years - Importance of Stability
Topic: Change Takes Years
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Session 1
- November, 10, 2008, 8:00 pm
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for this gathering. Open our minds and our eyes and our ears to the truths that are spoken here tonight and we welcome JarEl, our teacher. We love you Father thank you for all the blessings you’ve given to each one of us. Be with our new President Elect to help lead this nation to where we need to go. In Michael’s name, Amen.
JarEl: TR, George: Good evening. It is I, your teacher JarEl.
Lucille: Welcome.
JarEl: TR, George: It is good to be back again.
I see much hope, much expectation on your world and I do commend you all for your faith in the future of this planet. I do, however, want to give you a word of caution as to how you proceed in the things that you do to bring change to this world. The ideas that you carry forward in your minds and in your hearts are very good ideas that need to seep into society, that need to take root and grow.
So imagine yourselves as water that flows into this valley, this fertile valley, that brings lasting change – and you must be consistent and you must be steady and you must take it slowly for this change to occur and for it to occur in its proper way. If, however, you rush and you deluge this valley, the water quickly passes over. And what is left behind is nothing but bare ground and soon you would see a hardening effect so that every time you pass over with your deluge of water it does not penetrate the hard crust that you have left behind. Now this is an analogy as to how people react when you bombard them with new ideas that are so radical to their minds that they put up a wall to protect themselves from these foreign ideas. And then the next person who comes around who has similar ideas has already had it spoiled for them, for there is already a wall that cannot be penetrated. Do not think of yourselves as a bucket full of water or a seed that is about to bring change to this world. You are all part of a huge component, of a huge sea of change. And your part is to add little by little bits of information that will encourage change, that will bring everlasting change and everlasting hope to this world.
Many of you have already begun to do this for little by little you have etched your way through society to bring this change and day by day you make strides that bring you closer to this goal. And so you know more than anyone that if you were to have rushed this information through it would not have been received in a favorable manner. So in such a way must you continue, little by little, to bring change to this world.
It may seem as though it happens overnight, but in fact change takes years and years to accomplish. Sometimes you see things happening before you, but they are parts of years and years of investments that make it possible for this change to occur. So my word of caution is that you do not rush to change this world overnight for it will not happen that way. There is a lot of work that you must do and most of it is do-able work, small things here and there that will enable you and others like you to bring this everlasting change to this planet. And this applies to almost everything, including The Urantia Book.
Many of the ideas that exist in The Urantia Book can be considered radical to those who have never heard of it. But if you introduce these concepts little by little, sooner or later they will be more acceptable to such ideas. It’s as if you were to bring fresh soil into this valley as though you were preparing for something greater. When John the Baptist came to Jerusalem he was not the change that the people of Israel needed. He was simply the person who prepared the way for He who was to change the world. So, in such a way, do you prepare this world for what is to come. You help this change happen by making this preparation. It is not you who is going to change it dramatically, but it will be by you that this change happens.
Are there any questions here tonight?
Joe: I have a philosophical question. If, in order for a memory to be real it must be experienced, then how come a person with psychic abilities can see themselves in the future, or someone else in the future, when that experience has yet to be experienced?
JarEl: TR, George: What qualifies as reality on your world has no authority on what is real. The experiences that you have on this planet you may or may not remember, but that does not make them real. In the same vein, an experience or an idea or a vision that a psychic may have does not mean that it is not real either. Many times people have the ability to tap into that true source, that true core that allows them to glimpse into a future event.
I will put it into other words for you. God sees you as a perfected being already. To Him, that is a reality and He qualifies that because He is the true source of all things, of all the universe. However, from your point of view, this future self (and you have no idea of what you look like) you are incapable of qualifying, much less of saying that it is real or if it is not real, because for you it is not real at this moment. But that does not mean it isn’t real, my friend. It is certainly real that God sees you in this perfected state. It is certainly real that you will one day be at this advanced stage, but just because you cannot see it or experience it, does not mean it isn’t real. I hope this answers your question.
Joe: Not entirely, but I think at some point I will get the complete answer to my question.
I have some theories but they are just theories.
JarEl: TR, George: Reality is a very complex subject that you will be studying for a millennium to come. What you will find is that reality shifts and changes; what you think is real may soon turn out to be not real and vice versa. And you will continue onwards and inwards until you reach Paradise. And until that faithful day when you face God in all of His grandeur, and His reality, you will not know what reality truly is.
Joe: Humph, I shall see. Thank you.
JarEl: TR, George: You are welcome.
Dennis: If I could ask for assistance with healing. I am going through a period where my memory is becoming more and more effected in a negative way and I’m not sure why. But if you could shed some light on that it would be great. If not, I am requesting some help in that area, please.
JarEl: TR, George: Your request has been noted. And if I could just comment upon your condition, there are many adverse effects, chemical-wise, that bombard you each day while you live on this planet. You are being affected by its multitude of products that you consume and that you inhale. This affects your body and your mind and it deteriorates you day by day. This is not new, this happens to everyone and it is a condition that you, unfortunately, must live through. There is a light at the end of this long tunnel and everything that you’ve ever experienced will one day come back to you. All your memories will again be refreshed and alive and there is nothing you will forget.
If you are forgetting things now and are losing track of things or ideas or memories of experiences, do not fret my friend. This is just a temporary condition that will one day be washed away from your life. My suggestion to you is that you appreciate each moment as though, as if, you were to forget it the next. So when you are with your family, appreciate that moment, for tomorrow you may not remember. (Thank you)
You are welcome.
Are there any other questions?
Joe: How do you, where you are JarEl, enjoy yourselves? Do you take vacations or seasons of rest as angels do? What about, if you were to compare your quality of life with that say of the Paradise Sons of God and other high order beings. What brings you fulfillment in your life?
JarEl: TR, George: There is plenty to be fulfilled of and by. We enjoy all our service, we enjoy serving others and, yes, we are even being served as well. We have long periods of rest. It is not all service, my friend. There is plenty of play and rest and we enjoy all various kinds of play and rest, unlike anything you’ve ever seen on this planet. Our service is very worthwhile. We all have different jobs and different duties and we all enjoy what we do. That is the beauty of what we do, that we love so much serving others and doing what we do specifically so that it becomes as though it were not work. It is simply uplifting to get to this stage and to understand that the work that you do truly affects others; it truly changes our universe for the better. And to compare ourselves, those that are ascendant beings, to those that descend from Paradise, I would not differentiate that much, because they are also destined for service. They are created perfect but they also seek to serve others. They seek to find ways to experience new experiences and the only way for them to do that, to find these experiences, is to serve, is to grow. And in that growing and in that growing of experience, they become even more perfect than what they already are. And, as such, we also become more perfect in our service, we grow and we mature. And that is the mandate that God gives us, be you perfect as God in heaven is perfect.
So it is not a chore that we do, it is not some burden that you must carry. This service that we do for the universe is the utmost uplifting work and idea that any being in the universe can do. It is very uplifting my friend and you will not see it as otherwise, not at all.
Joe: That is one of the feelings I’ve had. I always thought that, but I am still at the stage where I am very animalistic and it is so hard to reconcile the ideas of spirit and the ideas of material pleasure. And, as a philosopher, I’ve always sought out – the good life, and I’ve increasingly noticed that there is an inner joy in projecting a positive attitude, not just from within, but to others. It is a slow process, but I am coming to understand this and, anyway, I believe you might be right in that you take things step by step and slowly but surely you come to realize that maybe love is the ultimate reality - you just want to know how to best express it. It’s still very hard for me because, with all the negative things we see on this planet.
When I first read The Urantia Book I was horrified, I thought (maybe it was just the way I was reading the text) that Finaliters were slaves and I was just mortified. I had a lot of fear. But I am relieved to know that you yourself and others are capable of enjoying your lives as well and I’ve come to an understanding that there is a purpose in the facets of material reality just as much as there is in spirit reality. But I am glad to hear this. Thank you for sharing that with me.
JarEl: TR, George: You are very welcome. Any final questions?
Then I would like to close by saying to all of you…. though the roads that you travel may turn this way and that, in the end you arrive at His feet and he embraces you as his child. You are all children of God. You are all capable of being so loving and at the same time you are capable of making mistakes. Do not apologize, just continue going towards the center of all things and find yourself on the way. With this I will leave you, goodnight.
All: Goodnight JarEl.
Session 2
- November 24, 2008, 8:00 pm
- The Importance of Stability in Our Lives.
Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for bringing this group together. We pray for peace in this world. We pray for the coming of Light and Life. We thank you for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on each one of us. Help us to be good stewards of these blessings and let your will be done in each of us. Thank you Father, in Michael’s name, Amen.
JarEl: TR, George: Good evening. It is I, your teacher JarEl. It is good to be back again in this group. I welcome those who have not been here for a while.
In my recent conversations with you I have touched on such subjects as fear, change and hope. What I would like to discuss today is your ability to stabilize your life, to create a foundation from which to act and from which to stage your spiritual career. Without a proper stage everything you do and everything you say has a false footing and runs the risk of being unstable. This instability can be in various forms, even personal or social.
So how do you build this foundation from where you stand; what are the cornerstones that you must rely on? There are various simple answers to this, one being the trust in God, loving your brothers and sisters and faith. But there is more than just these three things. In order for you to build a proper foundation, a rock so to speak, you will have to be mentally, spiritually and sometimes, physically, prepared for what is to come. This life in all its vicissitudes, in all its changes, will throw a lot at you. And if you are not stable and prepared, you run the risk of disintegrating in its fabric of reality. The reality that exists outside of you will overcome your own propped-up reality that was unstable to begin with. Then as soon as all life’s vicissitudes test this foundation that you have, if not properly set up, it will crumble and fall apart.
There have been many occasions in your history where you have seen people follow these false prophets who promise them salvation, deliverance from some supposed end times and then later they only find themselves at the mercy of what reality has unleased upon them when they come to the realization that all they believed in was lies, false truths. Their world crumbles apart, their leaders become unstable and their society cracks.
But these are macrocosms of what happens in an individual; the individual is a microcosm of this greater truth. Each individual is going through a similar stage in life. They’ve set up ideas and beliefs and dogmas that support their form of reality, what they deem to be true. And if this reality is not rooted in a strong foundation, it will crumble at the first sign of stress for it was never truly rooted in eternity. The truths that you find, not only in The Urantia Book, but in all spiritual and scriptural writings, give you the foundation by which you can reach perfection. In all religions and in all faiths there are strong truths by which people can reach up to higher levels of consciousness. However, you must be careful as to what you chose to be your main foundation, for that could prove to be disastrous in more ways than one. I will let you decide what that means.
But I can tell you this, when you set your foundation in the love of God and in the brotherhood of man, you make yourself a strong and healthy individual who is prepared to weather all of life’s stresses and all of life’s vicissitudes. So just remember that we are all brothers and sisters. We all may hurt each other, but we are also all very much capable of loving one another.
When we mature and evolve we are able to recognize that spark of life in each of us, that integral part that is also part of God, that little light that represents the soul. And all this we can see with clear eyes and strong hearts when we’re past all of our petty differences and when we look into each other’s eyes and recognize that commonality, that brotherhood that unites us all and carries us forward into a new age where skin color, race or religion does not matter. It only seems as though it matters here on this planet and it almost seems as though it is very urgent.
You are all just learning, you are all just growing. You are beginning your lives here on this planet with very little experience. But all of these challenges that you’ve had have prepared you for much, very much more that is to come.
So be as rocks, be of strong foundation so that when you are called forth to serve the servitude comes with a strong and glorious background.
Are there any questions here tonight?
Joe: What does one do if they don’t have good genes or there are other limitations in their life?
JarEl: TR, George: This is something you have said before and it seems that you are still dissatisfied with your current conditions. Let me remind you that there are people who are worse off (Joe – Yes) and who have greater problems to deal with. (Joe – Oh, absolutely) Yet, their foundation lies in God where they find the strength to carry through. So I suggest to you that when you find yourself limited by your current condition – you ask for that strength from above, that light that will carry you through.
Joe: I did last night.
JarEl: I would like to put this in an analgous term. During the turning of the last century, the early 1900s, you had many people traveling on mules, horses, donkeys and horse-drawn carts. The world moved at a slow pace. Surely it could have moved much quicker if it had done much more, had today’s technology. But yet they had to do with what they had with them. As time progressed, things evolved, machines were better built, technology sprung and computers were invented. Machines improved and man was able to create more and do more and build more. And at one future date, some far off date, man will improve even more with his technology. He will be able to build more and create more and communicate better. Yet, with all these advances, it does not guarantee that he will be a better human being. Nor does superior DNA guarantee that you will better be able to communicate with God. You must make do with what you have for it is all that you have. And if you were to be given something more there is absolutely no guarantee that that would enhance the quantitative and qualitative value of a connection with God and a connection with others. If anything, your current state allows you to better relate to your fellow human beings for they also are in similar states. And that is just my analogy.
Joe: We are both in agreement. I’ve always said I value the experience. It is my understanding you can’t get anything else quite like this, other than here. So, yeah, I hear you.
JarEl: TR, George: There is love Joe. There is much love in the universe and you should be aware that it exists. Despite the individual experiences that you have had, despite all of life’s history, despite the atrocities that happened on this planet. Despite all the negativity that exists on this world, there is love in the universe. And it is not something that you see. It is invisible. And, yes, it is felt, but you will have to be open to receive that love and those gifts. It is just as much about reception. When you receive the love that exists in this universe you are more able to project this love yourself, for you know it in your heart.
And with this I will say goodnight: