2008-11-20-Your Envirionment Tests You
Topic: Your Environment Tests You
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Mark: Let us be about creating this environment. We can talk the talk, we can also walk the walk. So let us take a few steps that we are familiar with towards that end as demonstration of our awareness of our understanding of these basic principles. I always begin in gratitude for the process itself, for the experience of life, for this wonderful exchange even in this moment that is as a direct result of the grace from on high.
I acknowledge that this is so and I extend an invitation to our Divine Parents to join us as I'm sure that they do, but with our recognition and welcome. Then we might acknowledge that there is a circuitry that we form in coming together for this purpose and we can empower that circuitry by bringing our intention forward and I will even state it in words that it is our intention to come together this evening to receive this grace from on high that our Divine Parents would bring us in whatever form they might bring it to us in.
Then I would address the awareness that we are also enjoying the common circuitry of our inner Voices. As was stated earlier, they are ever present and aware of our needs even before we have thought to consider to petition them. And so knowing that this is the case and acting in faith that this is so, we ask that these individuals joined by a common circuit, overlay this circuit on this exercise that we create as an act of our free will in this moment.
We ask that our individual inner Voices bring us those things that we seek in this process and help us to plant these divine patterns in the furrows that we would make by engaging in this process. We do all this because it is our will, because it is an exercise of our intention to do so. Realizing that we are co-creators with the First Source and Center we would choose to create this avenue of expression between us and express the desires of our hearts that this be so and our conviction as well that spirit will recognize our petition and will join us in this process thereby creating this circuitry as an act of common will between us.
Believing this to be so and having the conviction of our past experiences that this is indeed so, we boldly move forward to exercise this creation in humble appreciation and in willingness to accept our role in this partnership. Thank you Divine Parents.
The Voice: Greetings, I accept your invitation to address such willing seekers, I am this ones Voice but as you are growing to understand, there is this common circuitry of all the inner Voices and as well this circuitry extends all the way back to the source of its creation, the First Source and Center. That is the unique characteristic that this system of Thought Adjuster or inner Guides enjoys.
Not only do they have this circuitry between each other but as well they have the circuitry that extends all the way back to the Source. Here is the interesting dilemma that you encounter, because this vast circuitry that extends out and around and back to the First Source and Center, as well connects to you. You are connected to this circuitry by virtue of the fragment of this circuit that indwells you and that sojourns with you throughout your journey.
In fact, your ascension career is designed around creating the environment for you to encounter this indwelling fragment and experience the gradual awakening of your connection to this circuit. This is where many people want to draw the line. They want to distinguish what is clearly mortal and of mortal origin and what is of divine origin. They tend to cling to the idea that you can draw this line in the sand and make this differentiation and have an awareness of the boundaries of mortal ability and divine influence.
But the whole program, the whole plan is designed to make you come to the embrace of these different components of self and make your attempt to become one with all the aspects of self. I would seize the opportunity to reflect for a moment on this idea of environment for as I have said, your life on this planet is an environment created for you to gain many experiences and utilize these experiences to grow your soul.
That is the major part of the environment, the conditions which surround you on the mortal plane and these conditions provide you with the opportunities and experiences which are potential until they reach you and are experienced by you. However, there is an entirely different dimension to environment, that is your internal environment of creating a space. It was referred to as a loving space, perhaps a peaceful space, a space of safety and security and a space designed to nurture those parts of you you are attempting to grow as well.
This interior domain is not conditioned by external factors or forces for you have complete control over this internal domain. You decide what this internal environment will be at any given moment by allowing in as much from the external environment as you choose by taking disciplined steps to create calm and quiet so that you may hear the responses to your petitions by feeding your soul with uplifting and qualifying thoughts and as well exercising discipline to avoid thoughts which are a distraction to your process or are taking you in a direction you desire not to go.
All of these factors are completely under your control. They are not dictated to you, they are not thrust upon you from the outside, rather you create this internal garden, you decide what is a weed and gets pulled, what is a beautiful flower and gets fertilized and nourished, how much of your internal garden will be worked or are there some wild and untamed areas in your internal environment.
But these matters are of your choosing and completely up to you to choose to do with as you will. But if it is your desire to promote spiritual growth, then it is incumbent upon you to create an environment conducive to fostering spiritual growth and if you contaminate this environment with things such as fear and doubt, then you create obstacles in your own environment to finding that which you seek.
But if you bring in nurturing thoughts and supportive concepts, then you fertilize the flowers of your choosing and you will see the results of your efforts as they bloom in glory. So consider that there are these two parts of your experience and I will tell you plainly that if you seize of your internal environment, it will transform your external one as well because you are acting as a creative agent and you are defining for yourselves what you will create through your choices and the universe will support your choices and bring you more of that which you invest yourself in.
But this works in all ways, whether you are investing yourselves in worthy pursuits or whether you are investing yourselves in destructive fears and creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and doubt. Whatever you choose, whatever you invest in you will create and you will see come to the forefront of your experience and as if it was magic, your external experiences will reflect what you are internally choosing and creating.
Many people on this world see this universe principle completely backwards and give themselves no credit for having any responsibility about what happens to them but rather see themselves as buffeted around and victimized by life circumstances. The true masters know that this is not the way it works, you only get out of life what you put in and so if you create love and truth and beauty and goodness, then your external environment will reflect back to you truth, beauty and goodness.
If you partake in anger, fear, doubts and uncertainty then life will reflect back to you much to be angry about or uncertain about or fearful of. But if you simply choose not to invest yourself in something such as fear, then you will find your external environment will be absent those things that could promote fear and having determined your internal environment and relative position to something like fear, even if external experiences might have the potential to generate fear, you have already created your reality by choosing not to be fearful.
So even the potentials in your external environment are only potentials until you have reacted to them and what may cause one individual great fear and anxiety will not have that impact on another individual who has chosen to forsake fear in their reaction and therefore it simply does not exist for them. It is that simple, it is that easy and again I declare to you that if you master your internal environment, if you position yourselves properly, then you are creating your course and all that happens to you in your external environment will be an opportunity to follow your course and project your intention.
So this is how you create your very reality around you. You start with creating it internally and choosing what you would have, what you will support and what you will not and then every circumstance that arises will give you another opportunity to exercise these choices and in this way you create for yourself your course and you stick to your course no matter what circumstances may arise from the external environment.
I appreciate the opportunity to share these thoughts with you. They began with your contribution and I was able to follow your course that you determined in the creation of this thought pattern. I am humbled for this opportunity to do so and I now would step back to allow this forum to be utilized by others, thank you.
Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson here to simply share energy signatures with you and co-mingle in our desires to access this portal together. I am greatly pleased to be a part of this new avenue of approach forged directly out of the free will creative exercise of choice. It is, each time, as though we all are involved in participating in a miracle for we have together taken and made something where there was only potential, where there was nothing yet and through this act of co-creative intention we have literally created this experience between us and I call you to witness that this experience endures beyond this moment but is also captured to be experienced by others at other times in other ways.
I am aware that when we come together such as this there is a sense from the mortal participants and partners in this process of a great appreciation and recognition that you are indeed involved with things of a spiritual nature, things which you consider to be even of divine origin and so there is a sense of awe and humbleness to be involved in this process. But I assure you, I experience the same feelings of gratitude and awe at your acts of willful intention as well.
I am only one individual involved in creating this experience. You each are as well individuals involved in creating this experience and so together we feel humble and feel grateful for what we both know to be a treasured experience. It is the answer to our petitions, it is finding what we have been seeking in this process, it is the answers to our prayers and the answer to the prayers of the Father.
We together have created this environment dependent upon our internal alignments and as well we carry though with our intentions and we stay the course of our creation to literally create and open and maintain this portal that we enjoy in this moment. You understand this is an act of co-creation. All of us and the creative forces of the universe together forming this potential into an actual. I hope you are able to recognize the magnitude of what goes on here but perhaps not until some time passes but you are dabbling in these times, in the active creation and manipulation of universe principles to bring about this splendid example of co-creative force.
And so I share your gratitude and offer my commitment to support these intentions and as well you offer yours and so as a result, it is. As I sense the hour grows long, I would bring this splendid meeting of the mortals, the intention, the creation, the spiritual component, the indwelling Voice circuitry, the grace from the First Source and Center fragmented out into all these different manifestations.
I humble recognition I would bring this meeting to a close and allow for you all to take in these messages and bring them into your internal environment to support you in your efforts at individual spiritual growth. Thank you each and every one for your participation. I bid you good evening.