2008-12-08-Celebrated on Mansion Worlds
Topic: Celebrated on the Mansion Worlds
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu, Brusque
TR: George Barnard
Bzutu: “This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. My dear friends and students worldwide, I thank you for your time and attention, your relaxed and ‘absorbing’ states of mind. A matter of ‘divided time,’ the matter of ‘fragmented time,’ will be discussed with you whenever you are ready to receive the information you are capable of comprehending.
“This evening, however, I want to reintroduce a Friend and Colleague of mine; one of a number of Midwayers from the Northern Hemisphere, who took over from us at the time of the December 2004 tsunami ( https://www.1111angels.com/E_Archives/list87.htm ) when we were otherwise engaged in South Asia. I hand you over to him now.”
Brusque: “This is Midwayer Brusque. It is good to again be visiting with you, our busy southern hemisphere friends. We, who temporarily took over from the regular southern progress crew, are pleased to be able to be with you at this time. My progress group normally ranges from Denmark down to southern France and from the European coast into Poland. The Netherlands are included in our territory, and indeed, we speak all the languages and dialects of the various places within our patch.
“We are with you here and now, because you inquired about Harmen W. We were, and still are now, well familiar with the gentleman who -- together with his life-long most cooperative and advanced Destiny Guardians -- has so recently begun his journey back to his Maker. Harmen was indeed a hard-working man, a great credit to the way his life was lived, tirelessly, which is now being celebrated on the mansion worlds.
“Harmen will be greatly missed by many of his colleagues, friends, and workers. His undertakings, his generosity, his managerial capacity, will be celebrated on High, as for many years it was recognized down here on Urantia.
“And yes, it was shown to his dear relative just how much was thought of him in higher spheres (A bright light noticed at the time of his passing). And so I come to explain the vision of ‘the four carriers of books.’ Indeed you are familiar with these writings. These writings (the Urantia Papers) are to be recommended to his offspring.
“You question why we would use someone halfway across the world to bring this particular message? Basically it is because his offspring got in touch with you, and for us the distance is but a few seconds’ journey. I am sure that with this information you will be able to advise the inquirer. I thank you for your time. Indeed, I thank you for once more welcoming us into your home. It’s good to be here! This is Brusque, returning to his tasks in the northern hemisphere. Au revoir.”
Bzutu: This is Bzutu once again. Within the next few days, let us try and be in touch again and cover the other inquiries. For now I say Adieu."
George: “This is George. Thank you all. A wonderful surprise to witness so many of you visiting us today.”
The enquirer wrote: “Before my father passed away I literally saw 3 or 4 men, all dressed in white and ‘subtle’ in their appereances. I think they all wore beards. They carried a book each. And later when my father passed away, I felt/saw an immense light filling the room, and I felt a huge wave of love.