Topic: Christmas
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Tomas
TR: Gerdean
Prayer: Jesus, we pause today in the celebration of your birth to come to you in this fashion and ask you to bless our activities this evening as we attempt to approach you and your vast creation and those heavenly helpers in it who relate to us and would have us reach for our best - whatever that may be. Guide our gathering this evening. Allow our minds to be fertile and open to your spirit and your guidance through whatever influence you would bring to bear upon us. We trust you, Father Michael, and we trust the universe, so putting ourselves in your care, we thank you for being a part of our lives and for allowing us to be a part of yours. Amen
Student: Amen. Hallelujah.
MICHAEL: Good evening, my friends, I am Michael and I will come in for a moment and greet you, embrace you and commend you for your diligence, your conscientiousness to your spiritual path. I want to say that there are many others, even your peers, who are also conscientious and disciplined but who are engaged to day in other activities that would call them away from this format. I begrudge them not their festivities and their family gatherings and mortal loyalties, for it is in the administration of the material worlds where I am able to effect those causes that will change and foster truth, beauty and goodness, and so we all are better for it.
This dichotomy, this diversion in the character of my children and their various ways and means of living their lives and being of service is a great source of joy and amusement, as well as appropriate pride and constant stimulation to your Mother and Myself, as you would expect any parent to feel about their own children. Each of them is different. Each has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Each has his or her peculiarities, his or her own calling, and each brings us much joy. And so it is with you here in this mission we share.
I am not going to spend the hour with you. I will allow another teacher to address you, as it is their delight to intervene between the material realms and the spirit realms in a morontia state of mind, since it is the morontia state of mind that you aspire to and which will be your next plateau of operation. Even while the spirit oversees all of our activities and infuses us all with the breath of life. Beautiful children, be in my peace.
TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. This is Tomas. I am a Teacher in the Teacher Corps. I have met you before [student]. It is good to see you again. And Gerdean, it is always good to access humanity through your capable vocal chords. Thank you for the service you provide. And greetings to those of you who will read this transcript later in written form or hear the words on the broadcast. Be assured we are aware of your lives, your comings and goings, the lessons you are undergoing, the travails you suffer and the joys you embrace.
Today was such a day on your world. The lights were brightly lit around the globe in acknowledgement of spirit reality as your many religions acknowledged the birth of the Christ child and many spent devoted time in reflection on the Son of God in his sojourn with you here on your world and the many principles and lessons he left for you to observe and learn by, not to overlook the assistance he provided by bestowing the Spirit of Truth as his gift to this world.
And so we did benefit today from that gift which has grown over the centuries. Like a tree well planted in fertile soil, it has given off fruit and fragrance, and that spirit reality provides a foundation for the future. It is the harbinger of spring and of peace.
Many seasons will pass before your world is settle din light and life but it is advancing well and we are very pleased with the advancements made in the wake of his coming here. Although it was a long time ago for you, it was not that long ago in terms of universe time. I have said nothing new here, and I do appreciate your perspective as a finite creature, having been a mortal myself. It is difficult, I realize, for you to see from the farther perspective of eternity when your singular frame of reference for most of your life has been within the confines of sixty or seventy years, and that can seem like an eternity. But it is but the blinking of an eye when it comes to all that is coming to pass on and for not only your world but for the growth of the organism of the evolving supreme.
We have witnessed today many miracles of human development. Many people have been brought to their knees and many more have been brought to tears by the depth of their feeling for that which to them is less real and has lasting value. Sometimes it is mere sentiment, but that in itself has value compared to what it would be if you were completely insensitive to others. That insensitivity to others is a remnant of the days prior to the coming of the Spirit of Truth when selfishness was expected, anticipated, indeed the only manner that made any sense, but today we know as sons of God that it is possible to make other choices -- choices directed toward making life more meaningful. Maybe not always immediately more pleasant, but more meaningful for the moment and for the long term.
There are many, in f act, who are now discussing the status of your governments, the problems your country faces, its economic upheaval and the problems inherent in a maturation process for a civilization as dynamic as this one, and without that farther view, that long-term perspective that spirit provides, it is like popcorn or fireworks -- bursts of life that quickly fade. It becomes a cacophony of noise, bright ideas but without the endurance and consistency of the eternal flame that divine light provides.
We ask that you provide that consistency, that divine light, that you not worry so much about investing your energies into more noise, even great ideas, but to realize and recognize and reiterate to those who would hear you to be at peace within yourself and in being at peace with yourself, you will be able to be complete and whole within yourself and thus able to be at peace in your relationship with others. You will not feel the need to strive; you will not feel competitive; you will not feel the panic of your reality falling out from under you; you will not feel that everything you have worked for all your life is somehow being threatened, for you will know that what is real is yours and cannot be taken away.
Yes, I do understand that is a tall order for mere mortals but it is not impossible; in fact, it is the way. For once you are able to calm your mind and breathe deep and live in faith of divine overcare, you will then be able to hear the whispers of divine counsel telling you "this is the way" as Jesus admonished. "Follow me." And though Jerusalem fell, cities and civilizations come and go, the Spirit of Truth marches on, the evolving Supreme flourishes, and so hitch your wagon to a star and not a mere bauble.
When the New Year comes ringing in, know that for all the temporal upheavals, the heart of God is beating in your world as surely as it beats in your chest. The love of God reveals itself in your world as surely as you reveal your affections for your fellows, and the power of God reveals itself in your environment as you maintain self-mastery over your own energy and that which surrounds you, by allowing the peace within you to be the anchor, the vortex of your very existence. People will notice. They will notice your calm, and once they feel safe to approach you, they will. And once they have approached you, your real work begins in socializing that truth which you embrace.
We will be here to help you with your challenges as they present themselves, and the Master stands ready and waiting to hear your call, to hear your knock at his door, to counsel you when you go to him, and so know that you are not alone, even as those around you are as strangers in a strange land. We are here. Trust that you are not alone. Even when darkness falls, you are not alone. This is a message of good cheer and light. Living in the light allows you great freedom. In your freedom you have great latitude as to how to serve. How may I serve you? What are your concerns? What are your circumstances that you would seek to better understand so as to shine your light of truth? Are there questions?
Student: Good evening, Tomas. TOMAS: Good evening to you. Student: I appreciate your work.
TOMAS: Thank you. I appreciate your being here to find me of value. This is a very mutual admiration society we belong to. We help foster each other's reality in this way.
Student: Thank you. TOMAS: You are welcome.
Student: What was your background, Tomas? Are you from this universe?
TOMAS: I am, yes. I am from this universe, but not this system. I am from a neighboring system.
Student: You are male? Have you always been male?
TOMAS: I have always been masculine. I had a wife and four children on my native planet.
Student: What did your people look like?
TOMAS: They were humanoid in appearance, but there were differences. We were a bit smaller structured than you are here. Shorter, and our bone structure was smaller. But we had, like you, arms and legs and humanoid features. We were less hairy. We had differing eye color. We had blue and black and brown and green like you have here but also yellow, orange and red. Not glaringly so. You must not think of traffic lights. But pigmentation.
On my world there were six colored races, as you have here, but our racial blending was much advanced compared to y ours. There was virtually little difference racially among us and so in that regard we were advanced although technically we were normal; you are retarded in your growth, in that way, although it is noticed that the racial blending is on-going in a natural fashion at a good rate, having overcome many problems of alienation and isolation in the past which have slowed down your racial mixing. On my world we enjoyed having that racial mix already accomplished and so I had the advantage of being a little bit of each of the colored races, as did all my peers.
Student: Recently I had a dream in which I saw thousands of ships in the sea, coming to the shore. They were filled with people. And as they came closer, from the shore, I could see people on the ships; they were humanoid but I felt they were extraterrestrial. I just had this sense of knowing that these people on these ships were from other planets. And when the got to the shore, the intermingled with the people of planet earth. Initially they wore masks. When they got on shore, they took off the masks and intermingled with people all over the world.
They talked to the people about economy, about marriage, about love. About health, about spirituality and literally touched on everything that concerns human life - the things that are temporal and the things that are eternal. They talked to people; they were loving and gentle and kind. It was a dream. I woke up and now I am trying to fully understand the dream and what that meant.
A couple of weeks back Monjoronson talked about the brotherhood and the sisterhood, about brothers and sisters from other planets coming to planet earth. So when I had this dream, it seemed to be connected to what Monjoronson had been talking about. It seems it is going to happen soon, but we don't really know when. Do you think human curiosity is part of it? I am itching to know how soon they are really going to show up.
TOMAS: This was a dream, a vivid dream, and obviously it was a subconscious reflection, or superconscious -- some kind of reflection from Monjoronson's teachings that you took to heart. This is not unusual. In fact, it is to be expected that when your mind is open to a concept and it comes in and makes an impression, it stays and reveals itself to you within your own consciousness. This is what is taking place here. The concept has been planted in your mind and you are adopting it, assimilating it, and making it yours … or questioning it … and in your case, it would seem you have gone beyond questioning it to assuming it to be so, for you are now asking when is that going to take place.
You are asking me when is something going to take place that has not been ascertained is going to happen. In fact, it is a concept that appeals to you. I am not in any position to confirm or deny Monjoronson's teachings as to who is coming to this world, when, or in what condition. Those are the teachings of Monjoronson and they will be influenced by his mouthpiece and the needs of the students at the time.
All of this process of engaging in these kinds of communications is not a hard science, my friend, it is experiential and as such some of it, like in Jesus parable about the seeds, some of it will fall on fertile soil and grow, some of it will fall on barren soil and die, some of it will be carried off by birds or the wind to fall somewhere else and grow in other fields, and so if you were to ask me to interpret your dream, that is how I would interpret it. But I cannot use it to confirm Monjoronson's teachings without having been there, without having heard his original teachings or to have been coached on what to say to that particular class in that particular circumstance, so you are convoluting your question here by putting it to me that way.
If you want me to interpret your dream without Monjoronson's influence, I could say that you are indeed anticipating the influx of helpers from other worlds who will teach you that which you need to know about your lives and your world, but as a member of the Teacher Corp, of which I am a part, I will tell you this is already happening. There are many of us who have come from other worlds and who are here now and have been for some time teaching you about yourself and how to live a more spiritual life, how to work with your families and civilization to improve the situation en route to light and life.
Actually I am far more comfortable talking about it in the abstract than I am in the fixed perspective of the material creature because I am not a material creature any more and I know that the truth is far more flexible and malleable than human mind will allow, but the human mind will take these concepts and fix them to the spot and like the butterfly collector, will pin them down to the board so as to study them, but the minute they are pinned down, they are no longer living truths. And thus I prefer to keep them alive by keeping them afloat and allowing those beings who are approaching your shores to stay on their ships and, like Jesus, come close to the land and stand away from the shore on a boat and teach the people without coming ashore and mingling with the people as the Caligastia 100 did, for that could really make a mess of things.
There are limitations built in to the worlds; there are lines drawn, and while we invite you to open them metaphysically, morontially, mindally, imaginatively, perceptually, they are not necessarily to be actualized because the work at hand is far more mundane, and alas it is your task, not the task of other beings from other worlds to come and fix it for you. They and we can help, certainly, but we cannot do it for you.
I am always fascinated by the human mind and all of its facets -- the conscious mind, unconscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, and morontia mind. It is such a fascinating creation; my hat is off to our Eternal Parents for having created such clever devices to help you in your mortal career, but they are decidedly limited -- and rightfully so.
It is very much, my son, like being a parent of a large family and having an opportunity to look back on the large family that you have sired. Put yourself in the position of being a great grandfather, 90 years old, and you have a son who is 75 years old and he has a son who is 55 years old, and he has a son who is 25 years old, who has a son who is five. You know full well the many passages that these sons will go through and that what is appropriate for the five-year-old is not appropriate for the 25-year-old. And what is right for the 25-year-old is not appropriate for a 55-year-old and so at each phase of your development there are appropriate behaviors and perceptions.
All little ones love to think about what they want to be when they grow up, but the perspective of a five year old is the perspective of a five year old, and when they are 25, their perspective has changed greatly. They have experienced 20 years, the teen-age years; they have gone through puberty; they have gotten an education; they are adults now, not children, and so their perspective is completely different. And that is the way it is with the mortal races of time. You and your young planet have a young perspective; it cannot be any other way. And there are other planets, other worlds that have the perspective of a 25-year-old or a 75-year-old (to follow through with the analogy). But a 75-year-old will never come to live the life of the 5-year-old. It has already lived its life. It can pass on what it knows, but there is no way that a five-year-old can understand the wisdom of a 75-year-old. Do you understand what I am trying to convey here, in my analogy? Worlds that have gone on beyond and are more advanced than yours cannot relive their lives through you. They cannot mate with you and have children and begin again here. It is not allowed.
There is too much at stake to mix life beings from different worlds. Each one is different. It would run a tremendous risk to think about mating someone from my world to someone from your world. It is very possible that it would be impossible, and if it were, as a fluke, somehow possible, it could be a disaster. It's just not allowed. It would be -- you would excuse my phrase -- like trying to mix a man and a monkey, or a woman and a dog. It just doesn't work. Does that make sense to you?
Student: My dream did not involve mating. They intermingled. Not mated.
TOMAS: Intermingled! They can do that. But they don't intermingle physically, because what ends up is they do end up mating, or trying to. It is the animal nature and it is very powerful, and so it is just discouraged -- this physical intermingling. However, these means by which we communicate, this T/R'ing process, and the way that Jesus was able to communicate with Machiventa and Gabriel when he was here, in the spirit, those are avenues of contact. And the wisdom of your elders in the universe is available to you as you open yourself to it, but it is not going to appear here in the flesh.
The only ones that will appear here in the flesh are those who will come here as a designee, such as Jesus, who promised he would return. Possibly Adam and Eve, but in the meantime, they are serving on the Council, and so they are still with you and they are still giving you counsel. You are still benefiting, even though they are not here and you are not benefiting from their physical presence.
Student: Well, I am surprised to hear you say that, Tomas. You are saying they will not come.
TOMAS: Yes, I am saying that. Not in a physical sense. It cannot be.
Student: (Inaudible, something about Sirius)
TOMAS: I know. I know and they are providing a fascinating service by keeping your minds alive to the possibility of intelligent life in the universe overseeing your development, your economic development and actual, physical development. I notice a tremendous outpouring of assistance, in the Galactic Federation and beyond, to your physical world and its politics, its power plays and its environment. And the many, many concerns that are rightfully human concerns are being addressed by some of these entities as a reflection of your concern. They are responding to your need just as we in the Teacher Corps and those in the Monjoronson Mission are responding to certain human needs and yes you will get different answers depending upon your needs because this is, as I said, not an absolute science. It is really more of an art form.
Student: (Inaudible, about going up into space ships)
TOMAS: Not literally. They can … You know, remote viewing. You can go into their ships by remote viewing. You can hold their hand and go into the ships and see what they show you if you have the capacity to go there, but you cannot go physically. You will not go there; it cannot be done.
Student: (Inaudible, about space ships having come here)
TOMAS: Yes. Well, there have been crafts come here and there have been crafts land here. I am not denying that there are crafts in existence, but I am denying that there will be many interactions between extra-planetary life and earthlings. Not for some time.
Student: (Inaudible, in defense of the Sirians.)
TOMAS: I understand that. That's what the Sirians should be saying. That is their job. That is not my job. My job is as a spiritual teacher. I have a different job to do than the Sirians. The Teacher Corps is different than the Sirian program.
Student: This seems to present a contradiction in the universe.
TOMAS: Yes, there seems to be a contradiction from your perspective, but let me put it to you this way. If you are attending the Melchizedek University and you are attending various undergraduate courses, you cannot see all that you need to see to attain your Ph.D. in the field of your choosing. At this point, you are not even sure what your course of study is, and so some fields of study will make more sense and be more amusing and more compatible to your nature than others.
As you continue in your education, however, you will find less contradiction and more cooperation. You will begin to understand that these are all concepts and that the concepts merge and marry as reality becomes greater. Those of you who are more interested in the physical universe will find more value in those teachers who focus on your material existence, even your planetary material existence, but those of you who draw on other energy and who feel your calling is in another area, you then will feel more of an affinity for other teachers who speak to your Spirit of Truth.
The contradiction should not be a concern to you if you are following the path appropriate for you. If I may be amusing here, it would be similar to pointing out the two genders. They are completely different, and they may seem completely at odds with each other and yet they are, in the end, complimentary. You must have a far perspective and not a short perspective.
Also remember, that all of these messages are coming through human beings. Although there is intelligence, even divine intelligence, on the other end of your walkie-talkies, the mortals on the finite end are going to influence the message. And that is also going to be affected by the capacity of the student, the hearer him or herself. There is nothing more important to a teacher -- there is nothing more important to any of us who have work to do in the kingdom, than service to our realm, our immediate realm.
And so your immediate realm is what you can comprehend at this time. It does me no good to go outside your frame of reference and try to teach you something that is entirely foreign to you, that you have no affinity for, no desire to know about. And this is the value of the Sirian program, and the Galactic Federation, and many, many, many of the other arms of the greater Teaching Mission. These are, oddly enough, all parts of the new age, the flowering of a new spirituality, a step up from the restraints and restrictions of history. It is an infusion of new life based on metaphysics, yes, as well as speculation and a new understanding of cosmology.
You are on the ground floor of tremendous opportunities. Rather than feel confused or conflicted, and rather than feeling resentful or distrustful of what is being taught in these sundry fields of learning, it would do you better to rejoice in the electives available, to learn and appreciate, even as you pursue your own master's degree in whatever it is you are seeking to know and become. We are all students. The entire universe is one vast university. And this is only the beginning. Student: I appreciate your perspectives on this, Tomas. You have opened up my way of thinking.
TOMAS: I am happy to give my perspective. That is what I am called to do. It seems I have been effective as a member of the Teacher Corps this evening, inasmuch as I have been able to teach, as you testify that I have broadened your horizons. I suspect … yes?
Student: I wanted to ask a question about Michael's life on earth but maybe due to time constraints maybe I better ask another time. I wanted to ask why he died on the cross. I know he wanted to live a full human experience, including death, so why didn't just die in his sleep and experience death, and why he had to go through that tribulation and die on the cross.
TOMAS: Well, you are right about the time. I am not going to go into a long dissertation about this, particularly on the day when so much of your world is celebrating his birth! I will simply say, in lightness of being, that he was a dramatic fellow. He was simply being dramatic. It was not in his nature to just go lay down and die without making a statement, particularly after having ridden into town on an ass and made such a spectacle of himself at the temple. But I am speaking lightly here, and joking with you as I am preparing to d e part for the evening and I don't want you to think me disrespectful of the master, but yes, he has reasons for doing it the way he did. I am certain they are in the text, but if you want to talk about it someday, we can talk about it, but not today. Okay?
He came here to demonstrate, and what could he demonstrate by simply fading away? He went to great lengths to set himself up for a dramatic conclusion to his short but dynamic life in the flesh. Anything short of crucifixion would have been anticlimactic. Or such is my interpretation.
And so I shall prepare to close out the hour. It has been a pleasure to have this opportunity to have such an intimate communication with you. I look forward to our next encounter. Have a good evening.