2009-01-29-Experience Contrast & Redefine Your Position
Topic: Experience Contrast & Redefine Your Position
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Mark: Okay, I'm being prompted to start this segment of the conversation here with a couple of aha moments I've been tweaking on this week. In my reading of the Conversations with God material recently, two different principles dawned on me and came together, Id like to share those with you. The one principle is what we have discussed here before, the very potent and powerful creator prerogative that we are by virtue of being the children of the Creator and how there are certain systems and principles that you can rely on to activate this process of creation.
It all starts with the thought and that everything, anything we can think of, that we know, that we can consider, that we have any experience of, everything out there began as a thought. Somehow, its root, its origin is a thought and then in the process comes taking that thought and expressing it out into our dimension. We do that with the word typically and the word can be a song, a prayer, a commercial, any expression that we make of the thought, of the conception and then having expressed it as the word and birthed it to the world; if we take the last and final step and are inspired by it, to act and to be in motion about these words and about this thought, then we literally are enacting the steps of creation.
We are creating before us that which we would have by engaging in these simple steps. That is what has been going round and round in my mind. We have talked about it before and it still is relative and pertinent. Another point, a statement was made that kind of a shortened version or another route to this whole process is to begin to think in terms of the statement I AM because when you are formulating thoughts around the statement I AM: fill in the blanks, then you are bringing yourself into the very moment which is another powerful component.
To bring yourself into the very moment with the statement that I AM you must consider what you are, what is it that you would state, what would you make word, what thoughts would you make real. So I began playing with this: I AM grateful to be here with all of you; I AM sincere in my desire to follow Michael. As I came up with these I AM statements it dawned on me that that is the short cut kind of route to the whole thought, word, deed process. To start out with "I AM" brings you into the moment, then you must consider what you are, then you must say what you are and then you are acting what you are all back in that same moment.
So I would invite any of you to give that little thing a try sometime and spend some time with yourself, with the I AM statement because it was declared in the writings that anything that followed the statement I AM was sacred in the world of spirit. The positioning of yourself to I AM draws in your Inner Voice, positions yourself to be in alignment with that and then you have positioned yourself the way you would have it, the way your soul would have it. Anyway, it tweaked me and I was asked to share that before or during whatever we are doing here. Now I would like to do that in transitioning to inviting my Inner Voice to participate in a more open and forward fashion.
I AM offering this opportunity to embrace spirit; I AM open to that which spirit would bring to me at this time; I AM grateful beyond words for this opportunity; I AM humbled at the greatness of this process; I AM so appreciative of the members of this group who all come together to pool their intentions towards this common purpose. Thank you Father, thank you Divine Parents.
The Voice: I would accept the opportunity offered at this time, I am this ones Inner Voice here to join you in this robust discussion and consideration of the status of events on your world and in your experience and the role that you may each individually play when you interface with all that is going on out there. I would recall to you previous conversations we've had on maintaining your center and keeping your own peace within and how important an aspect this is in your orienting yourself to everything else.
You are currently being presented with great opportunities to experience contrast and at each turn you will be given a new opportunity to redefine your position in relation to everything else. After all, that is what defines you as an individual, the fact that you are not anything else. You are (delete-only) simply you, distinct and different and as such it is required that you have many experiences of things of which you are not so that you can define yourself as being distinct and different from all those other things.
So many examples will come before you of ways which you will decide to choose not and each time you do that you are making a choice to do something else instead, not this but that. Each one of these choices is an expression of your soul, of your individuality. These choices are what define you as being the distinct you in all of time and space, indeed in all of creation. So throughout this process of defining yourselves by your relationship to everything else you may as well provide to others this great gift of contrast for when you display your choices and who you are as an individual, others are defining themselves in relationship to you.
They may decide to choose aspects of what you choose or to choose them not and thus more clearly define themselves. So if you are an influence to be had out in the world, what will you choose to project, to be chosen perhaps? If you always project your highest intention, your grandest vision, your greatest purpose, then you will not only satisfy the longing of your soul to express but you will furnish to all the world another example of individual expression. That is your greatest opportunity, to be another expression of all that you know of your collection of learning and your example of what out of all your experience you will identify yourself with and what you will reject as not being suitable to be included in your definition of self.
You are all doing this daily on an individual level, redefining yourselves in relationship to everything you come in contact with and collectively you are all flowing and ebbing as you gain more experience, have more wisdom and make your daily choices. So it can be said, the best way to change the world is to become the change that you wish to seek. In so doing, provide the example out to the world, take your original thought of how it should be, express it out into the world and walk the talk so that all others may have yet another example of Divine expression to encounter and to perhaps choose.
You have an expression about the 100th monkey syndrome where a certain critical mass is reached there is a grand tipping of awareness where it becomes a part of the general consciousness at some point and pervasive throughout the thought pattern. You are on such a cusp, there have been more than 100 monkeys and so there is a grand shift in awareness and in perception that is occurring as a result of light workers all allowing that this can be so. It was dreamed by a few, it was spoken by more and now it is being made real, even now in this moment.
Never doubt your ability to offer a significant contribution to this process by the simple act of following through with your own personal processes of creation in awareness that all this effort is supporting and contributing to the larger mass creation. I pray you all have the assurance settle upon your being that you are connected and that you only need to accept this connection to your inner voices and embrace this awareness that is already with you. This most certainly is transpiring moment by moment, day by day.
I join you in your expression of gratitude for this forum, for this format, for this welcoming that makes this entire process possible. I now will retreat once again in respect for the opportunity this forum presents for others as well, thank you.
Monjoronson: I bring my greetings to this forum once again, I am Monjoronson. It brings me great pleasure to support the activities that are encouraged in this arena. We are literally carving out of potential, places that then are made actual and real. I doubt that you will ever fully appreciate until you can be granted much greater perspective, the significance of that which is accomplished and the success we are having. We have indeed come in leaps and bounds in our efforts to create this process and uphold it with our energies and intention.
Out of the thoughts and desires of the participants and into the collective gathering around the expression of (intentions) we move into results of our efforts and we are granted the desire of our souls to create this space of spirit, here now, among us and between us. This experience of the moment is a direct result of our combined will and intention that it be made so. This same principle is routinely applied to your life circumstance and you are growing to realize this universe principle at play in your daily lives.
The wonderful thing about coming to understand a universe principle is that you then can put it to good use and put it as you would actively and in awareness choose. So, if you are becoming masters of these principles, then it is incumbent upon you to wield them to the greatest purpose and to align yourselves to become these instruments of these principles. We have discussed the importance of your thoughts and the environment they create for you which either makes it conducive or prohibitive.
So once again, we determine how valuable it is to be aware of your thoughts and even to take control of the direction of your thoughts for if all creation begins with a thought, it should be a worthy thought. So if it is not a worthy thought, if it is not suitable to [be] contained within your individual identity, then it is desirable to realign yourself and create with intention even the first original thought. With purpose create this thought and then allow the universe principle to act.
This is a meaningful component of your efforts to utilize these basic universe principles in a direction you would like to see them go. Starting with the original thought that is contained within the basic parameters of truth, beauty and goodness will start your whole process off in a Divine direction, an inspired direction and this is how you can change yourself and this is how you will change the world by seizing control of the many possibilities of this thought and directing to choose your highest ideals, your grandest thoughts.
Let these be put to work. Forsake the thoughts which distract you from this purpose, let go of any ideas or thoughts which do not support this purpose and you'll find that you are left with your loftiest, greatest ideals and these are truly worthy of this Divine creative process. Please do not be hard on yourselves as this task may be easily stated but may easily take a lifetime or more to begin to master for you are having to shift your seat of awareness from your thoughts, from your brain to your soul and its awareness.
For most your life you have thought you are your thoughts, you are your thought patterns, you are your concepts, your awareness and now you are learning that the higher you, the grander self is the self behind the thoughts. So you begin to master control over all the potential thought patterns of your experience and choose which ones you will elevate to the status of seed thoughts.
It is truly a privilege to observe such earnest students of spirit as you peel back all the layers and discover your true identity of shining Divinity and throughout this process discovering your relationship to everything else that is out there. It is my privilege and pleasure to be with you in this process. I count it among one of my blessings as well. I sense we have had much served at our banquet and we are all enjoying the feast so I would bring this meeting to a close and allow for all of us to bask in the glow of such a bountiful gathering as we have just now enjoyed.
I honor you all for the role that you play and look forward to working more with you as we go through this experience together, thank you and farewell.