2009-02-22-Material Existence is Shaking
Topic: Material Existence is Shaking
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloved children of Urantia, this is your Father Michael. I hold your world in the palm of my hand; you are safe in me. Though your material existence is shaking underfoot, in your heart I am there. Here is where you find your stability and comfort. Go within, my children, during this time of change and make that connection with the greater reality of your heart. I am there.
Yes, as your heart opens you will experience resistance and sometimes even pain. Breathe into it. Call upon your Mother Nebadonia as the Breath of Life and she will come into your resistance and expand it for you. Learn to soften the inner resistance through your breath by calling upon your Mother. The two go hand-in-hand, and you will benefit greatly from sensing her movement in you. Learn the ways your Mother, little ones, as she provides the setting for you to receive me. More and more, become acquainted with us as your Parents that we may support you more consciously through this time of change.
You are not alone and you do not have to go through life along, feeling abandoned or isolated. There is hard-wiring in your hearts to connect with Spirit and NOW is the time for you to cast aside this feeling and delve more deeply into your hearts. The universe is waiting for you, beloveds. Come home to your heart and find all that you need.