2009-03-01-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is you Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Coming to know your Spirit Parents can sometimes be challenging. Many patterns in your consciousness connected to your early home life are deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind and body. Some of the memories stored within these patterns are hurtful; you did not receive the love and appreciation of who you truly are as a child of God. Your innate divine dignity was not validated. Having parents who did not honor you in this way makes it difficult for you to understand that having a personal relationship with your Father and me is for your highest good and will give you the love and approval you require.

When you begin to develop a relationship with us, you will be given an opportunity to receive what love, appreciation, validation and honoring of yourself you truly desire. You will be embraced and all of the memories of childhood can be seen through our eyes and our love. You will find the forgiveness you need to LET GO of your hurt, and to see the higher lessons of what your growing years has to offer. There are many lessons within lessons at all levels of life, but during your formative years you don’t have the experiential capacity to understand them from a more mature perspective.

It is by coming to us that we can share with you a new way to look at your experiences and your life…one that will fill you with hope and encouragement, peace and validation that defies the human intellect and satisfies your SOUL. You have so much to gain in building your relationship with your Divine Mom and Dad, and we want nothing more than to give you the love you deserve.

Will you come to us each day in the quiet of your heart and receive our love? This is your choice. We can only present ourselves and wait for you. The way is open. Will you allow the needs of your heart to fully open the door to us?