2009-03-08-Heart is the Sacred Place of Healing

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Topic: Heart is the Sacred Place of Healing

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Seeded deep inside your heart is a sacred place of healing. I meet you here and share my love with you. It is a simple place, Father and child embracing one another and allowing the energies of love to envelope us as ONE.

If this is a desire your heart yearns for, then simply sit with your focus on your heart and ask me into it. I will meet you there. Breathe and ask Mother to enter and expand you. As your body relaxes, focus on your desire for me, and I will meet you in your heart. Allow me access here and allow me to heal you. Let me cut away the cords of attachment that no longer serve you to free you to become more connected to your Mother, to me, and to your own Indwelling Spirit. My children, allow me to build you in Spirit. Sit here for several moments and receive.

Your divine birthright is waiting for you. Come. Come. Come and receive what was always yours to enjoy and use for furthering Divine Will on earth.