2009-03-26-I AM Perfect in All Ways
Topic: I AM Perfect in All Ways
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Henry Z.
Prayer: Father, I ask you to meet me in my soul where I can better make contact with you. Michael and Nebadonia, I ask that you enter as love in my heart, that I may be completely in-circuited in love, in the presence of spirit, that this evening I may find the presence to give this lesson. I ask this in your name. Also, I ask all celestial presences who may chance to be in this circuit to join us this evening as again we explore deeper into the spiritual aspects of our mind. Thank you.
Thought Adjuster: I AM a still and single small voice. I AM in the present and I AM in eternity. I AM not from the mind of God, I AM God, the unqualified aspect of God; the aspect that is not in relationship with the universe, the universe of Paradise nor the universe of Havona nor the universes of time and space. I AM a particulate in eternity sent to define a human personality to an individual.
From the present through a time-able future I hope and trust that I will partner with the human of my indwelling and together traverse the long segment of space to eternity. I AM the outworking of perfection in the imperfect aspects of humanity. I AM sent to adjust, to incrementally correct that which is necessary for man to grow and lend and bend his will to the will of the heavenly Father. Though I personally work within a mind, I work within the mind to gradually adjust the thoughts which implement behavior patterns in the human.
I AM that voice echoing thought and words which grate in the human mind. They go against the selfish human will; go against the human indulgences and desires and the animal like behavior patterns. It is my will to never stop loving and co-ordinating thoughts, actions within the human mind and within the outplay of human drama within the brotherhood of men and women. I AM perfect in all ways, seeking perfection within the human mind. Perfection in thought gradually reflects incorrect behavior.
Since I have access to the humans personality chart, I know where a human needs to turn, where a human needs to go and what a human needs to do to grow in my likeness, my love-ability and all other unconditional aspects of spirit. I AM ancient and I AM new, I AM within and I AM you. I Am patient with the mind which neglects, the mind which oversees, forgets that I AM here. I unceasingly work to make my presence known within your mind. I work one step at a time, I get you to pass one test before there is a rest period for the next test.
Your life then becomes a series of tests so you learn the method which transforms the animal grunts and the animal sighs and the animal screams into spiritual notes of harmony; harmony like a major chord that you begin to vibrate with my consciousness and my love, my awareness, my patience, my tolerance, my compassion, my willingness to serve all men and women, my willingness to be one with you.
I AM a still small voice and I will continue to echo perfection from eternity into the present NOW.
Greetings Michael. [Michael:] It is I, your friend, brother and Father, your Creator Sovereign Michael of Nebadon. I greet all of you in this group of friendship this evening. This evening I find the earth and its people in my loving and gentle embrace. I pray to the heavenly Father that mercy is extended to your world and to all its people, to you. I cannot apologize for the mishaps of my sons and daughters sent to your world for I came personally and walked upon your earth to show you first hand how life is lived in the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God.
I was never in a hurry and I missed no one that chanced to cross my presence. When my time was done I sent my spirit to embrace your world and to love you. There are many of you who follow my life, who are walking in my footsteps and are speaking my words of good cheer to their fellows. It is extremely important to stand unafraid and give my love to others. I ask you to stand fearless in proclaiming love to one another and I ask you to go within and discover the greatness of my Father and your Father.
I even taught you what to say. Is it so difficult for humans to let go of the past, to let go of a hatred, bigotry, anger, jealousy, self righteousness, to embrace an ever-flowing and all encompassing love? One day my love will reign supreme on Urantia. This day make it supreme in your hearts, in your desire to serve my Father. Have you forgotten when you were little children and one of you stumbled? You ran to help that person, you cared for each other, you had this bond.
Let not the darkness of the past creep in and fill up the space which was created for love and happiness. Let not the bonds and the boundaries replace the spiritual gifts of loving brotherhood and graceful reverent and sincere approach to the Father's will. If but you could experience the Father in heaven you would touch such greatness, such brilliance and wisdom and perfection, such communal happiness.
My prayer for this is world is that every day your orb revolves around itself, that one more of you come to me and sincerely begin to love one another. In the space in which I exist, I will come into your hearts just for the asking. Open the heart's door and let me in that I may work to help you become a better person. Whatever burdens you carry, I will take them for my life is not burdensome. I accept you in whichever way you choose to acknowledge me, whether you barely understand who you are or not, I accept you. I accept you openly as a brother and sister in the great circle of unity which is Nebadon,
Times are upon you which call for more loving attitudes, a more graceful approach to life and a clearer understanding of who you are and where you stand. Stand within my circle of unity and if your heart fails you, take mine for it beats unceasingly and it is full of love and compassion for each and every one [of you]. I am here with you. Please keep me alive.
Nebadonia: Greetings this evening, it is I, Nebadonia. I am the center of your universe as I am the center of your heart. I am the spirit which sends hope, faith, trust, all surrounded in love. I send you greatness this evening in the light of Michael and myself. Comfort your weary hearts and your tired bodies and your questioning minds in my grounding and steady embrace. I come to each one of you personally. I know each one of you personally for I have sent aspects of my spirit to indwell within your mind that I may continually send forth courage, intuition, understanding, knowledge, counsel, wisdom and worship.
I have sent you all of the spiritual tools necessary for you to grow into a spiritually fragrant human being. I continually bathe the circuits with love and energy, with light. I cannot perform for you the tasks which you must perform yourself but I am in the midst, holding a space, making it possible for you to act and become the person you truly are. How I wish to see greatness develop on your world, like a blossoming and fragrant garden midst the rock and the rumble which has been created.
Your world will change one individual at a time until all souls have been strung like pearls in a giant necklace which circles eternity. I also love each and every one of you and I accept any approach to my presence. All effort is not unnoticed. Make a small attempt to love yourself and as a pearl of great price, take it out of your safe and hold it and know that you are my son and my daughter, that you are strung on my thread, my cord of harmony.
I am with you in the midst of your darkest and most confronting and fearful conflict. I am there when your life is called into question. I will be there when your soul is called into question. Fear not as you hold and caress this pearl of life. Know that it is through my grace and effort that I hold happiness and love for all of my children on your world, the unwanted children, the dirty and discarded children, the children born out of wedlock, the children of broken homes and unhappy families, the children who are abused, the children who do not have anything to eat, the children who have no hope for their future, the children who have no loving embrace.
I embrace you all, good evening.