2009-04-20-Success in Correcting Time

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Topic: Success in Correcting Time

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am always made to feel welcome and I very much appreciate it. Times have changed from being witness to excited believers to dedicated workers. Dedicated workers will do the tasks of the ministry that are not fun, dirty or boring.


It is interesting to spend years with individuals and see how they are growing in certain directions that will take them more toward the ego or farther from. I can safely say that you, my friends, are farther from the ego and have developed a love for truth that is everlasting and assists you on your way into the next life, the Morontia life.

I am so honored to be able to watch you in your interaction with your fellows trying to promote the view of our Master and the Father. I know that various personalities can be difficult to work with, but I see you each in good balance using detachment and humor, detachment meaning you are not easily hurt by someone’s reaction. I am made glad to see how devoted you are to doing the right thing.

While you know you have your spiritual tasks to complete, you still maintain the material needs. Yes, the material needs can be cumbersome, but in that there are individuals that you work with that are in such need of being acknowledged or praised. A little encouragement brings out the best in individuals and opens the door to their higher power.

As I research the many areas of my students needs, I find that there are a great amount of people who are feeling lost and alone. I find it wonderful to see you make some casual conversation or eye contact to weave these individuals into the fabric of our Correcting Time. As you know by now, it does not take much. A smile or greetings can do a great deal to make somebody feel important, important in a definition that does not put one above others, no, but helps them to feel like they belong.

The human mind is amazing in that each, practically each individual feels like they are going through some solitary experience that nobody else understands. In the recent Easter celebration many minds are turned towards the life of Christ and they can for the most part see the possibilities for themselves. The churches or tradition however would tell them they are not quite worthy of the possibilities and promises Christ offered. Such a shame.

How blessed are we to know that the Lord Jesus is at hand and His Spirit of Truth infiltrates the darkest corners of human living. If anyone understands the plight of mortal living, it is the Master. The Lord has been through everything from loneliness to terrible stress and He is a wonderful guide to talk us down from our ledges and make the best possible salvage from our so-called wrecks.

I can’t express how elated I feel when I see you each caring like you do, so devoted and open to learn. We can find a sure bet in that as we have learned our lessons well, the Master will be forthcoming with another. He longs to have you draw near Him, therefore the more you learn, the closer you are to Him and that is His joy. You have not any idea how He knows you each individually and loves you with complete unconditional love.

I can say with authority that the Master is greatly enthused by the success thus far in the Correcting Time. When you dare to think of your most adventurous game, think of the Master as your partner and totally equipping both of you for the game of a lifetime. This far in our Correcting Time our moves have been slow but sure. Now we are finding we must accelerate our moves, so we are training you for more ministerial maneuvers. It is the hope of our Master that you will be challenged and find the unfolding most interesting.

Some time back we spoke of spiritual gifts. We ask that this week you pay attention to your inward leadings that show you what you are gifted at, as far as the ministry goes. Be practical and filter it through your spiritual eyes. You that are dedicated to this service must maintain good mental health. So we ask that you do self-exercises that facilitate that such as stillness, meditation, creativity, rest, recreation.


That is all for this evening. Mary, as usual, sends her best. We both offer you all the love that we have. Go in peace. Until next week, shalom.