2009-04-27-Support of Friends & Family
Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am so grateful to see your beautiful faces again. Always before we start our lesson I pray: “Father, these are your people. Tell them what you would want them to know.” I always rely on Father for the highest good to come forth when we gather. I feel blessed to know I am not alone or have to rely on my sole wisdom. Every week I give you to the Father and that makes my task of communication easier. I am impressed by your integrity as a group to stay on the side of reality, meaning that you take our words seriously and put them to work in our own lives.
I am MARY. Greetings my brothers and sisters. I am also in appreciation of your honesty concerning your daily lives and the Teaching Mission. I also am grateful to know that Father is at hand during our meetings and always. I see you each as strong and intelligent, always to keep fighting the good fight of faith.
At times, individuals that take pride in their strength will be overwhelmed and life becomes a burden. It is freeing when you can get with your loved ones and explain your stress and have that support from friends and family. Life, by itself, is a great deal to handle. Independence is commendable and yet, when one is too independent life becomes to be a burden and hopelessness sets in and perhaps apathy.
I know when I worked with Jesus I was given various tasked to go and help the sick and afflicted. I had a lot of difficulties because I had not done such work before. For some reason my pride would not allow me to admit my difficulties. I felt I would be seen as weak or defeated. Finally the stress became to be too much and I believed that I could not be of any help in the Master’s ministry.
One day I just broke down and told my friends, my sisters in the ministry, that I felt overwhelmed and was not cut out for such work. I had told them I wish to quit and go back into my life of solitude. Just speaking to my sisters, I felt unburdened and of course, they had wonderful suggestions that could help me dissect my problems to be workable. My friends showed me to take small steps on various problems that I had and worry not about the success or failure of my endeavor. Think about compassion for your work and who you are helping and most importantly, how the Master would handle such difficulties.
I learned from that point that to have friends and family, a support system, is important just to be able to talk to individuals and also receive feedback of various solutions. You can see even in your own group here how helpful it is to free yourself of the mindal burdens to receive some sort of wisdom and at the very least, understanding and compassion.
This week I am speaking about reconnecting with your loved ones with a spiritual attitude. Be not afraid to be your true self. I realize that for some of you trust in others is difficult and it seems you would be opening yourself to receive hurt or rejection, but I can say those that love you will be of service and support. You cannot live in the shadows and hold your burdens for long. A person always can talk issues out with their loved ones and also be there for those who want to talk. This is the strength of the Teaching Mission—a large support system in itself.
You always have your Father, Christ and various helpers. You know that, but being mortal, it is refreshing to talk to someone face to face and feel that true friendship and brotherhood. This week, spend time with those who know you best and allow yourself to be known. Worry not. That is all for this evening. Abraham and I are due elsewhere, but we are both with great love for each one of you. Until next time go in peace, shalom.