2009-05-04-Without the Father I Am Nothing
Topic: Without Father, I am Nothing
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I thank you for your warm welcome each week. I am amazed that the more time we have spent together, the more love I have for you. I can truly say that you are not the same people you have always been. I see there has been growth in character and mind, resolving of personal issues, acceptance of the reality of our Mission and plain courage. I know you each have a story that has put your integrity on the line and you have chosen Father. I am honored to be in a room with such individuals. We can think back to a time when the spiritual life was not a priority, were not guidelines for daily living, no.
Personally, I can look back at my life in the flesh and see my skewed priorities as a man with no God. I could say truthfully that I was more animal who lived for my own self-satisfaction. I chased those ideas that filled my need for ego happiness. When I became to believe in the presence of our Father, I knew at that moment I had released my life as a mere animal. Believe me, it was difficult because I had dreams that I wanted to see come true through my own hard work, of course. Being reborn as a child of the One God, my priorities changed and I let go of my personal dreams. It was that important to me to start over my life as a spiritual creature. I can say those dreams I had strived for did not go by the wayside, but were transformed and made better. Father showed me soul satisfaction to be everlasting and adding to my growth as a child of God.
I believe one of the most important lessons I learned as a mortal was that without the Father I am nothing. I am loose and lost energy. Without Father I do not know love, how to give it or how to receive it. As a human in the everyday world without any sort of spiritual knowledge, I had no real fulfillment. I had lived a life of fear, thinking there would never be any real satisfaction, happiness, sense of belonging and/or love.
As we look out over the world we can measure the acceptance of faith by acts of love in communities and we do see many communities without God, without priorities, without care for the Brotherhood. Ponder upon moments in your own experiences, days or moments without Father. Where was the meaning? Is it not meaning that brings true soul satisfaction? I say without God, the purpose for striving is lost. Without the Father, I am nothing. I suppose you could say that mortal experience is a lesson in that previous statement.
We are however entirely blessed that the Correcting Time is upon us and we have our human workers, as well as the spiritual, to bring in knowledge that with God there is meaning, purpose and soul-satisfaction to be had. Father is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, no. He is not the great enticer of souls, no. He is a real Father who loves you as you are and longs to have you near him and to be truly happy. With God we can say with authority that I am, I have all things. Truth, beauty and goodness become a regular everyday part of reality. Father is the filter we can use to find real meaning, know joy and love.
You Mission workers do well to plant those seeds of spirituality. It is important that you each stay strong in faith so that you can show your brothers and sisters that there is meaning to behold and soul-satisfaction to be had. Our lesson is short this week, but will keep you busy. You are indeed each a blessing to me, as well as Mary. She sends her love and with that we will give you our farewell. Until next time, shalom