2009-05-10-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is your Spirit Mother who greets you with you! Many hearts are light with gratitude today as millions celebrate Mother’s Day. Yes, it is a time of celebration as my SPIRIT infuses this planet with love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, understanding and peace. I am the SPIRIT who brings the endowments of the CREATOR to your world. I am the presence within your mind that can build your heart in your Creator-Father. I am the LIFE FORCE within you animating your power of SELF. Yes, my children, this is indeed a day to celebrate mothers worldwide as my presence bathes this world in divine radiance.
Notice how women are becoming more vocal in their ideas and in the ways of their workings. A new dynamic is occurring on your world. Look to your inspired sisters to see ME in action. Look to your inspired brothers to see ME in action. Both genders have ME living inside, and those who have their awakened hearts are learning my ways. It is time to allow the MOTHER energies I share with you to overtake your hearts and heal your world. All of your brothers need more of ME. All of your sisters need to be empowered in ME. All of you are learning the ways of LOVE through my heart’s love flowing through you, softening those places of resistance and building new pathways of LIGHT and LIFE.
Motherliness is a new order of life. It is a way of being—a lifestyle—that you and your world urgently needs. Open your hearts to the ways of the MOTHER, children, and find the love you have always wanted all your life.