2009-05-11-Learning to Transmit & Receive
Topic: Learning to Transmit & Receive
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina, Jordan
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am grateful to be with you, my family, my fellow co-workers. It is a blessing to view the Correcting Time in movement, in forward momentum, yes. I can see how you have each made great effort to make personal change to adapt to your roles in the Teaching Mission. I know you have sacrificed and have always strived for the higher road.
I am in understanding of our guest we have this evening—a transmitter/receiver in training. We are excited to see the Teaching Mission and Correcting Time move through the generations of Kingdom believers. If you could view from our perspective you would be filled with great hope and know that all is well. I am honored to have you, Jordan, here this evening and would ask you to feel comfortable in receiving a few words if you are in acceptance. I shall give you a few moments.
(Jordon waited in stillness for awhile, but did not receive any words he was comfortable saying.)
I am MARY. The transmitting /receiving process takes time and patience to grasp. I believe with careful practice you, Jordan, my son, will pick up the words and assist in our Mission.
Our Mission is not a hard one. For the most part we work on our self-corrections and share the good news with trusted fellows. I believe the most difficult part is the self-correction. I understand how seemingly weak the animal mind can be. It is understood that you each seek perfection but I can promise you, you will not reach it in this lifetime and you should not have worry about that. We all stumble and fall from time to time. I believe that every time we have difficulties there is a message for you each.
I know that much of my life I spent in self-loathing because I could not quite live up to the expectations I had for myself as a minister and a child of God. I think that my self-disappointment had restricted my good works in the ministry. I know that I carried useless guilt over my life imperfections and it was with great time and patience that I learned to release this negative feeling and put my mind on something else. Guilt serves no purpose. It is true we all have a conscience and strive to do good, but I can say that self-correction is ongoing and a part of our purpose as a mortal.
I am aware we are taking some time off for the summer, but have not worry that we will not be around, because in this space of time there will be lessons on self-correction and having acceptance for your own imperfections. I do know that many mortals believe they are outside of the Kingdom and feel empty. I know as you go about your ministry, your positive energy that flows from the Father, through you, will aid in drawing individuals into the love and comfort of the Kingdom family.
Our ministry is growing and we are excited and enthusiastic to be a part of the movement. I know that Christ Michael and the Supreme Being are collaborating on further plans for the planet. They want us to know that they are in every detail and knowledge is moving. Think not that your planet is astray. Our superiors are working with us side by side, helping each mortal to feel they are a part of the Kingdom family. They are able to receive God-consciousness.
It is our own self-correction that puts our spiritual concept into a useable action. We always speak of taming the ego and of course, that is a large factor in the process of attaining self-correction. I mean not to say that mortals are born bad or over time become bad, no. I am saying that the integration of spirituality and mortal begins with quieting the wants and allowing the possibilities.
Jordan, my son, you keep practicing and just allow. As for you, my brothers and sisters, we will have questions next week and prepare for our summer break. Know that our hearts are ever widening with love for you. That is all for this evening. From Abraham and myself, we bid you Shalom.