2009-05-19-Your Extensive Contributions
Topic: Your Extensive Contributions
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: George Barnard
George: “It’s good of you to come and visit us Doc. Long time no see.”
Doctor Mendoza: “Good evening my dear friends. It is for me always a pleasure to come visit you in this cozy dwelling. I have been here with you for some time, as I am enjoying a short break from my regular duties, and I must say, you are indeed a wordsmith in the fashion you hit the keyboard. I have known many a skilled sword maker who would temper his steel and pound the metal with less impact (laughter). I jest, of course.
“My thoughts for you for today come with a reminder that there is also a constant turnover, and a regular renewal, besides a growth factor to the number of subscribers to the progress lists. Whereas we, your Midwayers, gather perhaps a million times more information than you do, it is important for the majority of new subscribers for the curriculum to be kept simple, and for you not to run away with yourself and push us too hard. The recent discussion about the dissolution of the human self can somewhat be enlarged upon, and answer some questions that have come your way. It is given to me to do so, and to assure you of the extensive contributions you all can make.
“You mortals are greatly more complex than are we, the Midwayers. It is by your living your lives to the best of your ability that your seed souls mature, becomes more real, and such will stand you in good stead when your time of passing comes along. Your entry ticket to eternal life is ‘held safe’ by your Thought Adjuster, who will return to your new body on Mansonia One. Your mindal information, as far as it deals with spiritual progress, is kept perfectly safe by your Destiny Guardians, for you to continue to carry on from the point where you left off on this earth. But there is more to it. There is much more to human lives.
“There is the Creator Father, who lives your evolutionary life with you and in you. There is the Eternal Son, also, who can and does follow your progress. And not in the least, there is the Mother Spirit, who directly, and through her Guardian Angels, experiences all that you experience. Yet it still goes much further than that.
“In the process of creating and maintaining time and space, the First Source of all that is, is also reproducing the Self in the form of the Supreme God of time in space, the Ultimate God of time in space, and the Absolute God of time in space. And it is in you, all living your lives well, that these evolutionary Deities may gather their personal experiences, and time-space evolvement. There is much more to you than a Thought Adjuster, a soul, a mind, and a new body when you arrive on Mansonia One.
“It is important for you to know that in living your lives you are also making extensive contributions to mighty important Deities. With this, I hope I have clearly explained how boldly these universes are conceived, how well they work and are maintained, and how they run to perfection to benefit all, no matter the temporary chaos and difficulties you experience in your short human lives. Make the best of your contributions.
“This is Doctor Mendoza, saying farewell for now to the lady of the house, and to my human colleague of many years. I thank you both.”
George: “Thank you Doctor Mendoza.”