2009-06-07-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My children, this is your Father Michael. Conflicts between people and belief systems will be around to challenge you for many years to come. What is occurring at this time of planetary change is to help you understand that conflict is innate in the human struggle to attain divinity. When you are in the midst of conflict, focus on me as your center and I will help you through the storm.

Hold fast onto your thoughts of me as you ride this out, and then look back upon the conflict and ask yourselves these questions:

What just happened?

Why did it happen?

What did I do to contribute to the conflict?

What was the other person’s role in the conflict?

What is the spiritual approach to resolution?

Spend time in stillness and allow the Spirit Within you to help sort out the truth so you can find more objectivity in what occurred. This will take time and practice, yet if you can do this, you will find a deeper pool of understanding, compassion, and insight to add to your soul’s growth.

This is a challenging time for humans of this world. You are facing major conflicts in all areas of your life, yet there is resolution and finally peace. Stay anchored in me and I will help you attain the resolution and peace you seek provided you take the necessary measures of self-responsibility to assure yourself growth and insight into any situation that has been painful.