2009-06-08-True Lightworkers
Topic: True Lightworkers
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “Lightworker . . . it is just another name, a prettier name, for ‘a spiritual embryo,’ which is what most of us still are. This is your Teacher Samuel, who numbers himself among those you may call lightworkers – his eternal life (future) long ago secured by sacred promise, his fusion on hold by personal, practical choice and decision.”
George: “Does that personal decision mean that you have disappointed your Fragment of the Creator . . . at least for now?”
Samuel: “Not in the least. In a sense, you may see me as a gambler on a lengthy, winning streak. Will I now take my winnings home? Will I call it a most profitable day, and withdraw from the gambling table, the race track? Meaning, will I in effect now prepare myself for imminent fusion with my Thought Adjuster? Indeed, no, my friend.
“Unlike the gambler, who might well stay for the next race, or join another table, and lose his bank, his house, his shirt, I have nothing to lose. I can only gain, since I have long ago been granted permission to carry on as a Teacher, when the greater part of my earthly life on Panoptia was that of a lone student of many Teachers, most often of the Life Carriers.
“On this world so close to my heart, I am a Lightworker together with you all, not a solitary battler, alone with the microscopes and vials of the genetic engineer. Here I can practice great tolerance for unfairness, enduring hope for better times to come, considerate and compassionate ministry to those who will eventually take note, undying trust in my ultimate successes, lasting peace in the knowledge that I will make a difference on your world, and so, so very much more.
“Here I can do more, so that in time to come I can be more. The true Lightworker acts out of conviction, not out of hatred. He or she radiates with the positive, and does not denounce, takes steps in bravery, not out of despair. The deeds of the true Lightworker are heralded on High, for he acts decisively and remains humble, she projects great power, yet she is loving.
“I am Samuel the Panoptian. Adieu for now.”