2009-06-16-What Type of Mission is This
Topic: What Type of Mission Is This
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Henry Z.
Prayer: Father we are eternally grateful and thankful to be here tonight in your Presence and the presence connected of one spirit connected to you, to Michael, Nebadonia, connected to the spiritual energy and spiritual force of Nebadon and Urantia. Tonight we ask for your blessing and grace on our world and the people who are struggling to live on it. We are embroiled in changing times, in times of transition. Give us the wisdom and courage to move in the direction which we need to move in. Spiritually help turn the human tide of endeavor towards one of spiritual awareness that one day we may as humans truly work in cooperation with the spiritual brotherhood which exists in the universe and for the eventual brotherhood of men and women on Urantia. We ask now for the presence of Monjoronson and any who may assist.
Monjoronson: Greetings this evening, it is I, Monjoronson. Again it is good to be here in this circle of human and spirit questions and answers. As we voice our concerns tonight allow yourself to be aware of a greater spiritual responsibility that mankind has to itself, the responsibility that each man has for each other man and woman on the planet. Begin to acknowledge within what you give voice to in your daily lives. We are ready to begin.
[What type of Magisterial Mission is This?]
Question #1: This first question is being forwarded from an individual from Mexico who hosts Urantia groups and requests the opportunity to ask some questions, some of which have been answered previously. He asks a series of four questions:
- What kind of Mission are you assigned to provide Urantia?
- Will you be incarnated or will you be present on Urantia otherwise?
- Is your mission coordinated with the Father and the emergency constellation commissioners to the government of Urantia, the Council of the 24, Planetary Prince [Machiventa Melchizedek], the primary and secondary midwayers, the seraphic guardians, the Corp of Finality and so on?
- Will you undertake to prevent more confusion on Urantia by coordinating your mission with all these people and agencies?
Monjoronson: Thank you for these questions. The Magisterial Mission as it has become known is the result of a request of Michael of Nebadon to spiritually adjudicate, to call forth what is incorrect on the planet and to assist spiritually in correcting it. This is the general and basic purpose of a Magisterial Mission. As you have so correctly stated, all spirit is coordinated. Spirit always works for one and as one. There are no personal agendas in the spiritual universe. The only agenda is the will of the Father, the same agenda which applies to Urantia. There is no humanly accurate way either to identify the Magisterial Mission, myself Monjoronson, or the rest of the spiritual universe of Nebadon.
The announcement is a spiritual one. There are many such announcements daily and regularly yet this particular announcement you must discern with the wisdom of the soul and the desire of your heart. The Magisterial Mission in no way interferes with either an individual’s spiritual progress or a group’s spiritual progress. The relationship between the Indwelling Divine Presence and the individual is a Supreme relationship. It is respected by all spiritual beings. It is a relationship of the utmost importance. The relationship between a human and the Divine Presence within is just as important as the beauty of the spiritual presence. Both are important and there is choice for both. As spiritual beings we gladly choose to do the Father's will. As a human you must learn to become accustomed to doing the Father's will. Until you become proficient you do not maintain an intimate relationship with Deity. It is this intimate relationship with Deity which announces a humans ability to project a more Godlike presence and love for his fellow men and women.
Even though the Magisterial Mission does not interfere with either the individual or group spiritual efforts, spiritual presence and identity, it does affect the spiritual presence and the spiritual pressure as it is applied from above. One asks, how is such spiritual pressure applied?
And I would have to answer: Spiritual pressure is genuinely applied through awareness within the mind of the human. There are adequate upheavals and situations upon Urantia which aid and help humans to grow more spiritually alert and spiritually aware. There are spiritual circuitries, adjutants within the human mind, which alert themselves most eagerly. Then there is the outright force of spiritual presence on Urantia which foretaste a certain awareness within groups of humans on the planet.
The Magisterial Mission is here for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to help the humans on this planet usher themselves into a resemblance of a civilization in pre-Light and Life times. Considering the mechanical progress which has been achieved on the planet, it speaks of an age which has already worked out a lot of its social ills and uneasiness quite unlike the situation which is present on Urantia today. Though you have gained mechanically, certain attributes within the human mind have also failed in producing the more rarified and refined thoughts . . . which see all men as equal and see God as the Father.
Continue to grow within your study of the Urantia Papers and never be afraid to live life and experience the wonderful pleasure of spiritual awareness that your lives will bring to you. Thank you.
- Spiritual Eyes and Ears
Question #2: You recently stated that you as well as other spirit beings do not have eyes nor ears and only experience us via vibrational frequencies and energy signatures.
- How can you really understand the human condition and struggle if you cannot see and hear our pain?
- Which celestial orders of beings do have eyes that see and ears that hear us as we are in the flesh other than our midway brothers and the Adams?
- Can our Father/Brother Christ Michael see and hear us as He was once a mortal in the flesh, assuming He would never lose this ability having experienced it?
Thank you for your insight.
Monjoronson: There are many spiritual persons and spiritual beings with eyes and ears, especially those that are created closer to the human side of life. Those of us that are created in Paradise have no human quality attributes in a physical sense yet we do have personality attributes that can be understood in a human sense. The gross senses within a human body mimic the tremendous ability which spirit has to sense whereas humans may have 5 physical senses, a being of light has upwards of dozens and dozens of senses to perceive and become aware. It is true that spirit does not correctly understand what it is to be a human. This is why it is important that a Universe Sovereign be one who bestows Himself in the likeness of His created brethren so that this spiritual being may know the breadth and depth of the human element from its agony, its pain and suffering to its joy and ecstasy.
Again as has been stated, all spirit acts as one. It is not necessary that all spirit personalities and spirit beings experience a human experience or know the breadth and depth of the human emotion and drama of life on Urantia because in the oneness of the spiritual universe this has been accounted for in the life of Michael of Nebadon who bestowed Himself as Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia. This concept of senses becomes much more detailed as one progresses in the spiritual sense because to progress spiritually one must become quite sensitive to all things and all of life.
As one progresses spiritually one becomes tremendously sensitive to not only the grossness of reality but to the more finer and minute qualities of life as well, such as to the notion of what something may be before it ever appears to be what is. So in a sense, those that are created nearer to you, the seraphim, the angels as you call them and the midwayers; they are the spiritual eyes and spiritual ears which help speak for you as a race of people. It is sort of sad that you cannot discern what they say because they hold their esteemed colleagues in high regard though they hold their behavior in a matter of question. Thank you.
- Human Sexuality
Question #3: This next question deals with human sexuality and this individual read a transcript that commented on the imbalanced sexuality on our planet and that for men in particular, they reach their peak by age 30 and the decline allows man to pursue an expanded education such as the arts, service outreach, inventions etc. instead of pursuing sex well into the senior years. He states that when you consider the sex crimes worldwide, something is clearly out of balance with our human sexuality.
He asks if you could comment on the health or lack thereof on this topic.
- Can you help us understand what is the right way, the normal way or God's way compared to normal planets?
- Could you help us understand homosexuality, its cause so we can better understand and love our brothers and sisters who are gay?
- Does homosexuality exist on other planets or is it unique to this planet? If it is, how did it happen, what caused it?
Thank you so much for your help on this subject.
Monjoronson: One of the wonderful things about sexuality is that it doesn't apply to the spiritual universe, it only applies to your planet and to planets similar to yours, planets where men and women procreate to create new identities. In that respect, human sexuality is a purely human problem. There is no judgement in a spiritual sense on human sexuality. Sexuality is one of the hard wired components within the human psyche. It is one of the driving forces for mans existence, that man reproduce himself, it was purposefully designed that way.
We are aware of the sexuality situation on Urantia as your comments speak the truth. Much has been distorted on your planet, not only religion, genetics, business, the way that people act, the way that people raise their children but also sexuality has been distorted on your planet. The only ideal is constituted in what is considered the home life, where a child is reared and taught how to become an adult, a functioning adult in a functioning human society. Unfortunately on Urantia, many people are taught to function in a dysfunctional society, in a dysfunctional environment. There is no easy answer yet the religion of Nebadon insures that each of you will be loved, no matter your sexuality, or your color, or your economic status, or your national origin, or your intellectual proclivities. All men and women are to be loved by each other.
You are all forced to work out the human condition on Urantia. My purpose here is not to explain why you have problems; it is to help show you that you as humans need to become responsible in solving your own problems. If the religion of Jesus asks you to love each other then you need to find a way to accept and love each other. You need to find a human way beyond human prejudice in whichever closet your prejudice may lie. This is the condition of being a human being. Spirit cannot solve all of your problems yet you are indwelt with the pure essence of spirit which will forever point the way when the time comes for you to make the supreme decision, when you ask yourself, how will I handle this?
Again, in your humble understanding and need to have a model, humans are equipped with enough ability to create the model that they want. But many of the problems of sexuality on Urantia do not exist just because sexuality has been corrupted over time, but by the narrow and close-mindedness of the people on Urantia toward something which they find extremely confusing and which they seek to control. Herein lies the answer as well as the problem. I respect your eager concern about these issues and about wanting spirit to show you the correct and proper way, yet the correct and proper way does not lie in spirit, it lies within the human condition. It is one of the multiple problems on Urantia which helps you to define who you are and helps to bring spirituality into a real and true sense on Urantia. Until Urantians accept their problems and begin to deal with them in a healthy way, these problems will multiply and continue to plague mankind. Thank you.
- The Memory of Mercy
Question #4: I need a clearer understanding of the Memory of Mercy and what the "mercy credit" is as it pertains to mortal will creatures. What is it and how does it work? Do you use these mercy credits in your work of adjudicating the realm?
Monjoronson: The term mercy credits is a spiritual term which denotes a human’s ability to progress spiritually. What is meant by that statement is that as a human begins to grow spiritually, a human has to begin to follow the leadings of the indwelling Divine Presence to grow spiritually. As one begins to grow spiritually one begins to accrue grace, one begins to accumulate divine mercy. Divine mercy allows us to progress spiritually as we drag and fumble along within our human nature in the humanness of life. God does not berate and belittle us because of humanness, rather the Father extends to those who grow spiritually an acknowledgment, an acknowledgment of grace, in mercy. This is what is known as mercy credits. These are generally acquired through hours of service. I say hours of service in reference that, service becomes something which the human adopts, it becomes a way in which the person operates.
Certainly all humans are children of God. As children of God you are guaranteed spiritual assistance in your growth and development. Therefore mercy is extended before a human even begins to grow yet those who do not grow cannot extend their credits. The credits are extended to growth service in the will of the Father. Thank you.
- The Detached Adjusters of the Caligastia 100
Question #5: [Editor’s Note: We have rephrased the question to adequately reflect the facts about the material staff brought to Urantia to provide the teachings which would eventually lead Urantia to an era of spiritual enlightenment.]
With regard to the Caligastia 100 - the material staff of the Planetary Prince - as citizens of Jerusem who had not yet fused with their Thought Adjusters, and who arrived on Urantia without their Adjusters indwelling them - what did happen with their Adjusters which were detached from them so the human counterpart could serve with Urantia’s Prince?
Were those who did not enter into rebellion reunited with their Adjusters upon return to Jerusem? What is the dispensation with regard to those who sided with Lucifer– for example Nod - are those Adjusters still waiting on Jerusem too?
Monjoronson: Thank you for your interest in the Divine Monitor. Again the greatest awareness is to become aware of the Divine Monitor within. I am not certain of the question you ask as it pertains to others and their Divine Monitors. Since this is an extremely personal issue, I defer comment as to the actions of those others and their Adjusters.
As to the questions of teachers [which is what the Caligastia functioned as on staff], it is in general the practice in the universe for those who are slightly more progressive to teach those who are slightly less progressive, that those slightly above teach those slightly below. There is no reason as a human mind asks it, why certain things are the way they are. In the spiritual universe things just are, there is no reason, things just exist. Teachers come to Urantia and teach. It is not so important that these beings may have to travel 5 trillion light years or come from other sides of the universe. The important thing is that as humans, you have an attempt to learn something of a greater universe of which you are a part of and that it may become helpful to you as a younger brother or sister on Urantia. This is what is important, not trying to figure out where the teachers came from but what do they have to say and are you finding out anything about yourself through what they have to say and are any of you actually attempting to perform to any of the things, any of the teachers have to say. Again, this is what is important.
Many times Urantians are like spoiled children. They want to eat their desert before they have the evening meal. In the spiritual universe, the way it works is that one usually has to earn information, one generally earns information and knowledge through experience, experience living one life ads to the knowingness of another. In all things it is good always to live in the now and to act in the now, to act with the wisdom which you truly have and to seek all the advice which you can gather. Thank you.
- What is the Truth about the Galactic Federation
Question # 6: [Illusion vs. Reality] This individual just finished reading a transcript from you from the Evergreen Colorado group concerning Illusion vs. Reality. Since that transcript was dealing with what is true or real and what is not true or real he has to ask the following questions that beg to be answered.
- Is the Galactic Federation and it's activities on or near our planet a reality or a lie?
- If they are a true reality, are they in fact preparing our world for first contact?
- If they are a lie, why is this information allowed to be spread creating so much hope as many feel and believe the time is ripe for a formal introduction with our brothers and sisters from the stars?
I need to know the truth about the Galactic Federation so that I and others won't be misled. I need to know the truth of what is so and what is not so. Thank you in advance.
Monjoronson: Well, I hate to be the one to tell you the truth but the truth is that all humans should learn to love one another. This was exemplified in the life of Jesus of Nazareth 2000 years ago. It is the one truth that will get you to the next level. If there are beings present on your world that want to help you, allow them to help you. It is not our responsibility to tell you, a human, what is real and what is not real. You are in a cage. It is up to you to learn how to live in the cage and to learn how the cage works, to learn how to open the cage and to learn how to deal with what's on the other side of it.
Again, the spiritual universe is not here to answer all of mans questions. All of mans questions have already been answered. You seek for answers to the work which you refuse to do, therefore begin to love one another as Michael said: "As I have loved you, as the Father loves me, so shall you know that I love you and that the Father certainly loves you also." So many people set up hope that something else other than themselves is going to save them in a way in which no one else can. That is certainly not true. No one can save you except yourself.
There are many extraterrestrial presences on Urantia. There have been many extraterrestrial presences on Urantia for centuries. The whole universe wants to come and see the barbarism which exists on a planet which attempted to kill the Creator Sovereign of the universe. You are a notorious planet. It is not the function of the spiritual universe to become an intergalactic directory for humans. If you believe in the Galactic Federation and if you support the Galactic Federation and communicate with them, so be it. You do not need the okay from the spiritual universe to be friendly to your intergalactic brethren.
Everyone spiritually and in an intergalactic sense who travel to Urantia, already knows who Urantians are. Urantians are the most notorious human beings in the whole universe of Nebadon. You can stop taking yourselves so seriously now. That being said, there are many, many presences who add to the positive spiritualizing effect of Urantia. There are many in the Intergalactic Federation who are appalled by the humans crude use of atomic weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Should you be surprised that you are closely watched. Thank you for this question.
Philip: Thank you Monjoronson for that restatement of the plain and simple truth.
- Chakras
Question #7: In one session you mentioned chakras. Could you please give more details about that? How many do we have and what are their functions? Is there an astral body? What is its purpose and is it distinct from the soul? Is it related to consciousness?
Is it possible to project ones consciousness or perhaps astral body if there is such a thing, to another location in order to visit a distant place or witness a distant scene? If at all possible, are there any dangers?
Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. I am at least able to answer the first part of your question. Chakras are energetic systems within the human body. Half of them are within the human body and half of them are on the exterior of the human body. They are like storehouses. They help to incorporate and transmit energy both as distribution in its functions within the human body. Chakras within the human body are generally responding to glands within the human body which are special organs which secrete hormones. Hormones are important within the human body because hormones help the human body to grow, mature and age gracefully.
Energetically these functions are centered in these energy centers known as chakras. There are also energy centers on the exterior of the body above the human skull which corresponds to the spiritual encircuitment and the adjutant systems of the Mother Spirit. And so in that sense, man can interact in a real sense with the outside world, internalize that action and transmit that experience and that eternal reality into a spiritual counterpart. This is done energetically through the chakra centers.
On Urantia all danger lurks in the shadows and yes, it is possible to transfer yourself mentally. If you intend on transferring yourself in a more total sense, then this is something you need to practice. Thank you.
- Hybrid Technologies
Question #8: Recently you commented on how the new hybrid technologies, hybrid cars will be harmful to our body vehicles. This individual is disturbed because his next car was to be electric. Just when we decide to go "green" and move away from oil to electric vehicles we are told now that even these new cars will be harmful to our bodies.
- He wants to know exactly what is the danger with electric or hybrid cars, what is the short and long term effects of driving one?
- How exactly will hybrid technology harm the body?
- Will if cause birth defects, cancers and heart disease?
- Are the dangers similar to living near power lines?
- If not the electric car, what kind of new car technology is safe?
- How about the hydrogen car technology?
Monjoronson: Walking is safe. I have no further comments.
Philip: Thank you Monjoronson. That concludes our question and answer session for this evening. We would like also to thank our t/r and look forward to our next meeting.