2009-06-22-Life Evaluations by Age
Topic: Life Evaluations by Age
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Our method of communication is a little out of practice so there may be delays. I can’t express how wonderful it is to see your beautiful faces gathered here. The love among you is a growing entity. I have been somewhat involved with your summer experiences. I can see growth and the effort you each make is truly touching. I am inspired by your desire to always do good.
I find it interesting how the various stages of life bring with it certain behaviors, for example: A teenager who wishes to have piercings or tattoos. A person in their twenties may desire to start a family. A person in their thirties concentrates a great deal on material needs. A person in their forties looks back upon their lives and sees what they may have missed. A great deal of the time this stage brings about certain rebellious behaviors. Individuals in their fifties start looking ahead at how their life will continue on, even after retirement. This is somewhat stressful and can bring about depression and/or anger. People in their sixties look back upon their lives to see what accomplishments they may have made. For example, how did their offspring turn out? How may the parent have made mistakes and wished to make amends. Individuals in their seventies start to accept life as it is and hold their hands in the air to let go of those ideals they thought were valuable. The values and meanings are changing when somebody reaches seventy.
I speak on these topics to say that you, as mortals, are supposed to experience these events. You may go down the low path and make mistakes. This will probably happen. With your practicing faith you can climb up out of this hole and reach for the Father’s hand. He would gladly pull you into His safety. I say that mortals will make mistakes and you will rise above and I pray you not to dwell upon the mistakes and not allow guilt to get the better of you. Every day is a new opportunity to do better.
I am MARY. I am with excitement to be with you and share your experiences. I find our break has been valuable in that each individual must make more effort to spend time with God.
I can say that in my mortal experience I did travel down a risky path. My mind was curious and my heart was lonely. I found myself saying “what have I got to lose.” I suppose I felt rebellious and a little self-destructive. We will all make mistakes and perhaps choose a bad road, but I am in agreement with Abraham when he says Father’s hand is outstretched waiting for you to take it, strengthen your faith, open your heart and mind and go onto the path of light.
We really need not look back at the nasty details of our bad choices, but we do need to learn from them. When viewing the two paths of right and dark, which do you suppose would serve you best? Which would show you the meanings and values that help you to advance as a person and as a child of God? If ever you are in that mode of thinking “what have I got to lose,” take caution because there is a great deal of pain that can await. Some issues you may just have to live with.
Abraham and I are here to say that you can always start over. Always start again at ground zero. Always rebuild a new foundation of faith. Many individuals who have made terrible mistakes dwell in guilt and constantly self-punish and really never move from the cycle. Do you know what I am saying? We can learn from our mistakes and move on. Go toward the path of righteousness and feel the forgiveness of a loving Father, who would like to teach you a new and better way.
I do believe that mortals value love more than anything and the purest form of love that grows your soul comes from the Father—the First Source and Center. This love is like a fuel that carries you throughout the day. It improves your skills to cope with events that may beat upon your spirit. Father’s love is a shield that repels those that may try to keep you down. Father’s love is empowerment that keeps you in forward momentum.
I am so honored to speak with you this evening. I have missed you and our gathering. I am in understanding of the need for the break however. It has been helpful. I do believe without our meeting or exercise in faith, such as stillness and reading the Urantia Book, that some of us may tend to move toward that dark side. Without the exercise of faith we forget about Father and His goodness. It is then easy to find ourselves in an empty place, feeling spiritually orphaned. I tell you to reach out because He awaits your touch.
I believe that is all for this evening. I am with growing encouragement for seeing the type of people you are, embracing always truth, beauty and goodness. From Abraham and myself, we send you with our ever-growing love and bid you Shalom.