2009-06-30-Morontia Bodies
Topic: Morontia Bodies, Name Meanings
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Daniel Raphael
- Moderator - Philip
Prayer: We invoke the presence of the Creator here and ask for Its assistance to bring through the light and truth. We call upon our Brother and Father Creator Christ Michael whose presence is here with us always to engage with us in this process. We ask our guides and guardians to assist in this process to help reveal the answers that need to be revealed to the questions that are asked of Monjoronson, the questions from the listeners and readers to Monjoronson. So now we wait.
Question #1: [Morontia Bodies]
This individual would like to know what our loved ones look like invested with the initial morontia body? For example, if he were to see his father who passed away a few years ago, would he see him exactly as he remembers him or would he look completely different in appearance with a totally new face?
He is not making reference to recognizing the personality of loved ones but strictly the morontial appearance, however if you would care to make a comment about the personality as well it would be well received. Thank you.
Monjoronson: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. Thank you for your question. Yes, you would definitely recognize your loved ones on the other side who are in the earliest stages of morontial form. These individuals have the essence of their most powerful and most empowered physical presence that they had during their physical lifetime in the flesh. You would definitely recognize this individual in the early stages as I said. Those who graduate from each early stage into the later stages become less and less recognizable, have less of the energetic form that is familiar to you from the physical form. They become much more of the morontial and those of the higher realms of the morontial state would be unrecognizable to you and would in fact be unable to be seen by yourself until you reach those later stages where you can recognize them. This is an integral part of your ascension plan so that you can relate to the realms nearest to you and aspire to those that are not visible to you.
You would surely recognize within the personality of your beloved individual that which is the heart and essence of the very best of this individual. You would recognize those aspects of their personality which thrilled you while you were in the mortal flesh with them while they were here on this mortal level with you. Those lesser parts that were disgusting or which were unfriendly and abusive would not be present, only the very best of the personality remains. This is why many of the earliest phases of the morontial realm are very childlike in their personality presence. The full element of personality is present but the developmental maturation of that personality is absent until they can learn and acquire the attributes of an evolved and matured personality, those aspirations of the Creator which begin to become imbedded in the personality as the person becomes more Godlike. You will thrill to the very best that your friends and family offer to you and present to you when you arrive on the other side. Thank you.
Question #2: [Name Meanings and Etymology]
The name Michael comes from the Hebrew name [Mikha'el] meaning "who is like God." The name "Elyon" which is seen in transmissions is also derived from the Hebrew and can be interpreted "the highest." I would like to know what the name "Monjoronson" means and what significance if any it has to the person of Monjoronson? Who was the first human to come up with the name "Monjoronson."
Monjoronson: This information that you request has been recorded before. The name Monjoronson is the name that was familiar to the individual who brought this forward in the first transcript, and I refer you to older transcripts. This is the name that was familiar to them and acceptable to them. It is a name that I can accept for the duration of my lifetime as spirit and I am comfortable with that though many in other cultures know me by many other names. Thank you.
Question #3: [Enoch]
From the letter to the Hebrews, Paul writes:
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:5-6
Since Enoch is our best model of fusion, is it possible that a guardian could t/r the events that led to the translation of Enoch? for it says "for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Thank you.
Monjoronson: I wish not to engage this question at this time.
Question #4: [Material Questions]
This questioner respects that you are on a spiritual mission and are directed to answer spiritual questions. You are seeing through larger eyes that span larger time lines. Our material problems are in the present and we desperately need many answers concerning energy. You speak of other brothers that are here to help us, that are maybe one or two steps ahead of us or more.
Would it be more appropriate to be asking our galactic brothers for these answers to questions of zero point energy and questions that are closer to our material existence and then leave the spiritual questions for you?
Monjoronson: There is an injunction against communication from other dimensions, other peoples outside of this world for having direct communication with your world. This has been tried in the past with great failure. There has been no approval of this, it is a matter of galactic policy to refrain from contacting humans directly by outside species. Some of these are in more direct contact with us as we have given directions that this world remain in cultural isolation until an appropriate time when it can sustain itself even under the influence of outside species.
There are some who have been successful in personal communication with outside species though this is a rarity and approval has been withheld for contacting or responding to contact by mortals from your world. Your world is in a delicate place of management. Contact with outside species would be very destructive at this time. Thank you.
Philip: Thank you Monjoronson and we appreciate the efforts of our T/R and that concludes our session.