2009-07-02-Partnership of Thought Adjusters and Humans
Topic: The Partnership of Thought Adjusters and Humans
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Michael
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, we come together at this time with the part of ourselves that is closest to you. We approach you with an attitude of a willing child to accept that which you would bring us. We come to you in trust and in faith that when we seek you in this way we most certainly approach you and find you. We invite you to join with us in this process and to be a part of it with us, to add your contribution to ours so that the two of us may come together to create what you would have us be and do and learn in this time. Divine Parents, our gift to you is our experience and the joy in our experience, the pleasure that we get from this journey that you have designed for us. Please take this from us as our contribution and be with us as we seek you in this process. I extend in complete faith that this is so and that you have heard my petition. Let us make it so together. Thank you.
The Voice: I accept the invitation to join you this evening. I am giving voice to what my associate refers to as his "Inner Voice," in fact I Am only made manifest in this life in connection and cooperation with my mortal associate. This entire process of the coming together of divinity and mortality is dependent, the one upon the other. They are both valid and valued parts of this equation. As a mortal of the realm I understand there is a tendency to see yourself as somehow inferior, lesser or in some way diminished when compared to the divine aspect of yourself or even other individuals who act divinely. You register that there is this distinct difference, the one lofty and noble and true and beautiful and good and the other unknowing, uncertain, full of doubt, sadness and lack of awareness. You register to yourself that you must be lesser and you are coming into this relationship, this relationship of joining with divinity with a sense perhaps of unworthiness.
I am at some pain to attempt to describe to you how this whole relationship between us really works. While you may so readily admire me for I have come from perfection and will return to perfection. You my dear ones have also come from perfection and you will also return to perfection. You are simply having a different experience albeit because of our union, not that different of an experience from your perspective, from your beginning. You will hardly recognize in all your ascension career the few brief years amounting to brief moments that we were not together in your very beginning but since a very young age when you exercised your will to make a conscious value decision I arrived and I have been with you every breath and every moment of your journey since.
It may be hard for you to open your mind to the possibility that you are as cherished in the scheme of things as I Am and that I may in truth admire you greatly for what you are undergoing in your ascension career and all that you do as you grow through this process. You are the ones having to navigate the difficult choices and decisions. I have no difficulty in navigating choices. You are the one who must suffer through the consequences of your erroneous choices and I merely observe as you are the one who appears to suffer. You are the one who must painstakingly take your own steps, some joyful, some painful, some loving, some unkind but all of them necessary for you to even truly know who you are and to know which is the better choice to make.
I Am more or less along for the ride, I have a deep devotion to you and will attend with you all of your trials, tribulations, your successes and joys. I will be faithfully there with you by your side but in the final analysis, the choices that get us where we are going will fall to you. This does not mean that I will not make suggestions for I do as you know I do, make suggestions. I bring you the sense of conviction when you are in a quandary as to which to choose. If you give up the intellectual struggle I Am always there to bring you conviction about which way. I have been with you since your earliest memories and yet I do not speak with my own voice. I only speak with your thought patterns and your personality coming through because you are the part of us which thinks and speaks. Therefore we must rely on your brain, your vocal cords, your thoughts and inclinations to move this process forward.
I am forever patient, you will grow to know that about me, I Am in no hurry. If it takes a million years then that is a million years of gathered experience. That is a possession worthy of bringing to the First Source and Center as our gift. So I will wait, I will suggest, I will tease you occasionally with a thought or an idea and you will ask yourself, did that just come from me? Where did that come from? You will lack complete certainty about the answer to that question because I work so closely with you that I work as you, with you. We are growing to be one in this process, that is our goal together and I will work to that end and you will work to that end and we should make a glorious journey out of our approach to the First Source and Center from which we sprang and to which we will return.
LIke you, I am grateful as well for this chance, this exceedingly rare opportunity that we have both just created. If it were not for us and our intentions and desire coming together, certainly this could not transpire but we have created this avenue of expression between us and I for one join you in gratitude for this display of grace that we witness in this moment.
I would now respectfully withdraw from this microphone and allow this podium for use by others. Thank you.
Michael: I would greet you all as well. I Am Michael and I Am thrilled to avail myself of this opportunity in this moment. I desire nothing more than to be able to contact and commune with my children and so I welcome this opportunity in this moment. I Am your Father for I have created you and your universe but also, I Am your brother. I have walked among you and lived a life as one of you. I Am therefore fully qualified to understand your journey and life as a mortal of this realm. I Am something else to you as well. I Am your friend to be invited in and used to unload and unburden yourself when life becomes difficult. I Am your friend to call to join you when sweetness and beauty are all around you and you wish to share it. I Am your friend who will help you come to grips when you are short of understanding and desire to be filled with the truth.
In these different ways do I know you, each and everyone; as a Father, as a brother, as a companion, even as a friend if you will but invite me in. You are familiar with the statement, "Knock and the door shall be opened." This I have said to all of you, "If you knock at the door of spirit, it shall be opened" even as it is in this moment. But I would now turn this phrase around and I would say: "Will you open the door if I will knock?" Would you welcome me in to your life, to your experience, to your inner domain of self? I have freely offered to open the door for all who will approach me and I suspect that you would do likewise for me and open the door as I knock.
And so I will do this step, I will take this effort to approach you and to knock at your door for admittance into your inner self. Many might feel that their parlor is untidy and unworthy of inviting me in to their room but I assure you I am not concerned with the clutter of your internal domain and if you would like I would even lend a hand and help you clear up some of the unnecessary debris. But you must open the door for even if I knock I would never be so bold as to enter unbidden, rather I will await with everlasting patience for you to open the door in my honor, to accept my invitation to come in and reside with you in your inner abode because I desire to know you as my child, as my brother and as a friend who would invite me in.
Make no mistake that I can choose to do this. You may call me Master and marvel at how powerful you perceive me to be and so, if I say to you this is my desire, this is my wish, will you help me fulfill my wish? Will you help me unfold my desire? I ask you to take part in something which will be, which is only a matter of time in unfolding. If you will join me and if it is your wish as well, for I will force no one, I will drag no one along. I grant complete freedom to all my children, my sisters and brothers, my friends. But I sense most of you hear my tone of sincerity and will hear this calling and respond. If we both want the same thing, we both want to be closer in association and in relationships and so we will both work together towards this purpose and we will indeed manifest this reality.
I wish to bring you first and foremost my sense of peace. There is unlimited grace that we function in and so I desire that you conduct yourselves with a sense of awareness that this is so, a sense of certainty in your security that this is so. Have you not been provided for every moment since your inception until this one. Certainly you will be provided for all that you have need of because you are known and loved and cherished as a member of this great family that we are in. But as great as this family is that we enjoy, there is room to grow closer and to enjoy each others presence even more and so I join you in this petition to grow together in this way and I assure you that with our efforts it will be so.
In the meantime and as we go, know that I am seeking you as you are seeking me. I Am going to knock on your door. Will you listen? Will you hear me? Will you be brave enough to open your life completely enough to let me all the way in. I pray so and I will continue to seek you in all the ways that are available including this very mechanism in this very moment. Please accept this gesture of reaching out as I intend to offer it and know that we are connected, we are working together to this end.
My peace be upon you, my love surround you and provides for all your needs. Trust and have faith in the process and it will be even more enjoyable as it unfolds. I bid you all farewell but I assure you, I Am never far and in fact, I never leave you, farewell.