2009-07-08-Politics and the Women Apostles

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Topic: Politics and the Women Apostles

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Bzutu, Samuel of Panoptia

TR: George Barnard



Bzutu: “It pains me when I find you so often disappointed when looking at the smiling faces of the political leaders of our major countries, their seemingly warm handshakes, and the daggers you know to be hidden under their clothing. You are so very human, and you have such short-term grand expectations of your world. We, the Progress Midwayers, have a much-longer-term view of Homo Sapiensevolution on our beloved, small ‘scoop of dirt in space.’

“We tend to take your sacredpeace-forever-from-this-day resolutions’ with a generous sprinkling of salt, for we are less than impressed with your generally childish tit for tat political moves. However, we have been assured that a time of world wide peace will definitely come. That is what you lightworkers, and we, are working on, although you, as individuals, may not see all that many olive branches being exchanged. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I step aside now.”

Samuel: “This is your Teacher Samuel. The Lucifer rebellion has left a lasting impression upon your genetics. Not only is your world run almost exclusively by males, still now, the gender has missed out on almost half a million years of celestial nurturing that would have in general softened the demeanor of man.

Your Master was not inclined to leave all his work to man. Indeed, he had many female apostles, with Mary Magdalene the leader of those who saw to the vital caring for the many in need. It is in that capacity that she is still involved today -- in teaching, in strengthening those who, at times, are a little feeble, and in encouraging those who, at times, are doubtful, and in helping those who need to grow in their ability to love others, and thereby love the Creator Himself. Here you see that her need to care for others is still a powerful, permanent, and also personal drive, as the personality never dies.


“Nothing in the universes stands still, there is ever progress after times of temporary regress, your races will further evolve, and you will learn to care more . . . in time. This is Samuel. We thank you for making yourselves available in this impromptu fashion, and we look forward to meeting up with you again.”

George: “Amen! Thank you both.”