2009-08-13-The Love of Self and Others
Topic: The Love of Self and Others
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Samuel
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “It is not yet 2000 years in your past when the Creator of this local universe finally gained over the domain He long ago created both total responsibility, as well as full control. It could be said that at Pentecost the Nebadon Michael Son finally acquired a louder, a more often heard, voice.
“Those who led astray so many planets, so many individuals, and caused such great damage with their countless confusing messages, were brushed aside. You all, at that time, received your simple, specific instruction -- to love your Creator Father with all your might, your brothers and sisters as yourself. One might well presume that the putting into practice of these three sets of instructions – yes, three sets, not two -- would always be subject to progress at a uniform rate, but this is hardly the case.
“There will always be, and this from person to person, a difference between how the Creator Father is loved, how much the individual cares for his or her brothers and sisters, and especially to what degree the individual has a love for the self. It is regarding the matter of the person’s self-esteem, and the needed corrections of a faulty, unbalanced self-esteem, or love, acceptance, and image of self, that we ask for your attention today.
“The majority of you suffer from the lasting ‘concern’ of not completely grasping the reality of the life-giving favor done (to) you by the Creator Father of all. Through flaws in your upbringing and education, you hardly equate the joys of life, even life itself, with a duty for thankfulness to the Father. This is a most difficult flaw to correct, although ever patient, the Father waits. Most damaging to the individual psyche in the long term is the discrepancy between the love for all others and that for the self, if the former is greater than the latter.
“A large gap of this kind can be bridged through a point by point evaluation of the self. Could the lack of love for self be caused by the un-forgiveness of self for past wrong deeds or failures? If this were to be the case, the firm resolve to not again either act, or fail in such a way, will help in the restoration of the self-image, the self-esteem. Could the lack of love for self have come about because of regularly being put down by others? Noting one’s good points with pen on paper can often bring surprising awakenings about one’s real values, and so can regular discussions with one-self in front of a mirror.
“Having a great love for others whilst deprived of love for the self is a position of dependency, difficult to maintain. It is a standing of unbalance -- emotional, intellectual, and spiritual -- leaving one vulnerable, no less so than does the undesirable condition of having all love for the self, and none for others.
“Whilst initially little can be done about the way others discern and treat you, all is in your hands when it comes to the way you see and treat yourself. Surprisingly, as you begin to contemplate your real value in a kinder, more charitable way, others will often tend to do so as well. This is your Teacher Samuel. This message is complete, but we may cover this subject again. I thank you my dear students.”