2009-09-01-Ego and Spirit
Topic: Ego and Spirit
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, whenever we venture into spirit we feel as though we're venturing close to you, we are approaching you using this avenue of spirit. When we arrive at this place there is always this sense of gratitude for everything about it, the process and our position in the process. So once again, thank you so much for the creation of all that we set out to do. We find it when we come to you in these times and now we ask once again for your devoted son to be with us and ask that Monjoronson once again share this platform with us. We trust and know that you hear our petition and now we are ready to receive this grace. Thank you.
Monjoronson: Thank you for this warm request, this is Monjoronson and I agree with you that it does feel like a gift of grace to simply come together and commune with spirit and so I echo your sentiment of thanks. I am willing once again to meet you under the conditions of the question and answer session and I invite you to begin at your leisure.
- Paradise
The first question this evening is submitted and says that for all outward appearances this questioner feels weak and limited but on the inside they feel powerful and invincible, eternal and Godlike.
Question #1: Is this an ego illusion or am I really identifying closer and closer with the Divine Spirit within?
Monjoronson: Thank you very much for such a thoughtful question and such an important one because there does need to be made this distinction that you draw of wondering which part of you is being represented at any given time. This is a good and valid source for observation throughout your eternal career, exactly where are you coming from when you are seeing things from your perspective or your vantage point, your point of view. I can unequivocally assure you that if you are tuning into frequencies that feel Godlike and peaceful and eternal and secure, then you are genuinely experiencing the spiritual reality that your soul is looking to identify with and when it registers that it has found it, it locks on to those frequencies of truth, of beauty and of goodness.
And so I wish to bring you some sense of security that when you have direct experience of such traits as these you may be assured that you are accessing your Divine Component, that you are experiencing this with your Spiritual Self and that this is truly the most real encounter you may ever have. Things that are of spiritual import and of genuine goodness endure forever. They are part of your treasure trove that you collect and accumulate and bring with you on your return trip to the Father.
You mention the common term, the ego, and you mention a concern that something having to do with your ego may possibly or even necessarily lead you away from what is sensed as goodness or beauty or truth. What I would gently offer to modify that perception, because what you refer to as your ego is more accurately termed your driving force. You have personality but personality may need a driving force before it is expressed and there is this force you refer to as the ego, because this force may be used for any purpose, to pursue goodness and beauty or to pursue those things which are not. Therefore you have witnessed ego travel in both directions. It makes good people very very good and it makes people with ill intentions very extreme. It is the same driving force in either direction.
Your personality and your free will is what chooses the direction of this implementing of the driving force you call ego and so it may well be considered your most valuable tool and asset and should not be considered as faulty or shunned in any way. It is an aspect of you, a valuable component and like other valuable components of your being it may need to be brought under your control more mindfully and more successfully. It is no different than many other tools, you must choose how to use it, how much to use it, when not to use it, when to watch out for its influence and when to ask for and accept its influence when you need the courage to go on, the strength to pursue, the drive to move forward. These are what you get from that aspect, that driving force that may be used to propel the creative aspects of the personality and express them out in time and space.
I hope a perspective such as this will help you to make friends with all your distinct and different and valuable components or aspects of yourself because they would not be part of you if they were not intended as part of the divine plan. You must figure that all parts work for the eventual good of the whole and that you would not be given such a thing as an ego if you did not need at times a driving force to propel you in your desires. So it is not to overcome or disregard, it is to accept the partnership and work with the aspects for its strength and be mindful of its limitations.
Thank you very much for this question because it is an extremely important distinction and illustration to draw. This teasing out of the different parts of yourself may be useful in terms of structuring your awareness and understanding and I hope that my dialog has brought you a better understanding of the need to work together with all the aspects of the self and not be at odds with any of the parts of human nature. People even tend to scorn their animal side and wish that they did not have an animal component to their being and yet this is a cherished part of your growth and development only to be experienced here and now in this remote existence of time and space. Thank you for the question.
- Cosmic Mind
Preamble: The next questioner once had an experience where their mind made contact with what seemed to be a steam of thoughts and in that brief instance, all answers to everything seemed to flow inside their mind all at once.
Question #2: Was this contact with the cosmic mind?
Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. As you explore your spiritual dimension further and further you run into different frequencies, different channels if you will, different spaces and when you experience this shift it is quite an encounter with the shifting of dimensions that you are capable of as a being. Most of the time this shifting is very subtle or misunderstood but from time to time there are radical experiences which provide a rather jarring sense of having shifted gears and been transformed from one reality into another.
This phenomenon you heard of can actually be achieved in a number of ways because there are a number of circuits, a number of pathways, of routes that you could take to achieve this sense of connection. Your "cosmic consciousness" is not a bad phrase, neither is collective conscience or the mind circuit or the Adjuster circuit or the direct circuit that each individual has with their own inner Indwelling Fragment from the Father. Any number of these methods or modes or avenues may be used to get to this place of oneness and awareness and all of these places are connected as the assumption of oneness would declare and so in accessing any one of them you are in access to all of them. You may use any number of routes to arrive at this place and receive this flush of connection.
Truly that is what it is, just being firmly plugged in and connected, and when you are there is this great exchange of everything and it is a profound experience and remains a profound experience even with quite a bit of exposure to it. But on this world it is a rather rare occurrence and so it is even more profound for the individual. But trust that this is a friendly universe and that you are receiving what it is you need from the universe, from your Divine Parents who are constantly ministering to you and accept what life would bring you in support of your life experience and your individual journey. Welcome these aha moments for the pinnacle that they represent, points of achievement that you can stand on for future reference for all of your days. Thank you for this question.
Question #3: The second part of this question is: Is the human mind able to withstand this enormous stream of information?
Monjoronson: Thank you for the question. The question I really perceive is: Can a pint ever really hold a quart? Of course the answer is always no, but the question illustrates another important aspect of being that is worthy of discussion and distinction. We have discussed your personality, your ego, your higher self that resonates with Godlike frequencies. There is as well this great tool and resource you have of your mind. Being able to share and store vast amounts of information is highly useful to you to assemble all the components into a philosophy that you can build on and proceed forward with. This mind, as this question illustrates, is only able to process and store a certain amount of information and there is always present the danger of information overload.
Therefore do you witness in the evolution of you and your fellows that there are necessary stages of evolution which occur in which great progress is made in attaining and gaining and storing and then there is a period to process and assimilate and come to terms with all that you have brought in in terms of information. Then once you feel as though you have gotten your mind wrapped around the current reality, you may become willing to venture out again and reach for new information and attempt to bring that in and assimilate it and see how it might change and alter. In this process there is growth and you build upon previous knowledge with new knowledge and there is distinct accumulation and accomplishment. This is another one of your wonderful gifts of grace, is this mind that your Mother has given you and which functions so beautifully for this purpose.
But this question illustrates that there is much that the mind necessarily does not know at any given point in time and space. There must always be the continual allowance for gaining new truths and experiencing new beauty and in this process you can literally assemble concepts upon each other and arrive at a certain philosophical equation of what you consider truth to be. But we have just referred to the other elements that are onboard. That is just one of your tools. If you only allowed yourself the use of that tool and everything was conditioned by the use of that one tool, you might not ever reach out and experience with your spiritual self, knowing truth, beauty and goodness with a spiritual knowing. If you were a creative personality and had wonderful artistic expressions that were yours as a part of this gift of grace, you might welcome the advent of a driving force to help you bring those gifts of grace forward by harnessing their abilities and strengths.
So there are many tools that are being used side by side simultaneously and all may be brought into balance for your overall wellness. It is not that any one of them should reign supreme. Many think that even the needs of the body may override and take over and if you are stricken ill, that could be truth for you. You body being challenged might very well dominate and take all available resources. It is just one of your aspects of your being, there are all these others we have talked on and discussed. I hope this discussion illustrates the importance of multi-tasking with all these different parts of your being and to enjoy the contrast that they provide you. They are a way to look at your world from all these different vantage points. There are ways to experience in all these different avenues. So explore and enjoy your multi-dimensions, you incredible beings in time and space with all the gifts of a universe at your disposal. What will you make of all this grace? What will you do with all these resources which are so freely given to you?
Thank you so much for presenting questions. I hope this discussion tonight has shed some light into dark corners of understanding. If there is nothing further, then I would draw this meeting to a close.
Mary: Thank you Monjoronson, we appreciate your being here tonight.