2009-11-04-Monjoronson Q & A Session 73
Topic: Monjoronson Q & A Session
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Jonathan
Monjoronson (Jonathan TR): We join together in the fullness of love. We foresee an era of acceptance and peace. It is our duty but more so our goal to bring about this stability and tranquility on the worlds throughout Nebadon. As your Magisterial Son I am here to bring about on this world these goals of Light and Life. I welcome your questions; I am ready to address them at any point.
- The Duality of Our Nature
Philip: Thank you for being here. The first question is on the subject of duality: Preamble: At times I observe two aspects of myself. In one aspect there is a dictator who wants to subdue people. The other aspect is a man in the image of Jesus. Although I have made the solemn choice to serve all beings in accordance with the will of the Father, the "image of the beast" still persists.
Question #1: I would like to know why?
Monjoronson: Simply I would state that this duality that is experienced by the personality is really only a balancing measure at any level of growth. By this I mean that as you reach a certain level of your spiritual progression you will notice discrepancies and you will notice advantages. These discrepancies will always appear to be a negative draw. At an earlier level you would have seen such negative effects upon your current standing as an advantage, something to reach for. These counterbalances are effective in guiding you into higher perspectives.
You will always find a counterbalancing, corrective, and adjusting solution that factors into these other perspectives. The perspective to take upon all these observations is that you will always notice where to proceed and what is hindering or conflicting with progress. No matter your orientation on the scale of progression there will always be that push forward and that pull back. So you don't need to be too concerned over the specifics of what is pulling back and what is pushing forward. The important point is to be engaged and discerning and choosing at your current point of progression so that you can move forward and no doubt engage again in what is helping you advance and what is holding you back.
What is your next question?
Philip: Thank you. Our next topic is lucidity and dementia in the aged. The final three questions are on that topic.
- Dementia
Preamble: The problems in providing health care for the aged continue to challenge us. As our population ages, we foresee a drastic increase in our struggle to meet their needs. What is particularly troubling is the management and care for those who experience inconsistencies in mental lucidity.
I understand some dementia is due to environmental and genetic factors as well as the lack of proper physical care of one's body. We have been told that when an individual loses mental lucidity that their Thought Adjusters hold all previous relevant lucid mind records on their behalf. Beyond these factors, I submit the following question:
Question #2: Is there a reason in the design of aging and dying for dementia to take place? If so, why?
Monjoronson: What you are witnessing is the finite time span of the human vehicle. There becomes an increasing limitation upon the consciousness of the soul in expressing itself in the human dimension.
You have perhaps begun to glimpse a morontia sensibility and can perceive from a transcendental perspective significance in what you do in your life. There is in the human condition a tendency to perceive the soul in a human and earthly manner, and when the mind, the brain, and the physical structure break down, the individual is seen as less engaged, decrepit. Often what is transpiring is that the consciousness is shifting to a morontia viewpoint, and the body becomes less an element to be regarded in much weight or value. This is not recognized in your current society. It may have been observed in other times and that individual regarded as a sage but today is more noticed as a disparity or a deficiency in the ability of the human to function.
The longevity of these effects are short as regards the career of any mortal. These are conditions you must bear with as you are advancing from the physical to the morontia realms.
I hope this addresses your considerations.
Philip: Thank you. That is very consoling. We have two more questions in this area as follows:
Preamble: Some elderly individuals with bouts of dementia share what seem to be spiritual visions they have experienced. I welcome any insights that would assist us in better serving their needs.
Question #3: Could these [visions] be the result of spiritual contact?
Monjoronson: Indeed, I acknowledge your observation, for these individuals are functioning on a mind level that engages one another and establishes meaning that appears to others to be insensible, dementia-like. So it behooves the medical, psychological community to understand how this level of mind is functioning, not disfunctioning, and to better adapt to the needs of that populace.
These people are unique, and as society lengthens the life span of the individual you will have people on your world who are entering into a new level of consciousness and are functioning on a level of awareness that transcends what you know now. In that process you will redefine what you ordinarily perceive as disorders in the brain, in the body, and you will redefine those as ordinary levels of advancement in human awareness and what is perceived as important to the human mind.
Let us address the next question.
Question #4: How does spirit minister to those who struggle with inconsistent lucidity?
Monjoronson: With extreme patience. Spirit will wait and wait some more until the human being freely chooses what spirit is offering as the direction to which that soul may grow. As the human being chooses and explores and even falters, spirit will continually offer a path which is of extreme benefit to that human. If the choice does not occur, spirit will wait and wait some more until it does arrive at the point of union.
It is only in the human consciousness that there is levied a sense of right or wrong or a judgment on the appropriate timing of perceiving when a correction should be made. It is only when a human being understands that a correction is to be made that a judgment is applied. But spirit will wait until the time of the choice, and that is the important element, not the rightness or wrongness or the retardedness or advancedness of the choice.
Philip: Thank you, Monjoronson, that is very comforting to hear. Your words parallel your comments on autism, another widely misunderstood supposed defect in some of our population. If there are any other comments you'd like to make, feel free.
- Autism
Monjoronson: What you're coming to understand about autism may be likened to your frequency ranges in your radio and television broadcasts; it's a manner by which you can understand the functioning of mind as it engages on the adjutant levels of the human being. You will continue to slide the hairline division between normal and abnormal as the human race advances, and you will recognize some states as normal that were considered erratic or freakish in the past. As it goes along each of you will adjust to the social consideration and apply yourself as you see fit.
My goal here as your Magisterial Son is not to define for you a way in which to live, but to encourage you to look forward and to apply yourself as a factor of advancement. Your choices are part of the overall balance throughout the world as it grows as a unit. I consider every act on your part that is intended to advance the higher ideals you perceive for the world as an advancement in my plan to bring the world toward Light and Life. Continue to do this, not just for the sake of the Magisterial Mission, but in the principle that it is right.
I appreciate the questions offered to me this evening. I hope that they have been of benefit to those who have asked.
Philip: I am sure they have. We appreciate your counsel and thank you.