2009-11-08-Focus Heart Energy

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Topic: Focus Heart Energy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Thank you, Mother and Father for this gathering today of truth-seekers, warriors in the light of Your love, ready to do our part to help in this massive planetary upliftment effort that you have brought to our beloved world. Thank you for helping us become woven together in the circuitry of our Magisterial Son, Monjoronson, as he prepares to share his words of encouragement and guidance with us, today - for weaving us together in that unity of mind and heart energy, that our energies, our efforts, our thoughts, our desires may be amplified by the various hosts of heaven that converge here to assist us in our human endeavors. And we thank you with full hearts of gratitude for being able to participate and share in these experiences. Thank you . ..

MONJORONSON: Greetings, my brethren. This is Monjoronson.


It gives me great joy to have such stalwart workers, in the fields of Urantia, ready to harvest the souls who are joining in this massive planetary upliftment - effort that has been put in place by Michael and Nebadonia. The evolution of a planet, long mired in rebellion, to the shores of light and life carries with it certain anomalies of spiritual growth and attainment. Much of what is being provided to you falls outside the parameters of what is considered the standard pattern of evolution. And so, as we engage in this correcting time, much of what we are doing here is experimental and it is doubly interesting to note that these energies of healing are all being provided and working in your world as a decimal sphere. Truly, there is no other planet such as Urantia in all of Nebadon, I assure you. You are unique in many ways; and it is, today, in that uniqueness, that I am stepping up some of the spiritual amperage, you might call it, to help your world grow out of these dark legacies and to become more filled and imbued with light.

The patterns of your past history have held such sway in the minds and hearts of the children of this world. There are so many superstitions still existing among the various cultures. You have not reached a level of homogeneity in thought that would enable your world to reach a level of peace and tolerance without super-human help. So, today, let us participate in the furtherance of this idea, bringing in more of that spiritualized presence to help your brothers and sisters recognize that the true way of light and love is a path of oneness, a path of seeking commonalities, instead of focusing on differences, a path of understanding one another, looking for the good, instead of allowing what is of the past to interfere in your interpersonal relationships.

Each one of you still carries the [...dregs?] within your minds and hearts, of separation, dissimilarity. Today’s experience is designed to build more of the unification of oneness on your world, that you may truly drink of this language of blending, bringing more unity as the melodies of Urantia begin to be heard and perceived throughout the universe. So, as you focus on your heart, invite your desire for oneness, for more unity among the peoples of Urantia to grow in your desire. Focus on your own efforts at becoming more unified with your brothers and sisters in this language of oneness. Let us, as your celestial caretakers, help you bring in this energy and. secure it more firmly into the foundation of your planetary consciousness. Focus on this now and we will add these energies into you.....(pause)

Peace cannot come to Urantia until this awareness of unification, of oneness, is more predominant in the minds of the majority of the world's population; and that you are adding your human efforts and attentions to these desires - an energy that we can use to weave together into these other prayers for peace, for oneness, for unity. So, even though your numbers may be small, the energy that you are creating through this intention today, is adding itself into the existing pool of what humanity has created in thought-form - that it may become more manifest in the physical dimension and activate peoples hearts and desires for this further. No matter what degree to which you focus on this during the day, know that it is being added into the stream of consciousness that desires peace, seeks to harmonize with your fellow humans, seeks to understand, to find the commonalities that you share and to even appreciate the differences that you offer to one another. Even within . . . [these differences] there are new truths to be gleaned, new insights to spark their own indwelling Father Fragment to use for your spiritual edification and intellectual growth and furtherance.

Now, in your mind's eye, take a few moments to see this word ONENESS blanket the planet. It's a blanket of light settling into earth to that realm of consciousness, esoteric in nature, esoteric in form, yet real - a very real, living energy formation. Feel your desire for this energy to go deeply, deeply into the earth's crust, that crust of human resistance to new ideas - to change. Feel your desire for this my children and allow this to penetrate those layers of resistance in thought-form on the planet.

And now, in your mind's eye, focus on the word FORGIVENESS as well, pulling into this energetic formation. Most people are simply unaware they are being conditioned by cultural mind-sets that are misaligned with the ways of the universe and the laws of the Father's creation. Allow this energy of forgiveness to settle into this resistant crust of, what you might call, mental earth - that these old energies may be released, transformed, transmuted to something of a higher awareness and more lasting eternal value.

And now, in your mind's eye, envision your world being held in the palm of my hand. As you focus on this, feel your desire for this merciful, compassionate, understanding energy of forgiveness to stroke the earth gently, gently in those places where there still is so much anger and war. My hand strokes the minds and hearts of people in the Middle East - in the region of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan - moving eastward over into India, China and Tibet - up and down the coast of Asia to the peninsula of Southeast Asia and to the islands of the Philippines and Indonesia - coming around to the southern tip of the continent of Africa, slowly moving its way up toward the vastness of this continent that has been so plagued with human misery, war, poverty - moving up the continent and the middle section to the northern section - crossing its way over the Mediterranean Sea into eastern Europe and Russia - crossing over into western Europe - crossing the expanse of the Atlantic over into Canada, the US, to Mexico and Central America - going into the southern continent. And let the world be covered in my presence, my love, my mercy.

The effort that you take each day to pray for the healing of your world will add into the thought-forms that you create and that have been created as if more water is being added into this pool; and the pool expands each time you focus on it. So, I encourage you to water this pool each and every day. And I encourage those of you who are in relationships with like-minded and like-hearted people to add their own thought-drops into this pool - their heart-drops of feeling. This matrix of living love that you are creating is extending everywhere and it is creating change. bringing all true souls, awakening numerous hearts and minds, to the truth. I thank you for your efforts in the ways that you have chosen to participate and as this language of oneness, desire for peace, for the unity of the human race to grow deeper on Urantia, know that you have helped in this effort - that each time you think of this your helping your world heal and inaugurate the era of light and life a little more each day.

We will spend the next few moments worshiping the Father in Paradise, in Whose Being we all have life. Let's worship together as one body, one heart, and . . . [unite] ourselves in the divine presence of our Paradise Creator. My beautiful brethren of light, I thank you for your helpfulness, today. I thank you for your continued faith as you participate in this adventure of change on Urantia. Truly, it is by your faith actions that all of what we make available to you becomes possible. It is this interchange of human willingness that brings in this divine help and the divine will that seeks to unify with the human heart - ever-growing, ever-advancing, ever-inviting the ways of love, to manifest, deep within the earth, who brought all living creatures, thereupon.

Love your earth each and every day. Love your lives. For truly, this is such a gift that you have been given. And know that changes that you are helping to bring will really liberate your brothers and sisters; and add to your increasing capacity for joy and fulfillment. I will leave you now. I will be with you again at another occasion such as this.


In closing, I would remind you to remember to feed this pool, your heart and mind ever growing more enmeshed with what is being created here on Urantia through Michael's love and sweet Nebadonia's actions. Be in Their peace my beautiful friends of light, brothers and sisters. You all have my deepest devotion and love.


Transcribed from Audio by T. Jerrow from a teleconference