2009-11-08-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Constancy in the Random Soup
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Machiventa, Nebadonia, Monjoronson
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
Prayer: Divine Parents, thank you so much for this world which is such a study in contrasts. What a glorious experience this is to witness the diversity that is possible on such a planet as this. Help us to find you present in all things that we observe and witness in this life for we know they would not, could not exist if they did not spring from you, our Creators. So help us to look for the element that is you within everything and everyone we see. Help us to be patient and tolerant with those who believe so differently than we do. We are all just young students trying our best with the sense that we have but in our uncertainty, let us always lean heavily on the security we feel in knowing you and approaching you in our lives. This provides us with our stability, our security and our bearings with which we can then look out and observe this wonderful garden of contrasts before us. Thank you.
Michael: Greetings to my beloved children, I am Michael. I welcome the opportunity to join in your circle of understanding this morning. There have been many good threads of thought that may be utilized to further understanding this morning and I will play with a couple of them.
There is this whole idea that has been observed and batted around in your discussion of the different takes or perception on truth and whether truth is a relative phenomenon while on this world of contrasts. Certainly from your perspective I can see when you look out on all the diversity that surrounds you and come to the conclusion that life was so diverse that it almost could be random. There almost could be this great element of chance involved where the 'soup' was being stirred and everything is in play and therefore there are no real constants in such an environment as this.
I grant you that from your perspective, everything does appear in motion and unsettled and certainly there is an uncertainty about how it will settle out and what is the final direction of all this that appears to be swirling about you. I could not fault any of my children while living on such a world in such flux as this for truly doubting that anything was constant and secure and ultimately real as the perception of a mortal of the realm with such limited time might very well draw such conclusions of all that transpires around them.
But to those of my children who are spirit born and who have pursued and therefore earned this additional sense of awareness, they begin to realize that there are certain underlying principles involved; for instance there is a 'soup' on the front burner that is being lovingly stirred by a hand from on high and that the base of this soup is a constant of love, truth, beauty and goodness. The various additives to this soup are certainly acquired in the moment of time and space, if you will, much as my example of so long ago of needing to feed the masses and having at hand but a few loaves and fishes.
On a world such as this it is required that you work with what you have at the time and while you may observe the great many contrasts of all of my children, you do discern that there are underlying universal truths that may be found in every divergent point of view and so it is quite true that all these differences of perception and awareness and conclusion are all pieces to the gigantic mosaic which is under construction on this world. As you leave this world and embark on your career through the mansion worlds and beyond, there becomes more and more a universal acceptance of the basic principles at play and as a result there exists less and less divergence from the all encompassing plan underneath the purpose of your ascension career until having traversed quite a distance down your ascension path there gets to be a universal acceptance of such basic premises as truth, beauty, goodness and love and an eagerness to witness how these universal traits are manifest and made real by the interpretations of the individuals.
So even in this place of beginnings and stark contrasts there are still the truths, the ones of which I spoke which have not changed and which have indeed taken root on this world, even taken root in your own lives and these truths that I spoke of were so many years ago and have been open to such diverse interpretation since then that they have fragmented out into so many belief systems. Nevertheless, they are the core truths and they will survive this test of time and space. Just as importantly as I spoke these truths these thousands of years ago, it is your turn to speak these truths as you interpret them in this time for they are still applicable and will remain applicable for an eternity to come.
So never doubt that these truths and messages will not be lost or overcome by alternate truths or shadow realities because these core truths and principles will dominate the experiential awareness of this planet just as has been the case on so many others. Hold fast to the truths that you believe and share them with all those who are willing and be unconcerned as you observe the wide variety of perception and experiences in your brethren. As you have well stated, there are no accidents in this grand plan and even those who appear to be afar off from certain understandings are not as far as you may think. They are within the flock and those who wander too far astray from the flock, I will go seek them and find them as well.
So fear not that the overall direction of this world is in the direction of pursuit of these underlying principles. It may take some time for us to come together under the basic awareness that this is so but that is no concern of one such as myself for time is only another aspect of the equation which is at this point beyond your comprehension. So to repeat a phrase offered earlier, even though things may appear in such stark contrast or even in turmoil, it is all good, it will be turned to the good and this process of turning it to the good will be made that much easier if you all who are born of the spirit will remind yourselves to be in the spirit in every moment that life is going by you.
This idea of being present is your most powerful tool for navigating all these contrasts and maintaining your spiritual heading. Simply ask to be connected and pursue this with intention and it will be so for it is so easy to let this life go by just as you would watch a movie or read a book, simple passing by of experience, but when you are engaged with your brothers and sisters particularly, each moment is a golden moment. Every moment can be a divine moment if you know and you act as if you know that you are in liaison with not only the mortal who stands before you but with the evolving soul of such a child of God.
See every exchange as this divine opportunity for simply sharing. It is not required that you assume the role of instructor or student or anything in particular but rather the simple act of sharing, sharing acts of kindness, sharing acts of significance in your lives, sharing ideals and desires. This is how reality unfolds, these seemingly insignificant acts may set the stage and form the pattern for what transpires next. But you all are learning this universal principle and are doing extraordinary things with activating it.
I just bring these words of encouragement and these gentle reminders to endorse these thought patterns and promote the ideals that they attempt to portray. The words thank you, my dear ones, simply fall short of expressing my gratitude to you for your earnest efforts at your own personal individual spiritual growth, at your group level of growth where you so dedicatedly learn and teach each other and as well for your efforts at creating this arena where your growth and learning may be compounded and multiplied to include so many of which you have no knowledge of through the use of these recorded messages. It is truly my honor and privilege to work with you and I would leave you all with my fond embrace. Be at peace and go with God, farewell.
Machiventa: Greetings to you all, I am Machiventa honored to receive such an invitation once again to address the students. As one who had the extraordinary experience of incarnating on your world, I can truly relate to your observation of such diverse points of view when it comes to spiritual truths and reality. Remember when I provided my service to your world even before the time of your Master there was such divergence that there was no common understanding of one God. Truly it seemed then as though the fabric of knowledge on this world was becoming unravelled and so it was my privilege and honor to make my personal attempt to bring to this world one simple basic truth; that there was but One Creator, One Divine Source, One who was ultimately responsible and that these erroneous depictions of many gods were but fragmentations of this original truth.
It was an uphill battle because there had been great ideologies built up around the various gods, mostly arising out of peoples perception of natural events. After a generation or two of this it was very well fully engrained in much of the population that this was now truth. There were temples built and celebrations evolved around what were misconceptions of truth and when I arrived it seemed a daunting task to try to get out the message that these trains of thought were inconsistent with the bigger truth.
But, as you will all witness, even the contribution of one who was in the form of man at the time could, if sincerely devoted to the cause, bring about some change in the belief system of a people. My efforts did in fact have enduring qualities and were necessary for the next generation of truth if you will, the coming of Michael as Jesus, to be built upon. So in your despair when you look out today on this world with its seemingly endless diversity of opinion and understanding and awareness, realize it does not take monumental impact to this world to have lasting change, and that diversity is inherent in a world where you are gaining experience and the resulting wisdom by interaction with this diverse environment.
I understand that there may arise concern as to the pace or speed of the spiritual evolution on a world such as this but the bigger picture would clearly put your minds at ease when you are able to discern that out on the playground of first grade there does appear to be chaos quite frequently but there is a method to the program and surely and certainly the rowdy and thoughtless immature individuals grow up and become aware and in the end they finally do get it, get the lessons that life is trying to bring to them. But in the meantime, they are all over the field in every area to be imagined, of thought and experience and perspective.
But all of this is part of the grand plan for having actual experiential awareness of every aspect of mortal material life for those individuals you would judge to be afar off from your understanding of the truth are certainly adding and completing this gigantic mosaic that is a gift to the Supreme. Simply hold fast to your spiritual compass heading and allow that everyone else is where they should be, doing what they should be doing to acquire their experience to enlarge their awareness and to change their perspective as yours is constantly changing with your addition of your spiritual lessons.
It is all good. It may be misunderstood or misinterpreted or misapplied but it is all good and to borrow a phrase, "it just keeps getting better." That is the plan, that is the direction and that is the result of this plan. It is working and it will get better but even as it is, it is a glorious miracle to behold. Thank you for hearing my words today. I appreciate working with you as this project of bringing this world into spiritual enlightenment moves forward. Farewell.
Nebadonia: [Cathy] I am also with you. This is your Mother. I uphold your efforts to share perceptions with others you are in relationship with. I am always available to enhance such encounters between my children. I embrace you in your journey of growth and transformation. In every contact you make with another brother or sister, I and my associates reach out to connect you at deeper levels to enhance your sharing and increase your perceptions of basic shared truth. In this way we will work together to advance the planet towards a cohesive universal concept needed in the creation of Light and Life. It is advancing steadily at even this moment where you all may have a sense of conflict and confusion. All spiritual pressure is increasing exponentially and bringing the inhabitants of Urantia to an understanding of the commonalities in all life. It is a far reaching plan that is progressing satisfactorily. We encourage you to make these sharing contacts at every opportunity knowing that we are there to aid you. We hold you always in our loving care. Bless you my children in all your attempts. These baby steps are rapidly progressing into a larger stride. Soon, we will be learning to dance to a universal tune.
Cathy: I'd like to take a moment to focus on increasing the spiritual pressure on our world and the growth of understanding.
Monjoronson: [Mark] Greeting my friends, I am Monjoronson. I've been asked to make a contribution and I am most willing to do so. Having been honored by the presence of Michael and Machiventa I am humbled to be here with you now. I am the next one to be provided with this extraordinary opportunity to bring further change to a beloved world. I would not be here now if I were not standing on the accomplishments of both Machiventa and Michael and their dedicated efforts to bring truth to this world.
When I reflect on the challenges that were present when these two selfless servants arrived on this world, I am humbled that they were so undaunted by the task. They appeared to eagerly accept the challenge and be about this business of planting truth, planting the seeds of truth that it may sprout for generations, even thousands of years to come. Now I am fortunate enough to arrive on the scene in a whole new age and day on this world. I hear and witness your present day perspective on the challenges to be overcome and the many many apparent obstacles before us in overcoming such obstacles and challenges.
But I arrive with a different view. I see so much potential before us that it literally overshadows all obstacles and challenges that present themselves but I am riding a great wave of spiritual pressure to this world and I have the directed resources of those who came before me in the capacity of service. I have the focus of the universe of universes directed at this cause that I undertake. So knowing all this as I do and being firmly seated in the conviction that such a project with such a plan and such resources surely has no chance of failure, I am here eager to roll up my sleeves and get to work.
I do not mean to belittle your perspective of such change as being of a magnitude that you cannot fully embrace for you are completely entitled to your perspective based upon your life experience, but I call you to witness that even as mortals of the realm you have a certain awareness and knowingness that there are great things afoot and that you are in your lives going to witness monumental shifts and changes. So even you have a sense of security in the outworking of such a vast plan but you lack the individual experience of how such a grand plan would be realized in your lives and on this world.
To those concerns I would say, leave all such details to those in charge of such details, myself, Michael and Machiventa. We are the head staff and administrators of the how and the where and the when. You are merely the players on the field who can sense all the swirling that is going on around you that is creating the soup. Trust that the soup is being stirred by a divine hand, that the ingredients are of pure truth, beauty and goodness and that the eventual final recipe will in fact be of divine ministry and making. Simply play your part. Be ready any moment and every moment to be a conduit for the love, truth, beauty and goodness as you understand them and as you have command of these concepts in your own framework.
Other than that it is all good, it is getting better and it is by the grace of God that you are aware that this is so. Act in your lives as though you are aware that this is so and become that conduit for flavoring the soup with your highest concepts of truth, beauty and goodness. This is your privilege and your honor to do as you are chef assistants as this soup is created. You are at hand and ready to be of service in the construction of this recipe. So be ever attentive to the nod from the chef that something could be added and then be prepared in that moment to add it.
I cherish the opportunity to be in alliance with these great masters and with you in this process. I truly see myself as having the honor of liaison and I will hold true to my charge. I am certain we will both grow quite a bit while involved in this process and such is again, more grace from on high for us all. My friends, it is my pleasure to address you and draw this meeting to a close. Know that you are loved and integral as a part in this evolving plan that is before us and a part of our destiny together. Thank you and have a good week, farewell.