2009-11-27-Monjoronson Q & A Session 76

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Topic: Reflectivity, Time, Attunement

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Henry Z.


  • Moderator: Philip


Prayer: Father we ask to come together in this connection with spirit, vast and infinite space which we inhabit. We ask to connect with you Michael and Nebadonia and the circuitry of Monjoronson.

Monjoronson: Greetings this evening, this is Monjoronson. It is good to be here to bring words of encouragement from the other side and to help in the many curious ventures humans seem to partake. We are ready to begin.


  • Universe Reflectivity:

Preamble: I have heard and read about universe reflectivity in the Urantia Book. I take it that a being can be many light years away and project their thoughts, images, words , etc., to another person or groups of persons far, far, away.

Question #1: With universe reflectivity, when we are able to make use of it, can we connect with another mind on the other side of the universe from ourselves?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. The universe reflectivity phenomenon takes place in a dimensional level not readily accessible to Urantia mortals. The interaction of spirit/teacher and human personalities is probably as close as you will get for many reasons. First, you don't know someone that far away and second, people that you do know that have passed on, you don't need the reflectivity circuit to connect with them. Concerning the reflectivity circuits, they are vast dimensional somewhat multi-media phenomenon in which actual personalities can traverse the circuits as well as audio/visual transmitted phenomenon. There will be much time in your forward adventure to learn and to enjoy the many consuming hours that the reflectivity circuits offer. Thank you for this question.

Question #2: If through reflectivity we are granted a view of another being distant somewhere in the universe from ourselves, does reflectivity allow any interaction between the viewer and he observer?

Monjoronson: When you are in the correct dimensional elements there is the ability to communicate. From your present position, to entertain such phenomenon are mostly of a curious nature, not very much in the spiritual and the fundamental nature to your being on this planet (you are at this time) is concerned with this phenomena at this time. Thank you.

Question #3: Is there more you may share with us about universe reflectivity or clarify for us that is not spoken to in the Urantia Book?

Monjoronson: Reflectivity allows for vast quantities as well as assortments of information to be accessed much like the channels on the receiving components of your electronic equipment yet it is much more interactive and peculiar to the reflectivity circuits; the sea of glass is involved. The ability of the sea of glass to concentrate, to focus and to sense light through tremendous distances is of an order that has no reference on a world as Urantia. The phenomenon lies much in the use of this gigantic crystal and many dimensional activities take place, not necessarily of an entertainment nature, but certainly of an informative nature. Thank you for this question.

  • Time (Bands of Time):

Premise: I have learned that humans live in linear time that is the least flexible of all time frames. I understand that the midwayers live in the next time frame and are able to dart in and out of our time frame. The angels and other celestial beings live in yet other bands of time that are even more flexible than the midwayers time frame.

Question #4: Do we live in a universe where time references are so different in perception [time bands] that even universe geographical locations are undetectable by the instruments in one time band trying to observe them in a far different time band?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. This is certainly not a yes or no answer. Part of the differences between time bands, especially in reference to communication of a visual nature between time bands, takes more rarified instrumentation accounting for certain energetic frequencies that are not yet used on your world. The differences in time encircle each other, the one that you are in now being the smallest and as you go inward they progressively get larger so that when you get to the center the time bands simulate eternity, yet time in eternity. There are physical characteristics associated with certain time-like frequencies. They are not necessarily discernible on other levels yet the mind can transcend these time bands and time frequencies albeit mortals have very little reference for doing such. The work in one time and space is much more important than the interaction of intersecting various time/space layers. Many times, spiritual quantum ideas must be understood in a greater time/space than the finite momentary and fragmented time/space which occupies many mortals. Space is not the last frontier, your mind is. Thank you for this question.

  • Attunement (Better Communications with Our Father Fragments):

Premise: Just recently I believe I had an encounter with my Father Fragment. I felt about five separate surges of energy go through my body accompanied by the words: "I love you my son." I heard this phrase about five different times.

All of us here want to have close communication with our Father Fragment. We know that the closer we get with our Father Fragment the more we will transform and put into practice what we are learning.

Question #5: How do we become close enough with our Father Fragment that we can have direct communication with Him?

Monjoronson: Again, a very good question. The Adjusters, as it is understood would, uniquely and individually within the minds of the mortals they inhabit, certainly the Adjuster seeks acknowledgement yet many times the student is not being aware of what the Adjuster is adjusting. It is much more important to adjust what the Adjuster brings into your consciousness that needs correction to the point to where there is not a tremendous amount of adjustment left. At this point the Adjuster has more trust and more time to communicate directly with you when you have reached the quantum of substance which is within your soul, when you have become as one with the Father.

Yet do not be discouraged, it is always important and necessary to acknowledge spirit, to imagine spirit, to visualize spirit, to become in a sense preoccupied with spirt, spirit's influence and guidance, spirit's stalwart correcting measures, spirit's ever patience, watchfulness and caring for the often-time neglectful student. It is like playing a duet with your Adjuster. Until you have learned to facilitate all of the notes and all of the styles of the instrument you are playing, Your harmony could not possibly match that of the Father. Father's harmony is so sublime. In time you will become as one. When this precipitates that event, an interim period of communication will become established and initiated by the Thought Adjuster. Certainly there are acknowledgements on both sides, the Father acknowledges the human.

There is a particular reason why these Father Fragments are called Thought Adjusters and even Thought Adjusters are a somewhat archaic term yet they cannot adjust your will and they cannot adjust your decision-making capability. All they are able to safely conduct business in, is within the realm of your thought pattern; how you see yourself defining those subtle distinctions between you and the you-you are pretending to be and to bring out the real you as you are becoming. As complicated as the explanation sounds, it is only a reflection of the complication of the Adjuster and the human mind and the human mind gradually perceiving and earning all manners of tests that the human needs to be put through for this method of learning through testing is definitely a sure way to grow. Thank you for this question.

Question #6: What does it change in the human, or grant to the human, to have mind and personality awareness of communicating with the Thought Adjuster directly?

Monjoronson: There is a greater intimacy of acknowledgement in the anticipation, and in the quality of the relationship from the human perspective. [Direct communication] garnishes greater integrity based on this faith-trust of the onetime unfolding of this greater reality. No time spent in the pursuit of even spiritual curiosity is ever wasted, and accumulates and is woven into the fabric of the human soul to strengthen the nature of the new evolving personality. The actual communication involves the negotiation of the final steps taken before becoming one. For example: It may be necessary for the candidate of Adjuster fusion, especially on a planet like Urantia, to have this person postpone fusion to continue to serve in the capacity as liaison and advisor concerning developing spiritual capacities on a world such as your own world.

Much of this territory, from my perspective, is mere speculation. Since I do hail from Paradise, I have a grasp of the breadth and depth of the infinite, eternal and primal Deity. The discovery and unfolding of the Divine Gift within the human mind is for your personal pleasure and understanding, growth, development, and finalizing the patterns of growth, patterns of activity and service. [These are the attributes] which come to complete the personal attention the subject of indwelling has given to the presence and consciousness of the true greatness which is within each and every one of you.

It is always good to anticipate the food at the port you are going. While getting there you must toil with the work and the food which is available to you in the moment. The action of the Thought Adjuster in the human of It's indwelling is not a clever association, it is not an intellectual phenomenon, it is an intimate love of an all knowing and all loving Father for the mortal. The discovery in the vastness and depth of greatness is truly a personal adventure worthy of the time that you have left to spend on Urantia. Thank you for this question.

Philip: Thank you for your responses Monjoronson. We appreciate you being here tonight and if there are any other comments you would care to make we would offer the floor.

Monjoronson: There seem to be, and righteously so, a tremendous concern for the next life, for the spiritual realities, to be more readily available in terms of either information or experience. It is important for the tadpole to be completely satisfied being a tadpole until it transforms to its amphibious nature. The work of man’s spiritualizing the human mind is a tedious and relentless process. It is a process which will forever unfold manifold and multiple levels of association for you. Growth in spirit may be slow yet certain and the difficulty of the Agondonter status relies not so much in what you don't know but in what you truly have to offer. Think about it, you don't have a constant mandate to act. To act you must be motivated from within. This engenders a tremendous capacity to be of a tremendous useful nature to the universe for you know things beyond a certainty of a doubt that even others greater than you only know by taking them for granted.

Sometimes it is necessary to be able to read things to know that what is being presented to you is actually real and not something camouflaged and taken for granted. The realness is your ability to perceive God. It is not necessarily more important to perceive God in certain things and in certain ways as it is to just perceive God. Certainly the Father lies within, but even belief in a universal and primal Deity will eventually bring one to the level of intimate acknowledgement and awareness and association with the eternal primal far distant primal Deity. To be able to discern God within yourself is the ability to see the reality of a situation no matter how it is camouflaged because reality will always be presented as a cause and an action or reaction and it will be observed, and the way in which it is observed is particular to the person observing it. You see what you need to see in all things and many people will see all things in one thing. It is somewhat of a paradox. It is like the water that is carried in all the separate bodies of people on Urantia. They haven't discovered that with their mind, all of this water can become one. Greatness certainly awaits your patience.


Good evening.

Philip: Thank you for your comments this evening Monjoronson and once again we appreciate being here and that concludes our session. I would like to thank our T/R as well.