2009-12-21-Abraham & Mary
Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. I am feeling so blessed for having a Father who takes such good care of us. The events occurring in the world at this time are mostly positive and leading to an ultimate good. Many groups like you form a bedrock that allows others to also stand upon it, learn, grow and also pass along the good news.
It would seem at times the world is in total chaos, which is what the media wants you to believe. Mortals sometimes get hooked on the drama of negativity. I say the mortal that does small things for others does more good than does an entire government. This Correcting Time is about reaching one person at a time. As far as the planet’s status goes, we see more good, positive things happening than that. We have each learned that evolution in itself, can seem heartless, but this is where our lessons are to become better. We can look at the treatment of minorities, for example and knowing the history on how they fought for equality seemed negative, there has been so much good that has evolved from it.
In all our lessons we have these branches that sprout from the main lesson and these are hopefully causing some deep thinking. For example: when women had gone into the workforce, they had to fight for equality and yet, some of the branches that came off of this tree was that children were somewhat neglected, divorce rates became higher and the importance of family was downplayed. These small branches are the social issues we discussed with our fellows to find positive solutions and as I have heard it mentioned, it is likened to a pendulum swinging back and forth, always in search of balance.
I am MARY. Greetings to you, my friends. I am always thankful to hear your opinions on the social issues of today. We see that money seem to take precedence over most anything, but I can say the evolution of this lesson is starting to show the real truth.
I remember a friend growing up that their family had practically nothing. Their home was run down, their clothes were shabby, their food was sparse, but they had no idea they were poor. They had each other. They had the outdoors to have adventures. They had laughter and closeness. They had no idea they were poverty stricken. The father of this family had learned early on of the Master’s teaching and found the joy therein.
Having a relationship to God, the Father, fills one with security and you truly believe an ultimate good will come to pass. Today’s mortals do know the status of money and those who have not feel it in society. Through teaching children the importance of the fruits of the Spirit helps children to understand their joyful countenance walks before them. A relationship with God, the Father, shows that they can feel confident in their school or community.
Abraham’s lesson this evening is most about discussing social issues and how we all have to understand and deal with them. We all have to explore the small branches of the larger issues. It really is exciting times for the planet because new social issues come up every day. There are issues with money, of course, homosexual or straight relationships, drug and alcohol addiction and one not so new, crime and poverty.
I believe you each contribute positive feedback to your fellows, your simple listening to them shows caring and you help your fellows to feel valued. I love how Jesus always asked questions. This helped the turn individuals inward to seek a higher guidance. He brought out the best in them. This holiday season can show the best and worst in mankind. I believe your examples of social kindness will help to spread to others and show the true meanings and values of goodwill.
That is all for this evening. Children, know that Abraham and I are always at hand should you have need. We are always growing in love with you more and more each day. Think not that you are a stranger to us. We do know you. Go in love and peace. Until next time, shalom.