2009-12-24-Lightline TeaM Christmas Message
Topic: Christmas Message
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Michael
Prayer: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit. Greetings! We welcome you with open minds and open, humble hearts. We invite you to come be with us – especially tonight. We thank you for the power that you and our mutual Father have given us: the power of self awareness, the power to create and choose our own destiny, the power to know this dignity of being a free will creature of yours, and even the power to disregard you, to totally ignore you. And so tonight we open our hearts and minds and ask you to help us, help us be self forgetful, help us feel your presence. We love you very much and it is a bit overwhelming to feel your love for us. Thank you for everything. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, my children. This is Michael. Mother and I do wish you a joyous Merry Christmas. This is a special time of year and special time throughout the Local Universe. Yet, my children, Christmas is not about Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism, or Judaism, or Hinduism--just to name a few of so many. Christmas is not even about me, or about my life I lived among you as Jesus. Christmas is about you. Christmas is about your life and all the lives that you know and treasure so dearly. This is the true meaning of Christmas, this thankfulness and love that we can share together, this uniting, this coming together of our souls to rejoice that we are! Here we are -- God’s creations, creatures of His infinite creativity.
Christmas is about you. Christmas is about this spirit of yours, these unique personalities you have, endowed with spirit, endowed with creativity, endowed with this power you mentioned that gives you choice, gives you freedom. For even though Mother Spirit and I call you children -- and in a way you are, truly – the two of us along with our Life Carrier sons, along with the whole development of our Local Universe now these billions of years, all this has gone up into the pattern beings you are, graced and united with God’s pure creation of your personalities. And yet in a way you are not ours at all. You belong to yourselves, yourselves and God.
You have the presence of God right within you, part of you. It is how God experiences life with you, my children, and that creates your soul, and so your soul is counter-parted by this presence that is absolute and infinite. You belong to your selves and to God. It’s his presence within you that was the essence of my teaching as Jesus. This was my religion; this is what I practiced; this is what I gloried and delighted in--my contact, my communication with my Father. And this was my religion. Not the religion about me, but the religion that each of you knows inside – your relationship with God -- for it is this relationship, my children, that gives you yourself, even as your Creator created you – unique and individual.
There is something inside you, part of you that supersedes all ecclesiastical authority of whatever, all social authority, all political authority, even perhaps the coercive authority of your well-meaning, loving friends. This is what gives you freedom. This is what gives you the ability to create and choose and decide and become the co-creator along with the whole rest of the universe, the whole world around you and the people in it, and still you are the co-creator of your own reality. And this could be the basis of the most profound loneliness an individual creature could know, this realization that you are unique.
For all the while you are universally a human being, there is that which is in you known only to you and to God. True enough Mother Spirit and I, Creator Son/Creator Daughter of Nebadon, we too experience you in all fullness: your personality, your spirit, your soul, even as much of your faults you care to share with us; but even we are not God. There is that special relationship of God to each and every one of the personal beings he creates. And so my dear ones, you have the finest company so far yet beyond your imagination, and what you experience in these lives of yours, these lives that you share with each other, it is the presence of God sharing it with you that makes it his own.
God vouchsafes this cosmic reality, this new birth of an eternal soul. This is what I would invite you to share, not only at Christmastime, which does honor my birth among you, but this is what I would invite you to perceive in each other -- feel each other, fully experience each other as spiritual beings, unique beings. For then you can marvel all the more fully that you can relate, you can share so much between you, among you. This is that beautiful co-creation which you and your beloved ones create and sustain in each other. You literally give each other life, even as Mother Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Urantia, gives life to you. This is how you share her, and me, among you.
This is my Spirit of Truth orienting you to an endless, literally endless, discovery of more truth, more individual personal beings, on and on, with your whole universe out there with hundreds of orders of beings to encounter, to cherish, and to make their reality your own. But back here on earth we invite you to cherish and acknowledge each other, even on a busy city sidewalk. Here they come! Every one unique. Every face bearing the full stamp of the human condition. Thrill in this, delight in this uniqueness, my children, and marvel all the more that you can share so much with each other. There is that quality of not only physical and mental but even spiritual recognition … and so glorious, so delightful, so intrinsically joyful.
Let that lively, dancing, spirit tickle you until you can hardly stand it. Forget yourselves. Forget yourselves and fill your souls with another. Forget yourselves and be the helping hand of our Father, reaching out. Reaching out to touch and be touched. Don’t be afraid of this, my children. There is that within you that is imperishable. You need not be afraid to touch and be touched, for this sharing is what truly fills your souls. And to realize each one of you belongs to himself or herself alone, with God. As one of your poets put it so succinctly, to keep it in your mind and not forget, it is not he, nor she, nor them, nor It--that you belong to. This is the essence of holidays and holy days in whatever religion. This joy is to set everything else aside for awhile and get together and laugh and rejoice simply that we are.
It’s a marvel of existence itself that God so beloved all of us that he created us, unique and individual, and able to share His ability to enjoy another and then another. So this Christmas, be gone dull fear! Be gone loneliness! Be gone self-centeredness and worry. Give your poor bedraggled egos a rest. Forget yourselves to be there for another. Let their spirit, let their soul fill yours. This was my religion. This was my glory here. All these people here, all these sons and daughters I came to know, all those I loved and who loved me so dearly. This became as it will for you, that totally irreducible glory of a human life.
Merry Christmas, my dear ones! Each moment let us just step off together, welcoming that enormous unknown our Father lays before us, with hope and the certain assurance of his love, this glorious spiritual light suffusing all of creation we take time out from time to time to acknowledge and enjoy. Mother Spirit sends her love and I bid you: be in my peace.