2010-01-14-Mid-Mind and Soul
Topic: MId-Mind and Soul
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: George Barnard
Dr. Mendoza: “Whilst this discussion has been initiated by me, your healer friend and colleague, Dr. Mendoza, it is Another who will do the honors on my behalf, as has happened more than a few times. At this moment I am required to be elsewhere at my regular task. However, this is my timely message to you, and all those who are preparing themselves to attain worthwhile contact with their Midwayer kin in order to produce personal soul growth.
“The common name used by you for the (during your terrestrial lifetime) aspect of you that survives physical death is ‘the soul.’ Your soul is an evolving, physical reality, a new self, which on rare occasions can exist quite apart from you. In such instances as extreme high fever, coma, inordinate anger or fear, and in instances where we Midwayers may temporarily borrow your soul, it can, or will, leave you, step aside, even permanently depart from those who are grossly evil.
“Except for such rare instances as I mention, your soul occupies your body, precisely, for it is shaped like you, although existing in a time-frame more alike to that of your Midwayer friends. We, Midwayers, refer to your soul as the Mid-mind. It is your soul’s mindedness we prefer to communicate with, providing it has undergone sufficient developmental progress to perceive our communications, for the improved exchange of truth, beauty and goodness.
“Personally I consider this message to be timely, because among you there are some that expect contact with us, your Midwayer kin, whilst you have not yet attempted to improve your soul growth to the point where our communications are clear to you for any length of time, if at all. You may well be in need of more regular stillness meditation. Conversely, there are many of you who have done so, and are taking scant note of clear ‘soul-felt’ information that does in fact satisfactorily come through to you.
(Not even the subject of My devotion here recording My input of this important lesson from one of Urantia’s greatest contributors, Dr. Mendoza, is fully acquainted with the way in which the Midwayers’ minds can adequately connect with the human soul’s mid-mindedness. Such action may well be totally comprehended in extremely rare instances, yet without being fully understood, until such time as thoughts can be seen as always having real physicality.)
Dr. Mendoza: “Thank you my friend for your attentiveness, even when other duties seem to be of greater importance. This is Dr. Mendoza signing off. I send my love and best wishes to all, and may the New Year bring you countless blessings.”
Receiver’s note: Already many months ago I discovered that a lesson may be initiated by one of the Midwayers, whilst soon after ‘Another Voice’ takes over. This is my Thought Adjuster, ever suggesting ‘to give the entire lesson to the Teacher’ – Dr. Mendoza in this instance – ‘for we are all One.’